OT: Orlando Sentinel article on Paterno legacy - OUCH......

And your typical Joebot on cue:

It's a shame the reporter took just enough time to read a judge's comments (by the way, he had no right in making in the first place), and then wrote a story on the subject of those comments. If you know the whole story you can see that the reporter is not a reporter at all because many of the "facts" that he uses to support his comments are wrong. Maybe he should have done a little research first, you see that is called reporting. First Joe did NOT run PSU, Joe did not want Sandusky bringing kids onto PSU football facilities for liability reasons, but he was vetoed by, get this, the vice president of the university. So as you can see Joe didn't even out rank Erickson. Does that name sound familiar? It should, he was the one who caved to the NCAA, who we now know knew they had no right getting involved in this case, but decided to bluff (Emmert's words) into accepting their sanctions. Why would Erickson cave on this? Because he did not want it to get out that it was HE who left Sandusky bring his kids onto PSU property. As for Joe he had to follow a stupid PA law called PA Statute 42.42 look up the original one that was in place in 2001, you see the lawmakers did revisions once the Sandusky scandal came to light, kind of like closing the barn door once the horse escaped. If you have any questions I'd be more than happy to correct the many mistakes you made in your column, but I'm sure you won't have the integrity to try to get it right.
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And your typical Joebot on cue:

It's a shame the reporter took just enough time to read a judge's comments (by the way, he had no right in making in the first place), and then wrote a story on the subject of those comments. If you know the whole story you can see that the reporter is not a reporter at all because many of the "facts" that he uses to support his comments are wrong. Maybe he should have done a little research first, you see that is called reporting. First Joe did NOT run PSU, Joe did not want Sandusky bringing kids onto PSU football facilities for liability reasons, but he was vetoed by, get this, the vice president of the university. So as you can see Joe didn't even out rank Erickson. Does that name sound familiar? It should, he was the one who caved to the NCAA, who we now know knew they had no right getting involved in this case, but decided to bluff (Emmert's words) into accepting their sanctions. Why would Erickson cave on this? Because he did not want it to get out that it was HE who left Sandusky bring his kids onto PSU property. As for Joe he had to follow a stupid PA law called PA Statute 42.42 look up the original one that was in place in 2001, you see the lawmakers did revisions once the Sandusky scandal came to light, kind of like closing the barn door once the horse escaped. If you have any questions I'd be more than happy to correct the many mistakes you made in your column, but I'm sure you won't have the integrity to try to get it right.

First Joe did NOT run PSU

the whole Joe was just a meaningless pawn with no real power agreement made by the Branch Joevidains falls apart entirely when you try to analyze what went on up there culture wise...

In the real world these are the rational outcomes of the incident, good, bad or indiffernt..

McCreary burst in and gets Sandussky off the kid and calls the cops
McCreary does nothing to Sandusky but calls the cops.
McCreary does nothing at all and pretends nothing happened.

Those are the scenarios in the real world.

One has to ask oneself, who the hell would go to a football coach? What the hell kind of ingrained thought process would make a rational person do that outside of a cult like mentality where a centralized leader was the go to guy? Sounds to me like the kind of guy that "Runs" things.
First Joe did NOT run PSU

the whole Joe was just a meaningless pawn with no real power agreement made by the Branch Joevidains falls apart entirely when you try to analyze what went on up there culture wise...

In the real world these are the rational outcomes of the incident, good, bad or indiffernt..

McCreary burst in and gets Sandussky off the kid and calls the cops
McCreary does nothing to Sandusky but calls the cops.
McCreary does nothing at all and pretends nothing happened.

Those are the scenarios in the real world.

One has to ask oneself, who the hell would go to a football coach? What the hell kind of ingrained thought process would make a rational person do that outside of a cult like mentality where a centralized leader was the go to guy? Sounds to me like the kind of guy that "Runs" things.

Especially since, as we now have heard a million of times since this all came out, "Jerry wasn't even on Joe's staff then." So...why would MM first course of action to go to a feeble minded, old school football coach who couldn't possibly understand what was being told to him.
Believe it or not they are in back channeling between Trustees to now settle the Civil Lawsuits and part of it will be to bring the Statue Back, and Honor Joe, in spite of what the Outside World thinks.

