Pittsburgh leads the nation in Super Bowl LI ratings

Sean Miller Fan

All P I T T !
Oct 30, 2001
Yes, Yinzers produced a better TV rating than Atlanta or Boston. They love pro football in Blitzburgh, that's for sure. This is a crazy stat. And for anybody that wonders why Pitt struggles in attendance, the NFL and NHL in Pittsburgh is what pro soccer is in Brazil, England, or Germany. I mean all day today I'm hearing how depressed people are because New England won. Your team didn't play!!! You're Steeler fans. Watch the game I guess but dont root harder for Atlanta than Falcon fans.
I wonder how high Pittsburgh would rate if it was the Texans or Chiefs in that game? The Brady hate is strong in this town. I imagine there were a lot disappointed haters today.
Probably near the top 3 anyways. In the NHL stanley cup finals, they always are 1 or 2 in tv ratings no matter who is in the finals.
Yes, Yinzers produced a better TV rating than Atlanta or Boston. They love pro football in Blitzburgh, that's for sure. This is a crazy stat. And for anybody that wonders why Pitt struggles in attendance, the NFL and NHL in Pittsburgh is what pro soccer is in Brazil, England, or Germany. I mean all day today I'm hearing how depressed people are because New England won. Your team didn't play!!! You're Steeler fans. Watch the game I guess but dont root harder for Atlanta than Falcon fans.

Yep. It is unfortunately the biggest problem for Pitt to ever have a real big time program. This is about as Pro of a city as any sports city. Like I said, HS football gets more coverage than college.
Yes, Yinzers produced a better TV rating than Atlanta or Boston. They love pro football in Blitzburgh, that's for sure. This is a crazy stat. And for anybody that wonders why Pitt struggles in attendance, the NFL and NHL in Pittsburgh is what pro soccer is in Brazil, England, or Germany. I mean all day today I'm hearing how depressed people are because New England won. Your team didn't play!!! You're Steeler fans. Watch the game I guess but dont root harder for Atlanta than Falcon fans.
SMF - do you have a link for that?
The Brady hate is strong here because the Steelers were directly impacted from the spying. When your team loses a shot to play in a Super Bowl because you opponent was caught cheating you're not going to forget.

Were the 70s Steelers cheaters because of the steroids? Maybe, but for guys like me that remember Spygate we weren't alive in the 70s to have a strong opinion.
Pretty scary, telling and pathetic in many ways.

Because it shows obsession and it is evidence of why college sports is always going to struggle to garner interest here. Obsession over the NFL and NHL here is at epic levels. I mean the Penguins consistently lead even NBA teams in local TV ratings. For a sport like basketball that is infinitely more popular in this country than hockey, that is hard to wrap my head around.
Because it shows obsession and it is evidence of why college sports is always going to struggle to garner interest here. Obsession over the NFL and NHL here is at epic levels. I mean the Penguins consistently lead even NBA teams in local TV ratings. For a sport like basketball that is infinitely more popular in this country than hockey, that is hard to wrap my head around.

Well the first, yeah. Second, it is sad because so many Stiller fans at at was looking for Schadenfreude for Brady and the Pats. Third, Hockey is more popular than basketball here. It is not that hard to figure out. We have an NHL team, we don't have an NBA team. We have one of the best franchises. We have more years than not, been home to the best hockey player in the world over the last 30 years. There were more NHL kids drafted out of Pittsburgh in one draft than the last 20 years into the NBA. Basketball sucks around here, it is a dead sport. Plus, Pittsburgh has one of the smaller African American populations among major markets.
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Because it shows obsession and it is evidence of why college sports is always going to struggle to garner interest here. Obsession over the NFL and NHL here is at epic levels. I mean the Penguins consistently lead even NBA teams in local TV ratings. For a sport like basketball that is infinitely more popular in this country than hockey, that is hard to wrap my head around.

If you have one of the very best hockey teams consistently over 30 years and haven't had pro basketball at all for over 50 years, why is it hard to understand? Why would you expect any NBA team to be more popular than a LOCAL CHAMPION?

Pittsburgh is home to 6 Super Bowl Trophies and 4 Stanley Cups over the last 50 years, why would those two sports not be the dominant ones in this city? The Pittsburgh Condors stunk and folded 50 years ago, Pitt hasn't been nationally relevant in football for 35 years. Pitt basketball has had good years but never really challenged for a NC. NFL and NHL is where Pittsburgh is truly major league.
Because it shows obsession and it is evidence of why college sports is always going to struggle to garner interest here. Obsession over the NFL and NHL here is at epic levels. I mean the Penguins consistently lead even NBA teams in local TV ratings. For a sport like basketball that is infinitely more popular in this country than hockey, that is hard to wrap my head around.

