Pat "Pitt-bull" Nar-dog Narduzzi

Jun 5, 2014
While I had my last minute of time before getting back to work...

thought of a new nickname for him... Pitt-bull sounds logical.

Now you guys can tear that apart :)

Why is it necessary to give him a nickname? Is Narduzzi to hard to remember, spell or pronounce? Seems very forced and silly to me. Hail to Pitt!


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Actually it is quite stupid, juvenile, and silly to reference your universities football coach to a dog. just sayin'
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Don't be gay.

It's a good post, it's levity... Don't be raging douchebags... This isn't penn state

Consider your own advice. Attempting to force a nickname on someone is pretty lame. Hail to Pitt!
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Are you serious?

A...I certainly wasnt forcing an ickname (proper)
B... I thought it was just for fun
C... The sports world is FULL of nicknames!! Chuck Noll.. emperor, Bear Bryant, and many others... it is crazy to think otherwise.
D... This is lame bemoaning any mention of this. Sheer craziness actually.

Well having a nickname contest is not how those people earned their nicknames. Manufacturing a nickname is lame...sorry, just my opinion. It either happens organically, is earned from something...or it does not happen. But feel free to play in the nickname sandbox if it makes you happy. Hail to Pitt!

LOL...grow up? I'm not the guy playing with nicknames for a 48 year-old man. Mirror...mirror.... Hail to Pitt!
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Actually you are... and you are being quite childish about it as well.

It is a nickname... for the love of god... it isnt a rename of our country. And, it is FOOTBALL... I mean, everyone has nicknames in football. I guess you dont like the guy maybe, but you need to get realistic.

And, did you just say mirror, mirror? Is that your idea of grown-up... reciting a childrens' story about asking if they are the fairest in the land? It is not only childish, but an incorrect reference. Maybe I could recite an 'A-team' reference, since you're acting like something that starts with that. Being a lawyer (even an internet one), I would think you would be better at a rebuttal.

Look, if you enjoy coming up with nicknames for grown men...don't let me pee on your parade. Have at it. I just voiced my opinion that coming up with and manufacturing a nickname for a guy that has been in the business for quite a while seems very lame. If Coach has a nickname, I presume it has already been done. He generally uses "Pat" as his nickname--which seems just fine to me. My responses to you are not a "rebuttal" as you would have needed to say something worth rebutting--which obviously is/was not the case. Not sure what I need to be realistic about...but your attempt at a nickname was lame. Maybe some others will join you in your cause...and heck, maybe you'll even win their approval. Good luck. Hail to Pitt!
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Well, you do know about lame, I will give you that.

So... you can call him Pat if you like. And I can call him whatever I like. If you think Pittbull is a lame name for a Pitt football coach, then you are certainly not very perceptive there Bob Loblaw

I guess time will tell if your clever nickname sticks. LOL...ask a kid on a'd likely get a much better suggestion. In the only opportunity I've had to date to speak with Coach Narduzzi, I went with "Coach," as I've done with his many Pitt predecesors. I do not pretend to be so close as to call someone by a nickname, unless invited to do so by that person. I know considering the butchered logos from our prior AD, perhaps you have forgotten Pitt's nickname is Panthers. Pittbull? Marketing genius it is! LOL...woof! Hail to Pitt!