There is also big push back on Women and Children Protection Victims Groups to stop it, and why they want the Victims Sealed Documents to come out and Media is working on that to make Books, Movies, and other producing Documentaries, so we shall see? What happen at Baylor and MSU and Cosby Case is now making it more difficult as well. Even if it goes back up it may be taken down years later like the Confederate Monuments are happening in the South.

The problem they are in is the Older Alumni (45 and Older) and Boosters and Former Players adore Joe and thinks nothing happen and it was made up by media and mishandled in spite of Evidence from 3 Independent Investigations of cover ups and Non-Athletic Integrity Compliance's. They are loud now but will eventually go away as they die off.

At the same time, the Younger Students(18-25) are challenging some PSU Orientations they must take before they can take any classes and it still contains many false myths and made up stories that have been corrected by PSU Faculty. It is like the Mosques teaching hate Early based on wrong interpretations of the Koran, that must stop first to change the culture. It is like anything else smart beats dumb and myths are great to unite people but when truth comes out, it is too late to change them?

I predict Penn State Alumnus Sara Ganim will one be brought back and Honored at Penn State for helping change the Culture there and then one will know it has changed. It will take time, but "The Truth Crushed Into Any Earth Only Rises Again!"
And your typical Joebot on cue:

It's a shame the reporter took just enough time to read a judge's comments (by the way, he had no right in making in the first place), and then wrote a story on the subject of those comments. If you know the whole story you can see that the reporter is not a reporter at all because many of the "facts" that he uses to support his comments are wrong. Maybe he should have done a little research first, you see that is called reporting. First Joe did NOT run PSU, Joe did not want Sandusky bringing kids onto PSU football facilities for liability reasons, but he was vetoed by, get this, the vice president of the university. So as you can see Joe didn't even out rank Erickson. Does that name sound familiar? It should, he was the one who caved to the NCAA, who we now know knew they had no right getting involved in this case, but decided to bluff (Emmert's words) into accepting their sanctions. Why would Erickson cave on this? Because he did not want it to get out that it was HE who left Sandusky bring his kids onto PSU property. As for Joe he had to follow a stupid PA law called PA Statute 42.42 look up the original one that was in place in 2001, you see the lawmakers did revisions once the Sandusky scandal came to light, kind of like closing the barn door once the horse escaped. If you have any questions I'd be more than happy to correct the many mistakes you made in your column, but I'm sure you won't have the integrity to try to get it right.

Well, this line says it all (about both Paterno, and the viewpoint of his defenders): "Joe did not want Sandusky bringing kids onto PSU football facilities for liability reasons."
Joe didn't care about stopping a pedophile...only stopping it from happening near the football program. He was content to remain silent, and did remain silent, while the pedophile continued to rape, year after year. As long as it didn't hurt the program, he was content to look the other way. That is why his reputation as a human being is now what it is.
And Paterno knew his reputation was done, and he held himself accountable. His biographer who was with him in his last months reported that he cried uncontrollably to visitors, saying he worked his whole life to make his name mean something, and now knew it was all ruined. And he knew why. He knew, as he himself said, he should've done more to stop it.
Sadly, he likely has no idea what's coming his way.

You'd think that 5 years on, with their football program doing well again, and with the hope that the C/S/S trials will reveal the "Joe was innocent truth" now crushed, even they would be ready to 'move on.' I suppose some have; some NEVER will, and psychologically can't.
"upj87, post: 1912314, member: 1518"]
First Joe did NOT run PSU
This is the Big Problem of Confusion, and it is true and at the same time has mixed information that clouds that very issue. Joe by no means ran Penn State but Joe had tremendous Influence, and that is done by seeing older articles proving it.

Joe and Sue-(Alumnus Too) did many things that help make Penn State bigger and better and not just Football. It is a indeed a tragedy, Joe's Focus on Football, Family, and Penn State but got unfocused as he grew older and was taken in by Sandusky's Duplicity, Lying, and Abusing Children by using a Charity for Disadvantage Troubled Children. Much like the Catholic Church when they found out, it was hard to know what to do in the 1950s-2000.

