Look, I would have had zero problem kicking Dior off the team immediately and out of the university. Fine whatever. I would have also been fine with it if they did it in April at the end of the semester. Again fine.
Waiting till now is ludicrous. It screwed the basketball program. It’s not particularly fair to Dior to do this when classes are starting everywhere especially if he did nothing else.
And finally, we watched Brandon Miller be tied up in a murder investigation last year with ZERO repercussions. No suspension. Nothing.
Pitt needs to decide if it wants to play big time or not, or at the very least not dance around what you’re doing like this case.
Waiting till now is ludicrous. It screwed the basketball program. It’s not particularly fair to Dior to do this when classes are starting everywhere especially if he did nothing else.
And finally, we watched Brandon Miller be tied up in a murder investigation last year with ZERO repercussions. No suspension. Nothing.
Pitt needs to decide if it wants to play big time or not, or at the very least not dance around what you’re doing like this case.