OT: Jim Ferlo strikes again

Are they still planning on following the master plan drawn up by BIG architects? I had serious doubts that would ever fly in Pittsburgh but man would that look cool.

Ferlo (and the URA to an extent) are a joke.
Do not vote for him and get someone better to do his job.

Are URA board members elected?

Not really impressed by that organization given their plans for the Almono site. They were given a golden opportunity and are turning it into another bland mixed-use development.
"The team was supposed to start the 175-unit first phase of the residential development in October. Instead it paid $75,000 to buy another six months, in part because of issues regarding possible site contamination."

I think we can all agree with Ferlo that it would be way better to start building something on a site that might be contaminated rather than do some testing first and figure out how to fix things if it is contaminated before you start building.

Or, rather, we could all agree with that if we were as dumb as Jim Ferlo.
But he has that magic letter besides his name, "D". In monoparty Pittsburgh, that is all that matters. Even within their own party, no one will run against him. He is in power for life. For life.
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He's an absolute clown.

Why don't you address it on the merits. You would never do that because it's not in your DNA to offend the powerful.

Let's be clear: You are a life long, full-on shill for Pitt with history of taking personal pot-shots at anyone critical of Pitt or, in this case the Penguins, neither of whom need your slavering assistance.

You're posts confirm that you are a died-in-the wool lackey and running dog for the powerful,and if you're not on Pitt's or the Penguins payroll, you might as well be

Calling Jimmy Ferlo "an absolute clown" is tantamount to a public confession that you have no knowledge or appreciation of local politics. An openly gay former communist doesn't get repeatedly elected by working class constituents because he's an "absolute clown."

And don't flatter yourself. Being a Dull Floridian who loves nestling in the arms of the powerful hardly makes you "Crazy?"
Why don't you address it on the merits. You would never do that because it's not in your DNA to offend the powerful.

Let's be clear: You are a life long, full-on shill for Pitt with history of taking personal pot-shots at anyone critical of Pitt or, in this case the Penguins, neither of whom need your slavering assistance.

You're posts confirm that you are a died-in-the wool lackey and running dog for the powerful,and if you're not on Pitt's or the Penguins payroll, you might as well be

Calling Jimmy Ferlo "an absolute clown" is tantamount to a public confession that you have no knowledge or appreciation of local politics. An openly gay former communist doesn't get repeatedly elected by working class constituents because he's an "absolute clown."

And don't flatter yourself. Being a Dull Floridian who loves nestling in the arms of the powerful hardly makes you "Crazy?"

Ferlo is a Gay Commie Clown......only elected because he has a D next to his name. That's it. That's all.
Why don't you address it on the merits.

I addressed it on it's merits. The Penguins asked for a delay in part because there is a belief that the site is contaminated and they want to have it tested and if it is contaminate the want the site remediated before they start construction. Ferlo thinks that the Penguins should start building now on a site that may very well be contaminated. It's a moronic position to take, which is no surprise because Ferlo is and always has been a publicity seeking moron.

But please, tell us all why it is that you think they should start building now on a site that may need remediation before testing is complete to see if there is a problem and if there is how big a problem it is. This ought to be good.
Buzz off clown

Why don't you address it on the merits. You would never do that because it's not in your DNA to offend the powerful.

Let's be clear: You are a life long, full-on shill for Pitt with history of taking personal pot-shots at anyone critical of Pitt or, in this case the Penguins, neither of whom need your slavering assistance.

You're posts confirm that you are a died-in-the wool lackey and running dog for the powerful,and if you're not on Pitt's or the Penguins payroll, you might as well be

Calling Jimmy Ferlo "an absolute clown" is tantamount to a public confession that you have no knowledge or appreciation of local politics. An openly gay former communist doesn't get repeatedly elected by working class constituents because he's an "absolute clown."

And don't flatter yourself. Being a Dull Floridian who loves nestling in the arms of the powerful hardly makes you "Crazy?"
Why don't you address it on the merits. You would never do that because it's not in your DNA to offend the powerful.

Let's be clear: You are a life long, full-on shill for Pitt with history of taking personal pot-shots at anyone critical of Pitt or, in this case the Penguins, neither of whom need your slavering assistance.

You're posts confirm that you are a died-in-the wool lackey and running dog for the powerful,and if you're not on Pitt's or the Penguins payroll, you might as well be

Calling Jimmy Ferlo "an absolute clown" is tantamount to a public confession that you have no knowledge or appreciation of local politics. An openly gay former communist doesn't get repeatedly elected by working class constituents because he's an "absolute clown."

And don't flatter yourself. Being a Dull Floridian who loves nestling in the arms of the powerful hardly makes you "Crazy?"

Absolute clown was being generous. Absolute self-serving, disrespectful, media-whore asshat who revels in manipulating any situation for his own political expediency would probably have been more accurate. I've seen him work in person. Even though there have been a few things during his career that I've agreed with his stance on, there is not one person in Western PA politics that I can think of that I respect less, and people that swing from his sack as hard as you get put on ignore.
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A gay communist?

Hot damn there are ways Pittsburgh is still a 1950s short film about the dangers of the Reds...
Absolute clown was being generous. Absolute self-serving, disrespectful, media-whore asshat who revels in manipulating any situation for his own political expediency would probably have been more accurate. I've seen him work in person. Even though there have been a few things during his career that I've agreed with his stance on, there is not one person in Western PA politics that I can think of that I respect less, and people that swing from his sack as hard as you get put on ignore.