Let Us Be Fair, this was buried Unspeakable Problem often kept off Media just like Spousal Abuse. People who are not pedophiles not only cannot think about it, they never talked about it. I truly believe when Joe first heard it, he had no time to believe it and if he asked Sandusky he would call the Kid a Liar and tell Joe the Kid is Troubled Child Jerry was trying to help and Joe went back to working on making Penn State Football Program a National Power and he did it!

Only after, as Sandusky continued to be successful preying on Troubled Children in the name of helping them, and using The Second Mile (TSM) was as big as the THON is Today. The Penn State Cult Dolts don't acknowledge that TSM was still a deeply related Penn State creation using PSU football to prey on children by one of their own Alumnus and Employees? PSU Fans on BWI get confused on that too!

TSM became part of where PSU Football Players, Former Players, Boosters, Invited Celebrities, Lawmakers, met to help build it up. Spanier, Curley, and Schultz knew it, promoted it, and protected it too.

Even Joe and Sue Paterno helped it too, just like Special Olympics, Patee Libray, and many more Charities they devoted their time and money to do. The Second Mile was in every Pennsylvania County and helping Thousands of Children over the year at many Grade, Middle, and High Schools. Even those part of TSM did not know what Sandusky was doing in Totality. His Adopted Son will tell you this as well.

Why I can separate Paterno's Football Coaching and Program Building with his love of both his Sport and Family and the University helping others far more!

Over time as Joe got older, Joe did make misjudgements that hurt his reputation. Giving a Scholarship and Playing Mike Guman while his Father was one of the Referees and staying Silent about it wasn't exactly transparency later written by a NY TIMES Reporter, after Alabama pointed it out?

This Ref Guman Silence went on for Decades as well just like the Sandusky silence Scandal until all Coaches refused to play if Ref Don Guman was named as a Ref in 1989. SEC and other Conferences passed Ethical Rules right after BAMA Revelations, that prevented any Refs to be Officials in Games if they even knew the Player! However, Independents in East were not in any conference so PSU got away with it a number of more years? Once in the Big Ten, Joe had no influence over Refs selections! Penn Staters won't listen this but it is true and all easily found by a Google Search and by Independent Media they say created the Penn State Scandal? But the Smart PSU Alumni know it is true!

Joe was doing the Ref Guman Silent Thing when he also decided to attack Jackie Sherrill and Barry Switzer for being Big Cheaters in CFB, that Smacks of Pique and very much Hypocrisy when a PSU Players Dad is Reffing a game he is playing in on Scholarship?

This is a misjudgement of Silence as well, many PSU Fans won't accept? Throw in Curtis Enis, Chisley, Casey, Phillips, and other misjudgements defending the Culture at Penn State Football along with not obeying Laws and Athletic Integrity Compliance's all led to Joe's Legacy of Ashes later!

This is the dilemma, a Great Coach, Family, and University can still be great and devoted to doing so many more things so right and noble over 50 years, and at the same time have a few Human Flaws and Misjudgements that in Hindsight would not have stayed Silent or did them that way. Curely, Schultz and Spanier all said it at sentencing as well.

Yet, it did happen at Penn State from 1963-2011, and when they found out for sure about Sandusky it was too late, and the damage was done but not found out until 14 years later and another 6 years now that the Criminal Trials are done and convictions prevail!

Penn State Alumnus are just as confused as many on how this happen and it goes around and around every day.

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Well, this line says it all (about both Paterno, and the viewpoint of his defenders): "Joe did not want Sandusky bringing kids onto PSU football facilities for liability reasons."
Joe didn't care about stopping a pedophile...only stopping it from happening near the football program. He was content to remain silent, and did remain silent, while the pedophile continued to rape, year after year. As long as it didn't hurt the program, he was content to look the other way. That is why his reputation as a human being is now what it is.
And Paterno knew his reputation was done, and he held himself accountable. His biographer who was with him in his last months reported that he cried uncontrollably to visitors, saying he worked his whole life to make his name mean something, and now knew it was all ruined. And he knew why. He knew, as he himself said, he should've done more to stop it.