If you have one of the very best hockey teams consistently over 30 years and haven't had pro basketball at all for over 50 years, why is it hard to understand? Why would you expect any NBA team to be more popular than a LOCAL CHAMPION?

Pittsburgh is home to 6 Super Bowl Trophies and 4 Stanley Cups over the last 50 years, why would those two sports not be the dominant ones in this city? The Pittsburgh Condors stunk and folded 50 years ago, Pitt hasn't been nationally relevant in football for 35 years. Pitt basketball has had good years but never really challenged for a NC. NFL and NHL is where Pittsburgh is truly major league.

You aren't understanding what I am saying. Of course the NHL is going to be more popular than the NBA in Pittsburgh. What I am saying is the NHL gets better ratings in Pittaburgh than the NBA does in ANY other city. That is mind-boggling.
You aren't understanding what I am saying. Of course the NHL is going to be more popular than the NBA in Pittsburgh. What I am saying is the NHL gets better ratings in Pittaburgh than the NBA does in ANY other city. That is mind-boggling.
Why? they have the biggest stars in the sport, a multiple championship team, people just like it better here than NBA.

Though the PSU/USC Rose Bowl was the highest-rated college football game on in Pittsburgh history with a 17 share. To compare, Pats/Falcons drew a 57 locally.

I'd always heard that Pitt football does pretty well on TV in comparison to many other programs. Guess you can't believe everything you hear.
The obsession with the Steelers is perverse. I really get why people hate Steeler fans.

The mess that are the Pirates are a perfect example of what Pittsburgh fans will do if you put something worth seeing on the field. If Pitt starts challenging for the ACC championship or runs off a couple of double-digit win seasons, you'd see some casual fans take interest.
I know what you're saying, SMF. Locally, the Penguins draw is huge. As in a higher percentage locally than all NBA teams minus, on occasion, the San Antonio Spurs. I'm not sure if people think that means more people are watching. That's not exactly the case given the size of Pittsburgh. As in, a much smaller percentage ratings wise can still mean more people watched in any given larger metropolitan area.

Take the Super Bowl... I'm certain more Patriot fans watched in Boston than in Pittsburgh. But, Boston is a farily larger city and many, many Pats fan likely attended bars or parties which count as individual households. The percentage in Pittsburgh is still astounding. But, regardless, the numbers can be misleading if someone doesn't understand them.

Anyway, yes, hockey and football, in Pittsburgh area, draw very, very well, most especially when the Pens or Steelers or a hated rival of either team in playing in big game.
I know what you're saying, SMF. Locally, the Penguins draw is huge. As in a higher percentage locally than all NBA teams minus, on occasion, the San Antonio Spurs. I'm not sure if people think that means more people are watching. That's not exactly the case given the size of Pittsburgh. As in, a much smaller percentage ratings wise can still mean more people watched in any given larger metropolitan area.

Take the Super Bowl... I'm certain more Patriot fans watched in Boston than in Pittsburgh. But, Boston is a farily larger city and many, many Pats fan likely attended bars or parties which count as individual households. The percentage in Pittsburgh is still astounding. But, regardless, the numbers can be misleading if someone doesn't understand them.

Anyway, yes, hockey and football, in Pittsburgh area, draw very, very well, most especially when the Pens or Steelers or a hated rival of either team in playing in big game.

Yes, more Bostonians watched than Pittsburghers because there are more of them. The Nielsen rating is the percentage of people watching TV at that time. So, 57.9% of Pittsburghers who were watching TV on Sunday night were watching the Super Bowl. That is also the metric they use for local TV ratings. The percentage of Pittsburghers who are watching TV during Penguins games watch the Penguins more than the percentage of people in Cleveland who have a TV on during Cavs game watch the Cavaliers.
I do imagine the Cavs rating locally were ridiculously high during the NBA Finals. How did they compare to the Penguins local ratings in the NHL Finals?
This is a historically downtrodden town that is still considered the filthy "iron city" in most other places. For those actually aware that there is much less emphasis on steel now the perception may even be worse ... instead of a dirty (but prosperous and relevant) town, it's a still-dirty but now rusted out, irrelevant town! We who live or have lived here know of course this only a tiny bit accurate, but still accurate enough to sting.

