Just wondering if football changes other people's perception of time as much as it does mine
Like for 9 months of the year Tuesday is my absolute least favorite day of the week. Previous weekend has totally worn off, next weekend feels so far away, ugh
But now that it's football time, Tuesday means one thing to me: *only* three days until another full day of football, especially Pitt football (unless they have a weekday game but that's only once maybe twice a season). From feeling like those 72 hours to the weekend stretch forever, they feel like nothing somehow lol
Like for 9 months of the year Tuesday is my absolute least favorite day of the week. Previous weekend has totally worn off, next weekend feels so far away, ugh
But now that it's football time, Tuesday means one thing to me: *only* three days until another full day of football, especially Pitt football (unless they have a weekday game but that's only once maybe twice a season). From feeling like those 72 hours to the weekend stretch forever, they feel like nothing somehow lol