LeftCoastPanther Chancellor Gold Member Jul 8, 2001 23,235 13,183 113 Nov 12, 2016 #2 He does it every time.
P PittPanther44 All Conference Apr 16, 2005 5,623 2,303 113 Nov 12, 2016 #3 He had 5 TD and beat #2 on the road. Nice thread Nitters!!!!
pittbb80 Chancellor Oct 9, 2004 23,406 17,494 113 Nov 12, 2016 #4 What a bunch of idiots. When willl you clowns learn to wait till the game is over. A bid FU to all the Nar Dawg haters. Where is poker head and all the other idiots who post like lunatics after a loss
What a bunch of idiots. When willl you clowns learn to wait till the game is over. A bid FU to all the Nar Dawg haters. Where is poker head and all the other idiots who post like lunatics after a loss