OT: Chelsea


Head Coach
Gold Member
Jul 1, 2001
Santa Monica, CA
After signing what, 350 players over the last two seasons (actually, I added a 0 but it’s still a lot), you would think Todd Buehle might slow down a little since all of those signings have produced no European football and one shining light in Cole Palmer.

But, no! Today, Chelsea signed 4 new players, reportedly is close to signing 2 more, and also still is looking for a striker.

This is just another illustration of what happens when a guy with way too much money decides he wants a championship sports team. Roman Abramovich had way too much money too, but he had a basic understanding of the sport and hired smart people to make the decisions. They built Chelsea around the world’s best defensive midfielder and won. Buehle clearly has zero understanding of the sport and just throws money at it.

I’m sure Barcelona regrets losing Marc Gui for $5 Million. Not because they regret losing him but because his buyout only was $5 Million. For $20 Million, which Buehle undoubtedly would have paid if necessary, there would be dancing at the Camp Nou.