OT Julio Jones loses earring worth $150,000


Dec 4, 2009
Just read that Julio Jones lost an earring worth $150,000. While jet skiing, the earring must have fallen off into a lake. He had divers look for the earring but they came up empty handed.
The only thing I can say is HAHAHAHA

Sorry, It takes me almost 2 years of wages (before taxes) to earn that kind of coin. I really can't feel sorry
Julio Jones said that people used to call him "waffle house" because he was always open.. Hes a beast you can stop with the slander lol
Good for him!
Homeowner's insurance policies typically provide limited coverage for jewelry. Policies generally do not cover jewelry, or gems from jewelry pieces, that are simply lost. Read your homeowner's insurance policy carefully to determine whether your valuables, such as a diamond ring, are adequately insured.

He would have to had a jewelry rider for the value of his valuables.

I doubt he's that smart!
That leaves him with only ... oh, probably dozens of other earrings like it. Plus 30 million in the bank or so. Plus a warehouse of cars. And multiple mansions. Yeah, better pack peanut butter for lunch for the next week.

Still pretty dumb for sure. But put in context, it's probably like you or I losing our sunglasses.

And there are those on the CTE thread wondering why these guys play the game.
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