OT: Westworld.....


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Gold Member
Mar 16, 2004
I won't post any specific details for those who haven't had the chance to watch the finale, but any thoughts about this show? I really started hating it halfway through the season, but felt oddly compelled to keep watching even though I was thoroughly confused. I'm glad I stuck it out. The finale was pretty darn good. I have some theories on what I watched regarding Ford, Maeve and Dolores. And the "Man in Black"? I never saw it coming. And will it remain "Westworld" or another kind of world? Bummed that the new season is at least 2 years away.
I won't post any specific details for those who haven't had the chance to watch the finale, but any thoughts about this show? I really started hating it halfway through the season, but felt oddly compelled to keep watching even though I was thoroughly confused. I'm glad I stuck it out. The finale was pretty darn good. I have some theories on what I watched regarding Ford, Maeve and Dolores. And the "Man in Black"? I never saw it coming. And will it remain "Westworld" or another kind of world? Bummed that the new season is at least 2 years away.
I saw Rules Don't Apply, and felt Warren must have been confused in his editing about Howard Hughes being confused?
Honestly, completely lost interest after the 4th episode then continued to trudge through it. But, didn't make it to the finale. If it was good, that's great. But, man, a great finale does not a series make... Glad folks like it though.
Same here, I had to drag myself thought it

Just too tedious and purposefully difficult to follow, like season two of True Detective.

Finale was OK. There were a couple plot twists that came to life, but I knew the the big ending before episode one was over.

I can wait two years ...

Like TD season two, I know I won't go back and rewatch like TD season one or most other HBO front line series.

Side note on the Walking Dead - I have absolutely no appreciation for Negan, the absurd attempted conflation between ultra cool and villainous. Everyone talks about how horrible he is and I can't gin up the least bit of feeling like that for him because he makes 100 threats for any actual act of violence and is too cool for school on steroids.

I hated the $hit out of the Governor, who was just a grade A bickhead, and could not wait for him to die out of wanting him to die for being a bickhead.

It seems he is going to be around for a while but I am just clocking it right now until he is gone so I don't have to force my way through watching his scenes.
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Same here, I had to drag myself thought it

Just too tedious and purposefully difficult to follow, like season two of True Detective.

Finale was OK. There were a couple plot twists that came to life, but I knew the the big ending before episode one was over.

I can wait two years ...

Like TD season two, I know I won't go back and rewatch like TD season one or most other HBO front line series.

Side note on the Walking Dead - I have absolutely no appreciation for Negan, the absurd attempted conflation between ultra cool and villainous. Everyone talks about how horrible he is and I can't gin up the least bit of feeling like that for him because he makes 100 threats for any actual act of violence and is too cool for school on steroids.

I hated the $hit out of the Governor, who was just a grade A bickhead, and could not wait for him to die out of wanting him to die for being a bickhead.

It seems he is going to be around for a while but I am just clocking it right now until he is gone so I don't have to force my way through watching his scenes.
I made it through 3 seasons WD before I had to part ways. Just too depressing for me.
You, me and about 20 other people total went to see Rules Don't Apply. I only went to see it because it was likely the last time Warren Beatty will be seen on the big screen.
You nailed it, I enjoyed his movies Bugsy, Heaven Can Wait, Parallax View, but made some clunkers too like Ishtar. I like the story line on Rules Don't Apply and it was good, but it was confusing at times, but that is what he wanted to convey. I enjoy his wife's movies even more like Grifters. Bugsy was pretty good!
You nailed it, I enjoyed his movies Bugsy, Heaven Can Wait, Parallax View, but made some clunkers too like Ishtar. I like the story line on Rules Don't Apply and it was good, but it was confusing at times, but that is what he wanted to convey. I enjoy his wife's movies even more like Grifters. Bugsy was pretty good!

Heaven Can Wait is my favorite. Bugsy and Bullworth are good also. Bugsy is quietly a comedy rather than a drama. Beatty did it right: barely work and enjoy life.
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Heaven Can Wait is my favorite. Bugsy and Bullworth are good also. Bugsy is quietly a comedy rather than a drama. Beatty did it right: barely work and enjoy life.
He does have a different view when presenting Movies like the color schemes in Dick Tracey! Bugsy had a great cast and Parallax View was unique and reminded me of Winter Kills, Arab Conspiracy, and Domino Principle with aspects of the JFK Assassinations.

