Pete Rose is truly one of the most tragic figures in sports history. No player ever played the game as hard as Pete Rose and very few played it as well. As a Pirate fan I despised Pete Rose because he was always that burr in the saddle.
His obvious downfall was his gambling which was an addiction like cocaine or booze. I have always been of the opinion that Pete Rose's gambling problem, while worthy of his banishment from baseball should not have kept him out of the Hall of Fame. The HOF has plenty of drug abusers, alcohol abusers and woman abusers. Pete Rose bet on baseball games, which was prohibited. But Rose never fixed baseball games, which has been the great sin against the game since the Black Sox scandal of 1919.
The man gave everything he had every minute he played. There have only been a handful of players that can say that. I don't like him and he was an obnoxious man but he should be in the HOF.