OT- TU President: let's proceed with stadium

Here's the perception I and many others have had about Temple.
It's a decent school, in a terrible neighborhood, where you basically should never walk off of campus due to safety issues. I'm sure that' i'm not the only one who's heard that opinion.

So is this another Consol center thing...where residents who aren't part of the tax base are screaming about something, which in the end will benefit more of the community, than those who live in the immediate neighborhood?

Sounds to me like this, will be resolved like most things in Philly...closed meeting/backdoor political arrangements, with Temple building their stadium, and Temple paying for something unrelated to the university to promote community good will.

From that article... i had to laugh at the pictures. Did they really just choose a random classroom and have nothing visual to present, powerpoints, etc? Just looked like they threw the meeting together and it looked unprofessional.