Opening Ceremony not being in a stadium thoughts

Sean Miller Fan

Lair Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2001

While I think the usual choreographed dance routines that precede the Parade of Nations is overrated, I always do enjoy seeing the athletes walking into the stadium and Bob Costas giving some facts about each country and its athletes. Having these athletes clustered all together on a boat floating down the river so that you could only visibly see a few of them was a massive fail. Hated it.
I'll be honest. I'm surprised anyone wants to host the Olympics. How many cities have to lose money they do not have , before they stop hosting these games.
I saw some of it when I stopped at my mothers on the way home from work and she was watching it. It was shortly before the US boat docked that I got there. I watched for about an hour and 15-20 minutes before I left. The thought that I kept having was that if they had made the ceremony half as long as it was it still would have been twice as long as it should have been.

The funny thing was that I was waiting to see who would lit the flame, but eventually I couldn't take it any more, so I went home. This was when the four non-Frenchmen were riding the boat down the river. Before I left I said to my mother, they are dragging this thing out so long that I'll probably be home in time to see who lights it. It took 15-20 minutes to get home from her house. Mission accomplished.
I’ll give the Paris organizers credit for trying something different, with how long the boat trip took it allowed them to cut away so much that it felt really disjointed, plus all the NBC announcers suck and sounded clueless. The performances were wild and pissed off American right wingers so that’s a win for Paris in my book!
I'll give them credit too for the concept. The renderings of the opening ceremony looked pretty cool, but it fell flat. Disjointed was a great way to describe it and it lacked any crowd energy. Overall, it was flat out boring.
I'll give them credit too for the concept. The renderings of the opening ceremony looked pretty cool, but it fell flat. Disjointed was a great way to describe it and it lacked any crowd energy. Overall, it was flat out boring.
I wonder if the crowds would have been bigger if it wasn’t raining, the final torch run was hampered by the rain too, everyone kind of shuffled along so they wouldn’t wipe out.

Supposedly Los Angeles is going to have the Opening Ceremonies in both the Coliseum and the Rams stadium, things could be just as disjointed with that kind of set up.
Disjointed was a good word. Kids liked the assassins creed thing. It does make one wonder who will light the torch in LA in 28. So many to choose from, but maybe they could do a dream team or end with Magic, the most prominent Laker.
I'll give them credit too for the concept. The renderings of the opening ceremony looked pretty cool, but it fell flat. Disjointed was a great way to describe it and it lacked any crowd energy. Overall, it was flat out boring.

I like the thinking outside the box but the floating down the river thing was just dumb. If they wanted it to be stadium-less, they should have different contingents march near and around the most famous points. Like have 1/3 of the contingents march around Notre Dame, 1/3 march around the Louvre, and 1/3 march around the Arc De Triumpe. I've been to Paris and I dont associate Paris with water so the cruise thing just seemed off. Yes, the Seine goes through the center of Paris but its not a "water" city like maybe Rio or Sydney or others. Just didn't make sense to me.