People in the media / discussing this on the internent / etc. forget why Tim Tebow and Colin Kaepernick both are viewed with serious negativity by many ---
Unless Your Ideology / passionate emotions fall absolutely, directly in-line with what they keep peddling and speaking about publicly ---
They are both just not all that Charismatic dudes in their own right.
Tim Tebow is clean cut, no piercings, no tats, speaks incredibly well and earnestly ---- but frankly, while many have value-systems that fall perfectly in-line with his words --- many including myself, sometimes are j
ust not buying it.
It's too much giving a higher-power credit in too many moments where he needs to be giving that credit to the actual humans around him (a la never thanking his Lineman, Wide-Receivers, Coaches --- it was ALWAYS the higher power pulling the strings---gonna pi$$ people off) --- and it's obvious
If he was truly doing all this purely out of the goodness of his heart, and tried to keep his positive actions on the down-low just doing good things
because it's right -- no one in their 'right minds' could feel a negative feeling.
But Tebow, frankly (not saying anything about personal-life stuff here lol), is what they call a
complete Attention Wh*re. A charming, well-spoken, albeit "not promiscuous" - Kardashian essentially. Just saying how people see it and feel it.
Kaepernick on the other hand, is just a
Silly, "Lady-Whipped", Childish and Lost, Brat!!!
He posted the most Selfish, childish, Me-Me-Me social media for years and years until suddenly, cough, SUPER-
HOT, MUSLIM (the Sex and Drinking is Okay kind lol) MARXIST Girlfriend!
I laughed at it all (him I mean, not the important American =topics he was totally butchering and hate-mongering people on). Anyone see after his "protest", when he got into his $120 grand Mercedes G-Wagon after the game to go to his Northern California Mansion, to then get "rewarded" for his actions by his Cal Berkeley Ultra-Leftist / Marxist / Radio host Girflfiend? What a hero lol.
People who pay attention to the details laugh at Kaepernick because his girlfriend Nessa Diab, is like that blonde played by Kim Bassinger from "The Natural" --- she dated and lived with his ex teammate D-End Aldon Smith for a long time, then cheats on him with Kaepernick when Aldon Smith starts getting in trouble with the NFL for DUI and positive drug tests etc. .... then she "officially" leaves Smith after he gets suspended again from the NFL for drunk driving / substances.....
Classy, classy people those two are

, ugh, and young minority kids especially are getting "Conned" by older folks who should know better that he is some "Saint". So silly.
There are Americans who give so much to make this country better of all ethnicities / religions / professions ----
Only the 'STOOGES' think Kaepernick is anything more than a silly Brat.
That sums it all up for both. Mike Vick, unlike the other two, has this thing called "Character Charisma" which is why all his teammates love him and defend him, and why coaches / GM's and Owners wanted to give him another chance. Why Mike Tomlin and the Steelers owners and GM brought him in unlike Kaepernick. If you haven't met him in person and been around him, and just watch TV, you can't always feel that.