When he met with Warner Brother's he would get them upset demanding more control over his movies, and Warner took him over and showed him the Water Tower and said, son see those Initial's on that Tower (WB) and he said, yeah those are my initials... true story.
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Heaven Can Wait is my favorite. Bugsy and Bullworth are good also. Bugsy is quietly a comedy rather than a drama. Beatty did it right: barely work and enjoy life.
Love Heaven Can Wait, but have seen "Shampoo" and thought it was pretty good also. Quite a snapshot of the mid-70's.

I also remember watching the documentary Madonna produced about herself when they were dating. What an odd, odd couple.
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I won't post any specific details for those who haven't had the chance to watch the finale, but any thoughts about this show? I really started hating it halfway through the season, but felt oddly compelled to keep watching even though I was thoroughly confused. I'm glad I stuck it out. The finale was pretty darn good. I have some theories on what I watched regarding Ford, Maeve and Dolores. And the "Man in Black"? I never saw it coming. And will it remain "Westworld" or another kind of world? Bummed that the new season is at least 2 years away.

Refused to watch a second of it.
I made it through 3 seasons WD before I had to part ways. Just too depressing for me.

It had eased up a bit, they hit the point where there are long standing cast members they have a hard time killing off because of the fans.
Love Heaven Can Wait, but have seen "Shampoo" and thought it was pretty good also. Quite a snapshot of the mid-70's.
Julie Christie and him weer a number in those days and did both movies. The Older Version was not as good an WB's. Your snapshot comment is spot on too, I like Splendor In The Grass, and all Elia Kazam Movies.

I also remember watching the documentary Madonna produced about herself when they were dating. What an odd, odd couple.
He also went with Diane Keaton but she and him had big problems on "Reds" and he moved on, he and Jack Nicholson were dating as many Starlets as they could in those days. Until he met Annette Bening! Madonna was just a fling and willing to do anything to advance her career. Her Father and his Family grew up in Aliquippa and it was the papers most still live there. I did enjoy Evita and she dances with her dad in that musical movie. Andrew Webber made her take Singing Lesson before he would approve of her making it.

Diane Keaton real name is Diane Hall, is the one that dated many Men Stars Woody Allen, Al Pacino, Warren, Jack, and when asked why she never married she said, no one ever asked her? During Godfather III at around 50 after she adopted 2 children she really tried to push Al Pacino to wed but she gave him a ultimatum and it went badly, she said she made that mistake, but Al was only interested in doing Movies. It is on YouTube on various TV Shows she was Guest on if you are interested.
He also went with Diane Keaton but she and him had big problems on "Reds" and he moved on, he and Jack Nicholson were dating as many Starlets as they could in those days. Until he met Annette Bening! Madonna was just a fling and willing to do anything to advance her career. Her Father and his Family grew up in Aliquippa and it was the papers most still live there. I did enjoy Evita and she dances with her dad in that musical movie. Andrew Webber made her take Singing Lesson before he would approve of her making it.

Diane Keaton real name is Diane Hall, is the one that dated many Men Stars Woody Allen, Al Pacino, Warren, Jack, and when asked why she never married she said, no one ever asked her? During Godfather III at around 50 after she adopted 2 children she really tried to push Al Pacino to wed but she gave him a ultimatum and it went badly, she said she made that mistake, but Al was only interested in doing Movies. It is on YouTube on various TV Shows she was Guest on if you are interested.
Then Pacino went and had twins with Beverly D'Angelo. Those crazy kids in Hollywood.
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Production is on hold, so it may turn out to be only a one time thing.

I feel the same way about Westworld that I do Stranger Things. Both were (mostly) excellent shows that will get stretched far beyond their intended limits.
I feel the same way about Westworld that I do Stranger Things. Both were (mostly) excellent shows that will get stretched far beyond their intended limits.
Hey, for the most part, I'm a simple person. I enjoyed Stranger Things waaaaaaay more than Westworld. Obviously with one of the Nolan brothers at the helm, I knew it would be on the complicated side, but WW was overly complicated IMHO.