Sherrill went 50-9-1
Fazio went 25-18-3
Gottfried went 27-16-2
Harris went 52-44
Narduzzi is 17-12
Chryst went 19-19
Pitt football has not been as bad as some of you act. If you take away 75-82 and 90-97, then it is clear that we are a 7-6 or 8-5 type program.
1990-96 - Hackett and JM 2 were failures, and Fraud was only here for 1 year. Sherrill on the other hand was lights out.
Fazio went 25-18-3
Gottfried went 27-16-2
Harris went 52-44
Narduzzi is 17-12
Chryst went 19-19
Pitt football has not been as bad as some of you act. If you take away 75-82 and 90-97, then it is clear that we are a 7-6 or 8-5 type program.
1990-96 - Hackett and JM 2 were failures, and Fraud was only here for 1 year. Sherrill on the other hand was lights out.