Well notice the guy who the Joebot blamed was Rodney Erickson! LOL. Not Joe, not Spanier, not Curley, not Schultz, but Erickson! I mean, Jerry was a guest of Spanier in the President suite for Joe's 409th win, a week before it all came out and almost a year after all the Gran Jury testimony was done. But it was Erickson who allowed Jerry to prey on little boys. These sycophants are so into this alt reality, and will believe in anything other than the obvious truth.
Well notice the guy who the Joebot blamed was Rodney Erickson! LOL. Not Joe, not Spanier, not Curley, not Schultz, but Erickson! I mean, Jerry was a guest of Spanier in the President suite for Joe's 409th win, a week before it all came out and almost a year after all the Gran Jury testimony was done. But it was Erickson who allowed Jerry to prey on little boys. These sycophants are so into this alt reality, and will believe in anything other than the obvious truth.
As stated many times, many PSU Fans are confused and divided, the Older Alumni 45 years and up adored Paterno, Penn State, and even ahead of their self and families! They believe in everything he did was magnificent and all the wins are burned in their memories of joys thinking it was all done with Superior Athletic Integrity when they was really little to none? They can't just forget their memories and think everyone is jealous and other Football programs are inferior. We must restore the Statue!o_O:confused::oops:
The younger ones 18-25 that are being given Penn State Early Orientations based on myths like "Princess Nittany", "We Are Civil Rights Creation" before they go to one class, but are objecting of holding to a Legacy of Ashes and now admire Franklin much more! They are happy everything is over and Penn State is winning more and more and they have no memory of Joe Paterno whatsoever except he was part of the Scandal in name only with no Convictions? What Statue & Why Bring it Back?:):D:rolleyes:


"There Are Two Dilemmas... That Rattle The Human Skull. How Do You Hold Onto Someone Who Won't Stay? And How Do You Get Rid Of Someone Who Won't Go?"

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I predict Penn State Alumnus Sara Ganim will one be brought back and Honored at Penn State for helping change the Culture there and then one will know it has changed. It will take time, but "The Truth Crushed Into Any Earth Only Rises Again!"

That will not happen, as long as the PS4RS CULT is around. Look how many people attending football games there still wear clothing and have stickers on their vehicles like 'We R because he was' 'JVP' & '409' among other items related to keeping his godlike status alive.

Ganim received Death Threats from CULT Members. I said earlier that I think PSU should build a Statue of Ganim(and place it where the prior Statue of the Bitter Old Man was located), if they were truly remorseful, and admit that 'Paterknew'. Until that happens, I am against PITT even playing them in Football, and was not happy that this 4 Game Series was scheduled. And their AD is upset about a few people wearing 'Joe Knew' T-Shirts. Can anyone create a T-Shirt with 409 Cleaner and a sketch of Paterno?

Even Post Paterno Era(Error), their still seems to be a CULTure of Arrogance lead by Frankie 1 Finger. They provide a very good education, but their alumni think they are close to being Michigan, Stanford, Notre Dame or Northwestern or an Ivy League School. In reality, they are on the same level as PITT, with exceptions for each school on certain Academic Majors being better. The Worst Scandal in College Sports aside, the CULT was always arrogant, and that is what turned me off to them. Notice, how that arrogance was CULTivated during the Paterknew Coaching Dictatorship.

Oh, and the idea that Paterknew did not really run things in Crappy Valley-LOL. He had campus police bring Players who were caught doing a variety of bad things directly to him. At least they got some Free Stadium Cleaning out of it. In reality, no one farted in Crappy Valley without their god knowing about it. Unfortunately, we are seeing the same power given now to the Nicktator at Bama, and with a few other Coaches at a few other Colleges.
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"TheSeldomSeenKid, post: 1912494, member: 33028"]That will not happen, as long as the PS4RS CULT is around. Look how many people attending football games there still wear clothing and have stickers on their vehicles like 'We R because he was' 'JVP' & '409' among other items related to keeping his godlike status alive.
The Vast Majority of Season Ticket Holder, Luxury Box Leasers, and Attendance are the 45 and Older Paterno Worshipers Admirers with Great Memories as taught by Penn State Publicity for Joe! They can't understand what happen and blame many including Victims, Lawyers, McQueary, DOE, Freeh, PAOAG, Trustees, DPW, Erickson, Media and Penn State.

