OT: Spiderman....


Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 16, 2004
This is what, the 3rd reboot? I think this is the most accurate in terms of identifying him for what he is - a high school kid. Tom Holland looks the part and is a good actor. The supporting cast is also very good including our Pittsburgh native Michael Keaton. We enjoyed it albeit I think it was about 20 minutes too long. Also wasn't all that crazy about the Tony Stark scenes. Two of the funniest bits were the very ending of the movie and the end of credits scene. Grade: B/B+.
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This is what, the 3rd reboot? I think this is the most accurate in terms of identifying him for what he is - a high school kid. Tom Holland looks the part and is a good actor. The supporting cast is also very good including our Pittsburgh native Michael Keaton. We enjoyed it albeit I think it was about 20 minutes too long. Also wasn't all that crazy about the Tony Stark scenes. Two of the funniest bits were the very ending of the movie and the end of credits scene. Grade: B/B+.
Saw it Saturday. I liked it and didn't love Stark, either. Still trying to get my head around Aunt May.
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I thought it was really great - tons of set up for future villains and references to other Marvel characters... this might also be the first time they've had a NYC high school that actually looks like a NYC high school student body. The D.C. Scene was fantastic- This is probably the first time I felt the awkwardness of a young Spider man has been portrayed like the old comics too.

Both Spider Man and Wonder Woman were great - they got it right on both.
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I gave it a C , but I am a fan back in the 60s, so I'm old school and like the way it was done original
I am also getting tired of these movies , it's like stealing and stealing without ideas these days in hollyweird, special effects were done very well in this installment
I'll never understand people bitching over superhero films.... never... stuff like Fast and Furious 17-1/2 isn't my thing ... but I don't complain about it... just don't go.
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I'll never understand people bitching over superhero films.... never... stuff like Fast and Furious 17-1/2 isn't my thing ... but I don't complain about it... just don't go.
Agree. Some of the best reviewed movies of the last 5 years have actually been small budget horror movies. I've tried - can't watch horror movies (I'm a total chicken). But I get that they are well done. I would never criticize - just not for me.
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They're not shitty and yes, we'll keep paying. ;)

i understand why they are made, why make something original when people like you will keep paying for the same old shit?

gee i wonder if spiderman saved the day and beat the bad guys in this 3rd reboot, guess i'll have to watch to find out...
I'll never understand people bitching over superhero films.... never... stuff like Fast and Furious 17-1/2 isn't my thing ... but I don't complain about it... just don't go.

stop making crap and i'll stop bitching, and i don't go