I'm not sure what this thread even means? Most of the bands listed above have enjoyed some commercial success for their genre. Let me approach it this way. Bands of eras that probably weren't quite as revered as they should have been.
60s - The Kinks - Too smart and cheeky for their time. Really, REALLY excellent band that never fully got its due. Who else in that epoch was writing songs about trannys and "fashion designers" (wink, wink)?
70s - Steely Dan - I have no idea why they aren't as revered as bands like Pink Floyd, Eagles, Led Zepplin, etc.? Phenomenal talents. Don't Take Me Alive = unbelievable song.
80s - The Smiths - Lots of great British bands in this era but the Smiths were the smartest writers and most diverse, IMHO. Morrissey and Marr were the best song writing duo to come out of England since Lennon and McCartney. Morrissey in particular had/has a very dry sense of humor that went over most peoples' heads.
90s - Jane's Addiction - The primary band that transitioned American rock music from 80s glam to what became known as Grunge. For that act alone I consider them to be great American patriots. Perry Farrell may be the best lyricist I've ever heard and he puts on an amazing show - kind of a cross between Dylan and Jagger with some punk themes thrown in, IMHO.
Aughts - I would say Radiohead but I think everyone accepts that they were the cheese so I'll say Interpol - Highly underrated band. I'd also give a nod to the Strokes for kind of rejuvenating modern indie music when they first launched.
Teens - Arctic Monkeys - They are putting together a PHENOMENAL body of work. They are on track to be one of the greats of all-time, IMHO. Whatever People Say I Am Is Exactly What I am Not is one of my all-time favorite albums and I own a zillion of them.