"upj87, post: 1912314, member: 1518"]
First Joe did NOT run PSU
This is the Big Problem of Confusion, and it is true and at the same time has mixed information that clouds that very issue. Joe by no means ran Penn State but Joe had tremendous Influence, and that is done by seeing older articles proving it.
Joe and Sue-(Alumnus Too) did many things that help make Penn State bigger and better and not just Football. It is a indeed a tragedy, Joe's Focus on Football, Family, and Penn State but got unfocused as he grew older and was taken in by Sandusky's Duplicity, Lying, and Abusing Children by using a Charity for Disadvantage Troubled Children. Much like the Catholic Church when they found out, it was hard to know what to do in the 1950s-2000.
Let Us Be Fair, this was buried Unspeakable Problem often kept off Media just like Spousal Abuse. People who are not pedophiles not only cannot think about it, they never talked about it. I truly believe when Joe first heard it, he had no time to believe it and if he asked Sandusky he would call the Kid a Liar and tell Joe the Kid is Troubled Child Jerry was trying to help and Joe went back to working on making Penn State Football Program a National Power and he did it!
Only after, as Sandusky continued to be successful preying on Troubled Children in the name of helping them, and using The Second Mile (TSM) was as big as the THON is Today. The Penn State Cult Dolts don't acknowledge that TSM was still a deeply related Penn State creation using PSU football to prey on children by one of their own Alumnus and Employees? PSU Fans on BWI get confused on that too!
TSM became part of where PSU Football Players, Former Players, Boosters, Invited Celebrities, Lawmakers, met to help build it up. Spanier, Curley, and Schultz knew it, promoted it, and protected it too.
Even Joe and Sue Paterno helped it too, just like Special Olympics, Patee Libray, and many more Charities they devoted their time and money to do. The Second Mile was in every Pennsylvania County and helping Thousands of Children over the year at many Grade, Middle, and High Schools. Even those part of TSM did not know what Sandusky was doing in Totality. His Adopted Son will tell you this as well.
Why I can separate Paterno's Football Coaching and Program Building with his love of both his Sport and Family and the University helping others far more!
Over time as Joe got older, Joe did make misjudgements that hurt his reputation. Giving a Scholarship and Playing Mike Guman while his Father was one of the Referees and staying Silent about it wasn't exactly transparency later written by a NY TIMES Reporter, after Alabama pointed it out?
This Ref Guman Silence went on for Decades as well just like the Sandusky silence Scandal until all Coaches refused to play if Ref Don Guman was named as a Ref in 1989. SEC and other Conferences passed Ethical Rules right after BAMA Revelations, that prevented any Refs to be Officials in Games if they even knew the Player! However, Independents in East were not in any conference so PSU got away with it a number of more years? Once in the Big Ten, Joe had no influence over Refs selections! Penn Staters won't listen this but it is true and all easily found by a Google Search and by Independent Media they say created the Penn State Scandal? But the Smart PSU Alumni know it is true!
Joe was doing the Ref Guman Silent Thing when he also decided to attack Jackie Sherrill and Barry Switzer for being Big Cheaters in CFB, that Smacks of Pique and very much Hypocrisy when a PSU Players Dad is Reffing a game he is playing in on Scholarship?
This is a misjudgement of Silence as well, many PSU Fans won't accept? Throw in Curtis Enis, Chisley, Casey, Phillips, and other misjudgements defending the Culture at Penn State Football along with not obeying Laws and Athletic Integrity Compliance's all led to Joe's Legacy of Ashes later!
This is the dilemma, a Great Coach, Family, and University can still be great and devoted to doing so many more things so right and noble over 50 years, and at the same time have a few Human Flaws and Misjudgements that in Hindsight would not have stayed Silent or did them that way. Curely, Schultz and Spanier all said it at sentencing as well.
Yet, it did happen at Penn State from 1963-2011, and when they found out for sure about Sandusky it was too late, and the damage was done but not found out until 14 years later and another 6 years now that the Criminal Trials are done and convictions prevail!
Penn State Alumnus are just as confused as many on how this happen and it goes around and around every day.