The Younger Students and Alumni under 30 that can't afford Luxury Boxes or Tickets and less to none experiences with Paterno & Staff Accomplishment of Autumn and don't care about the Statue of Yesterday, just if Penn State Wins Today and Tomorrow. They are bewildered about the PSU Older Alumni confusion too.

Ganim received Death Threats from CULT Members. I said earlier that I think PSU should build a Statue of Ganim(and place it where the prior Statue of the Bitter Old Man was located), if they were truly remorseful, and admit that 'Paterknew'. Until that happens, I am against PITT even playing them in Football, and was not happy that this 4 Game Series was scheduled. And their AD is upset about a few people wearing 'Joe Knew' T-Shirts. Can anyone create a T-Shirt with 409 Cleaner and a sketch of Paterno?
I accept your right to your opinions with respect and agree to disagree. The University and Football Program is in full compliance and Franklin is doing a great job and leave it to Pitt to do the scheduling. I see no downsize in Pitt playing Penn State and WVU too! Others can disagree.

Even Post Paterno Era(Error), their still seems to be a CULTure of Arrogance lead by Frankie 1 Finger. They provide a very good education, but their alumni think they are close to being Michigan, Stanford, Notre Dame or Northwestern or an Ivy League School.
Penn State Alumni that think that are insulting Michigan, Stanford, Notre Dame or Northwestern and Pitt too, None had such a Scandal like Penn State and even Baylor and MSU are not near it to date.

In reality, they are on the same level as PITT, with exceptions for each school on certain Academic Majors being better.

The Worst Scandal in College Sports aside, the CULT was always arrogant, and that is what turned me off to them. Notice, how that arrogance was CULTivated during the Paterknew Coaching Dictatorship.
Ignorance usually are the roots of Arrogance and that is on them one by one. I know many PSU alumni without both and full of Smarts & Integrity, but many act like Pnnyliar, Tratur, hiding, stalking and worshiping a ghost!

I also respect and admire the great Accomplishments of Autumn & Character Charities of Joe & Sue. I do so without apologies because they also did far more to help many and the Legacy of Ashes was really a Victim of Sandusky's own selfish sick fires and it is Sandusky that hurt the Victims, his Own Son and Family, Alma Mater, and Joe that Hired JS and many all around him.

Oh, and the idea that Paterknew did not really run things in Crappy Valley-LOL. He had campus police bring Players who were caught doing a variety of bad things directly to him. At least they got some Free Stadium Cleaning out of it. In reality, no one farted in Crappy Valley without their god knowing about it. Unfortunately, we are seeing the same power given now to the Nicktator at Bama, and with a few other Coaches at a few other Colleges.
You are correct a 3rd Investigation at The Department of Education Athletic Integrity Title IX & Clery Act Investigations with the Finding of Facts with Highest Historic Fines prove it. Penn State Cult Dolts, Blehar, Paterno's Lawyers, PS4RS, Ziegler, had no response either. Penn State Leadership paid the fines and decided Silence not Denials was the Best Policy.
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"But Sandusky’s sexual abuse goes as far back as 1971 when a 15-year-old boy was raped. He said he reported the attack to Paterno and another Penn State official. Then last year, a day after CNN broke that story, Penn State acknowledged that it had paid a settlement to a victim."

So, instead of losing all of the wins going back to 1978, they should set the win clock back to 1971 for Joe's record. Not that I care one bit, but that's about all the PSU fans think is important in this whole saga.
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I have always said to any Goatherder claiming that McQuery, Joe, et al did what they could do...
call the police. is that so difficult? you don't call the police because you don't want it getting outside the PSU community.
Call the police.

First Joe did NOT run PSU

the whole Joe was just a meaningless pawn with no real power agreement made by the Branch Joevidains falls apart entirely when you try to analyze what went on up there culture wise...

In the real world these are the rational outcomes of the incident, good, bad or indiffernt..

McCreary burst in and gets Sandussky off the kid and calls the cops
McCreary does nothing to Sandusky but calls the cops.
McCreary does nothing at all and pretends nothing happened.

Those are the scenarios in the real world.

One has to ask oneself, who the hell would go to a football coach? What the hell kind of ingrained thought process would make a rational person do that outside of a cult like mentality where a centralized leader was the go to guy? Sounds to me like the kind of guy that "Runs" things.
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