PG's disgusting puff piece of the loon Franco

Didn't and won't read, but when I heard the news clip yesterday where Franco lamented that Spanier (who is irrefutably responsible for enabling Sandusky's assaults of dozens of children) was found guilty, I knew there would have to be some of the usual "rehab" coming from the Pgh media. Pretty efficient of them to pump it out there within the day.

He was a childhood hero of mine, but a reprehensible figure today.
I can't believe the timing of this. The trial gets the attention nationally, Franco once again front and center defending the Paterno cesspool and Gene Collier and PG put out tribute to the delusional Franco. The PG continues to get worse.
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I can't believe the timing of this. The trial gets the attention nationally, Franco once again front and center defending the Paterno cesspool and Gene Collier and PG put out tribute to the delusional Franco. The PG continues to get worse.

Agree with all of you on this thread. I saw the article/column and first thought it was a joke.
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Collier is unreadable. He will never use 10 word sentences when 25 word sentances will do.
He tries to impress the readers with as many multi-syllabic words as possible. His fog index is in the stratosphere.
Beside that, he is a smug reporter whose behavior is that of an entitled snob.
Retirement should be on the near timeline for this journalist.
He is in the hall of fame.....for showing up at rallies all over Pennsylvania. The rest of the super Steelers of the 70's never make the news except for Maybe Rocky. Sadly many players from that era are dead.