PITT on Top of the Old Kaufman's Building

I always wonder how ball don't sometimes accidentally fly off those rooftops... Do they build essentially a bubble fence?
I always wonder how ball don't sometimes accidentally fly off those rooftops... Do they build essentially a bubble fence?
Yeah, I think they’re building a big net thing around the court. You can see the posts for the future net laying next to it, pretty sure.
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There was a gym/health club on the top floor of the building I worked in before I retired. It’s an expensive, members-only place. They used to have basketball courts, but they removed them to add more fancy gym equipment and moved the basketball courts to the roof. Surrounded by netting of course. And around that they had that green material they wrap around a lot of outdoor tennis courts to control the wind.

One problem: The building is 39 stories high. According to one of the attorneys in our office, the wind was normally 15 to 25 mph and on windy days got up to 40. It would push a foul shot 3’ offline. When it gusted, the ball would go flying and some of the players would get knocked over. The green material had almost no effect on winds that strong that high. They closed it after less than a month.

Kaufmann’s was like 9 floors if I remember right. I wonder if they did any wind tests?

As an aside, the building I worked in was one of two triangular towers built in Century City, called the Twin Towers — a name which caused a lot of concern after 9/11. They were designed and built by a Japanese firm to be earthquake safe. They are on ball-bearings which cause the buildings to move back and forth in an earthquake without stressing the foundation.

So far, in close to 60 years they have come through all of the quakes pretty much unscathed. I was in my office during two of them. You could feel the building “sway” and during one of them the water heater for our in-office shower, which wasn’t properly secured to the wall, toppled and spilled probably 75 gallons of water on the floor. But, that was the only damage.
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