If, and I say if this is true about usc tampering with Addison, Heather Lykes has to be on the phone
first thing Monday morning with the NCAA. This should not be Narduzzi's fight, he is entitled to
voice his LOUD displeasure with this, but the fight has to come from the hirer ups.
I would anticipate that the call has been made to the ad at usc concerning this situation.
Heather needs to be in discussion with lawyers that deal in tampering cases.
I am sure that Bowser will be suing for breach of contract and other fiduciary responsibilities tied to the nil contracts.
I would think that any company that has a nil agreement with a student athlete has it worded to their
side if the contract is broken.
Wondering out loud if Pitt can sue usc for loss of income from this action by usc and/or followers?
Don't really know if I would want Addison back or not after this stunt, but that remains to be seen.
first thing Monday morning with the NCAA. This should not be Narduzzi's fight, he is entitled to
voice his LOUD displeasure with this, but the fight has to come from the hirer ups.
I would anticipate that the call has been made to the ad at usc concerning this situation.
Heather needs to be in discussion with lawyers that deal in tampering cases.
I am sure that Bowser will be suing for breach of contract and other fiduciary responsibilities tied to the nil contracts.
I would think that any company that has a nil agreement with a student athlete has it worded to their
side if the contract is broken.
Wondering out loud if Pitt can sue usc for loss of income from this action by usc and/or followers?
Don't really know if I would want Addison back or not after this stunt, but that remains to be seen.