Despite all that, he is still a damn handsome man.

In all seriousness I'm amazed that I've been gone from Pittsburgh for 15 years and the same assclowns still are in power. I thought I lived in an area with political corruption, but Pittsburgh is a whole different story. These people seem to think it's their God given right to rule. I've tried explaining the "row offices" to people and they think I'm making it up.
Absolute clown was being generous. Absolute self-serving, disrespectful, media-whore asshat who revels in manipulating any situation for his own political expediency would probably have been more accurate. I've seen him work in person

Lap dog of the Powerful Paco, you make my point.

You want the Pitts and Pens of the world to rub your head and scratch your belly and call you a "good, little boy" for carrying their water, which you do and have done, so well and so obediently, year and year out.

Like the other yapping, snarky would-be comedians who've joined your amen chorus, you can still enjoy sports without blinding yourself to the machinations and political interests of the powerful interests that control them.

For further info take a look at Dave Zirin and the Red Zone some time.
Lap dog of the Powerful Paco, you make my point.

You want the Pitts and Pens of the world to rub your head and scratch your belly and call you a "good, little boy" for carrying their water, which you do and have done, so well and so obediently, year and year out.

Like the other yapping, snarky would-be comedians who've joined your amen chorus, you can still enjoy sports without blinding yourself to the machinations and political interests of the powerful interests that control them.

For further info take a look at Dave Zirin and the Red Zone some time.

I noticed that you didn't answer my question. Not surprising, I suppose, because answering it would either mean that you disagree with Ferlo or that you are an idiot as well. But hey, what the heck, let's try again. Why should the Penguins (or anyone else for that matter) start building now on a site that may need remediation before testing is complete to see if there is a problem and if there is how big a problem it is?
Why don't you address it on the merits. You would never do that because it's not in your DNA to offend the powerful.

Let's be clear: You are a life long, full-on shill for Pitt with history of taking personal pot-shots at anyone critical of Pitt or, in this case the Penguins, neither of whom need your slavering assistance.

You're posts confirm that you are a died-in-the wool lackey and running dog for the powerful,and if you're not on Pitt's or the Penguins payroll, you might as well be

Calling Jimmy Ferlo "an absolute clown" is tantamount to a public confession that you have no knowledge or appreciation of local politics. An openly gay former communist doesn't get repeatedly elected by working class constituents because he's an "absolute clown."

And don't flatter yourself. Being a Dull Floridian who loves nestling in the arms of the powerful hardly makes you "Crazy?"

This might be the dumbest post in lair history which is quite an honor
congrats dog
I noticed that you didn't answer my question. Not surprising, I suppose, because answering it would either mean that you disagree with Ferlo or that you are an idiot as well. But hey, what the heck, let's try again. Why should the Penguins (or anyone else for that matter) start building now on a site that may need remediation before testing is complete to see if there is a problem and if there is how big a problem it is?
That is not the issue here. No one would build on a site before testing it, if there are concerns about it. His point is that the Penquins have had development rights to this sight for several years, and keep pushing things off and delaying. Meanwhile, they are getting income from parking on the site. I do not know the details of their parking arrangement. The bigger question on contamination is why is this just coming to light now, several years after the demolition of the Arena.
Are URA board members elected?

Not really impressed by that organization given their plans for the Almono site. They were given a golden opportunity and are turning it into another bland mixed-use development.
The URA has nothing to do with the ALMONO site. It is owned by 3 local foundations.

I am curious what you would prefer to a mixed-use development.
That is not the issue here. No one would build on a site before testing it, if there are concerns about it. His point is that the Penquins have had development rights to this sight for several years, and keep pushing things off and delaying. Meanwhile, they are getting income from parking on the site. I do not know the details of their parking arrangement. The bigger question on contamination is why is this just coming to light now, several years after the demolition of the Arena.

Well let's not forget that one of the reasons for the delay was the leaders on the Hill, cheered on and helped by Jim Ferlo, did everything they could at the beginning to delay the project until they were guaranteed they were going to get what they felt they "deserved". If people want to complain about the project not moving fast enough, and I have no problem with people complaining about that, let's make sure we put the blame where it belongs.

But of course Jim Ferlo would never do that in a million years, because while he loves him some publicity, that isn't quite the publicity that he's looking for.
Well let's not forget that one of the reasons for the delay was the leaders on the Hill, cheered on and helped by Jim Ferlo, did everything they could at the beginning to delay the project until they were guaranteed they were going to get what they felt they "deserved". If people want to complain about the project not moving fast enough, and I have no problem with people complaining about that, let's make sure we put the blame where it belongs.

But of course Jim Ferlo would never do that in a million years, because while he loves him some publicity, that isn't quite the publicity that he's looking for.
The Pens were given development rights to the site, and since it was publicly owned, they have an obligation to work with the Hill District community. If they did not want to be engaged with that community, they could have declined the offer. Of course the project was not going to begin until those issues were resolved. I am not familiar with all of the details of this project, by any means, but it certainly seems strange that this issue of contamination comes up now, after all the time that has passed since the arena was demolished.