Pathetic cult now attacking Amazon


Jun 15, 2016
Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.
Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.

12 different designs and colors...

I searched for the Joe didn't know.. No luck...

Sad to say the truth hurts..
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They are now claiming that we are prohibited from wearing the shirt into the that true?
Its not Amazon selling them, rather third party vendors. I dont think Amazon would make them take them off for obvious reasons. The shirt is vague and doesn't infring on copyrights. However, they will embarass and threaten to sue the vendors so they may eventually take them down.
Its not Amazon selling them, rather third party vendors. I dont think Amazon would make them take them off for obvious reasons. The shirt is vague and doesn't infring on copyrights. However, they will embarass and threaten to sue the vendors so they may eventually take them down.

Looks like Amazon got bullied by the cult.
Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.

I image street vendors will have a variety of shirts in abundance.
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In all honesty, they must really spend their free time sitting in front of a computer screen looking for any reference of Joe Paterno on the internet and mark anything objectionable to their version of the "truth" as offensive and work on getting it wiped.

If a small group of football fans do this, imagine what a powerful entity with a real bone to pick can accomplish.
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Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.
I would imagine over 99% of the people on this planet have no idea what that saying means. And if those turds wouldn't make such a big issue of it relatively few people in the country would know anything about this whole affair.

So keep up the good work Nit Klan. Advance your brand throughout the land.
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Honest question, what is offensive about these shirts? I am trying to think like a cultist and I am having a hard time understanding what they think is offensive. "Joe knew" could mean a lot of things. But lets suppose they think it really is intended to mean "Joe knew kids were being raped and didn't take enough action." I mean that's 100% true. He admitted it himself in his "I wish I would have done more" quote.

Amazon must agree these are really offensive but again, I am not understanding their reasoning. Its a vague reference to a public figure knowing about child rape and not doing enough. If anything the shirts serve as a reminder that if you "know," don't be like Joe.
Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.

Welcome back, Vicious One.
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LOL they are going to destroy Amazon by not buying from them?!?!? PSU fans are a riot......I remember them talking about snubbing Disney World awhile back, I forgot the reason but it's as if the Disney Empire would really give a shit about some PSU fans not patronizing their place...
Amazon still has them. I just ordered one.

LOL they are going to destroy Amazon by not buying from them?!?!? PSU fans are a riot......I remember them talking about snubbing Disney World awhile back, I forgot the reason but it's as if the Disney Empire would really give a shit about some PSU fans not patronizing their place...
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I realize there aren't a lot of deep thinkers within The Cult. But by making such a big deal about these shirts and letting the world know how much it enrages them, The Cult is giving far more publicity to the shirts than they would have received otherwise and encouraging opposing fanbases to wear them,
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On Ebay

Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.
Regardless of what you're feelings are towards Penn State, can you imagine the kind of disgusting human garbage it takes to try and profit off the misery of abused children?
Regardless of what you're feelings are towards Penn State, can you imagine the kind of disgusting human garbage it takes to try and profit off the misery of abused children?

That certainly is disgusting. But not nearly as disgusting as trying to sweep it under the rug/allowing it continue so the grand experiment could continue. Success with honor baby.
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Regardless of what you're feelings are towards Penn State, can you imagine the kind of disgusting human garbage it takes to try and profit off the misery of abused children?

Yeah. And can you imagine the demented and warped world some people live in that choose to equate the production of a handful of tasteless t-shirts to the institutional and purposeful neglect of child welfare?
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I tried to have a nice conversation over there about the Conner Strong shirt idea, and of course they shifted the convo to how disgusting I am for standing behind someone who's making fun of what happened. :confused:

I guess my time over at BWI has come to a close. Then again, probably shouldn't have started in the first place :)
Regardless of what you're feelings are towards Penn State, can you imagine the kind of disgusting human garbage it takes to try and profit off the misery of abused children?
I know you PSU fans think this line of deflection will disarm critics of your university and football program. Here's a heads doesn't work and is easy deconstructed as a sham and a strawman. Joe Knew is an indictment of the misplaced priorities of football above all else, the unctuous arrogance of "Success with Honor" ...and the stark reality that is was all a charade and nothing but a marketing campaign.
Profiting? ? Like PedSU and majority of 2nd mile employees, donors and land business partners(ahem Paterno ) profited off of hiding a monster in their quaint little valley, or I'm sorry quiet disturbed valley!!

You mean like those people profiting, you are damn right its disgusting human beings!!!
Regardless of what you're feelings are towards Penn State, can you imagine the kind of disgusting human garbage it takes to try and profit off the misery of abused children?

Any more disgusting than the John Ziglers and Ped State loyalists slandering the victims and calling them money grabbers? Or the students who rioted because Paterno was fired? Or the alums who demand the statue be put back up? All of which FAR worse than anything Pitt has done.
Regardless of what you're feelings are towards Penn State, can you imagine the kind of disgusting human garbage it takes to try and profit off the misery of abused children?
Ohhhh, so the abuse of children did take place?

Thank you for admitting it. You're a rarity; some of your brethren on BWI are still denying that it ever happened.
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Those wearing a Joe Knew t-shirt are soldiers in the fight against pedophilia and those who knowingly enable it, now and in the future. It is a poignant reminder that we cannot let powerful men and organizations cover up the terrible crimes of abusers and profit from these abuses. To pretend that it didn't happen, attempt to squash free speech, and forbid any mention of their despicable actions is to encourage abusers and validate those actions.

Wear your Joe Knew t-shirts proudly in support of the fight against pedophiles and their enablers.
Ohhhh, so the abuse of children did take place?

Thank you for admitting it. You're a rarity; some of your brethren on BWI are still denying that it ever happened.

LuvDaLions knew! Or he knows now. He also admits that Joe knew. Sworn testimony by Joe says he knew. So if Joe didn't know, did he lie under oath? One or the other. Dig up ole ratface and put him on trial or display the shirts.
Amazon is now selling Joe Knew t-shirts and the Nitters have begun to attack Amazon. They are marking the Joe Knew t-shirts as inappropriate and demanding they take the shirts down. A once proud fan base has been diminished to attacking a 66 billion dollar company because they're offended. Sad.
I really enjoyed reading the one star reviews on Amazon for the shirt. The more they complain, the more they will sell.