Because of those long standing perceptions, Pittsburgh area people are insecure and crave two things: to be "major league" and to be a "winner".

No matter how many cool medical and tech innovations you can point to here (certainly many), or movies made, etc. Pgh still isn't going to be seen as a top dog of commerce or the arts.

That leaves sports. Top level sports to be precise, and being a WINNER of those sports. Excelling in the CBA or Arena Football would not cut it (not major league). Likewise, being an also ran in P5 football and basketball conference (even if it is the "best" conference arguably) is definitely not going to cut it either.

Just look at history. The Steelers were a joke and afterthought locally ... until they became winners. The Penguins, even more so. The latter interest in the pens is amusing since hockey is such a fringe, fringe sport. Yeah a couple rich suburbs have high school teams but otherwise nobody is ever likely to play it, especially on ice. But because the NHL is "major league" and the Penguins are regularly competing for championships (and winning them just enough times) , Yinzer nation massively embraces it.

Pitt has the inclusion in the big time of college sports. This might be enough in some more secure, more accomplished places. But here, we have to WIN too.

But if we DID win, we'd be immensely rewarded for it from the grateful insecure Yinzer populace, returning the investment exponentially (as it does for the Steelers and Penguins). Financially and politically. If you disagree with the latter, guess why there's a subway line to the Steelers back porch but not one to Oakland.

None of Pitt's leaders ever seem to get this. Pitt misses out massively on financial and political success by being satisfied in having mediocre sports.
what's wrong with leading the nation in super bowl ratings?

would it be more respectable to have been watching something on netflix? no movie or tv show can create the drama of the super bowl

there was also some pride on the line for steeler fans, people didn't want brady/belichick to pass noll/bradshaw in super bowl titles, plus they are now just one away from the steelers record 6 titles
For those asking, here were the NBA Finals/Stanley Cup ratings per market:

Cleveland (NBA): 38.8
Bay Area (NBA): 34.1
Pittsburgh (NHL): 30.7
Bay Area (NHL): 7

Interestingly, the Pittsburgh market finished dead last in the nation for the NBA Finals with a rating of 6.2 and it was last by a pretty good margin.
You aren't understanding what I am saying. Of course the NHL is going to be more popular than the NBA in Pittsburgh. What I am saying is the NHL gets better ratings in Pittaburgh than the NBA does in ANY other city. That is mind-boggling.

We love our sports. Even when they were still losing,. Delpanther's Nutting Pirates were at the top of local ratings. Not the top, but definitely in the top 10. there a link to find the Super Bowl by market? Not just top 5 or top 10? I would be real interested to see how the top college football markets (Birmingham) ranked for these ratings.
For those asking, here were the NBA Finals/Stanley Cup ratings per market:

Cleveland (NBA): 38.8
Bay Area (NBA): 34.1
Pittsburgh (NHL): 30.7
Bay Area (NHL): 7

Interestingly, the Pittsburgh market finished dead last in the nation for the NBA Finals with a rating of 6.2 and it was last by a pretty good margin.

You and many others have this idea that because NBA is "wildly popular" overall, that everyone should be drawn to it. I grew up playing basketball, loving basketball a lot, played into my mid 40s-never even held a hockey stick, From before MJ, I was a Bulls fan for whatever reason. But truth is, I am a very casual NBA fan, the only playoff game I watched last year was Game 7 of the final. IMO the fact that Pittsburgh never had an NBA team, that really kind of drove me away from devotion to the league as a whole. I watch PITT BASKETBALL, that's my basketball fix. I'm a viewer of sports that really needs to be invested in a team to care enough to watch an entire game. That's why I can't watch EPL soccer, but can watch the Baltimore Blast indoor team, because I live nearby and have come to like the local team, and it doesn't matter at all about the "QUALITY OF PLAY", same with the NBA, I can barely watch it, but I hang on every second of every Pitt game, the fact that the NBA or the EPL are "the best players in the world" means nothing to me, I have to care about the uniforms they're wearing or the place they represent to sit and watch. And the Penguins? I never ice skated in my life, but I'm a huge Penguin fan, who admittedly jumped on the Mario bandwagon in the late '80s, so I can sit and watch Penguins games intensely, not other NHL games, just Penguins, even when the Pens suck. I quit watching NHL playoffs the day the Pens are eliminated every year. I just need to care about the colors to watch at all.
This probably has omething to do w/ Yinzers ranking #1 at sitting on the couch.