"PITTLAW, post: 1771964, member: 338"]Captain, all schools use consultants when hiring coaches [much like most businesses use head hunters and employment agencies when making hires]. It provides both the candidates and the schools some cover when checking interest and negotiating prior to an offer. It also provides some level of covertness and provides some additional legal cover.
I know this, but Pitt hired some bad ones too is my point and it has been cited in the Media Links but not going there! Do you agree Pitt using Pitt Money from AD's botch some of those Consultant Hiring's? I am talking about what Boosters are saying and not Giving because of Pitt Mismanagement Misgivings and that is due to Pederson's and his poor Consultant's before and not just at Pitt. Now BB Boosters were not happy with how Barnes brought in Stallings with another "Consultant Friend" and now left Pitt after not handling Dixon's Buyout and Stalling's hiring and that is on a Media Link above.
While a consultant was not used to directly hire Dixon, Pitt did pay consultants during that search--as you may recall--Dixon was not the first choice by the administration at the time.
Big Deal in the end it was the Recruits that ask for Dixon and Consultants had little to do with it, unless others can prove otherwise and I am open if you can prove otherwise, i followed that closely. Same with Wannstedt, that was a Nordenberg-Wannstedt Relationship more than any Consultants. Baierl told me that himself. I bought my Cars from him and we talked often back then when he serviced them. So, i don't need to be lectured on Consultants when Nordy made his judgments.
There are a limited number of consultants that play in this space. People hire people most often based upon relationships that have earned trust over the years.
I know this and again my point Pederson hired some very bad ones not just at Pitt but at Nebraska and he had terrible judgment in doing it, or do you want to tell me I am wrong?
Please tell me if the Pederson's Consultant's on Haywood Hiring for 9 Nine Days and later settled in Out of Court Settlement was covered by any Consultant's Malpractice Contract for not doing a proper Background Check? It was a big waste of Pitt Money and you know it. Any thoughts there or did you think that was a good use of Pitt Money, with Pederson's poor Judgment, or the Consultant's stupidity? You can choose all or any 3? Add in "Toad" Graham's Consultants and Pederson's Judgement Consultant's to your view too! Although I put that on Graham in my view, but no problem if others differ. Like Chris said, just opinions.
That any AD would hire a consultant to which they had a relationship or some history is far from surprising.
No kidding, but Pitt finds the one that had relationships with Stallings and Barnes. Yet, it was the TCU AD that had a relationship with Jamie Dixon and did not need a Consultant much like Nordenberg-Wannstedt I do know about. Maybe they both still had one, if you know the name happy to learn it from you, if you don't, so be it.
Yet, Barnes and his Former Boss Turner made sure TCU got a "Softer Buyout" while Stallings was a Turner Hire 19 years ago, and was going to be fired, and Pitt's Barnes looked like a jerk before the Media or do you think that was unfair or just poor judgement? Just like Pederson's Consultants on Callahan, Haywood, and Graham.
Tell me and the Lair Posters .....Did Barry Alvarez as Wisky AD's serve as a Pederson's Consultant's and was he paid in Six Figures by recommending Chryst or did Pitt pay another Consultant on that too? What Consultant was paid for that by Pitt???? Do you think we can get the Name & Info from you or anyone on the Lair that set it up?
I think Alvarez a NU Alum, bailed out Pederson a NU Alum on that one not any Consultant whatsoever, if so poor spending again, when Alvarez was getting Chryst his First Head Coach Job to learn on Pitt's Dime and went 19-20?
In fact, it would be surprising for a school to hire some consultant with whom they had no prior relationship.
No that is not what I am conveying or saying at all. What I am saying and now asking do you think Pitt AD's did such a great job in hiring their Consultants? I found it surprising how badly Pitt Money was spent on some of them is my point above and under Pederson & Barnes! Great Stuff NOT!
It is not the end of the world that Barnes has moved on...hopefully the next hire is even better [but be sure, consultants will be involved]. Hail to Pitt!
How many times have I heard that here and said it myself? "HOPEFULLY THE "NEXT HIRE IS EVEN BETTER" What about saying instead..."HOPEFULLY, THE NEXT ATHLETIC DIRECTOR HIRE WILL HAVE BETTER CONSULTANTS HIRE TOO"??? Now that Barnes is gone! As is Pederson, Callahan, Wannstedt, Haywood, Graham, Chryst, Dixon, and now Barnes with his Turner Consultants "Hopefully"!
Consultant's are suppose to help their Clients increase their Judgments, Pitt seems to find the "Athletic Directors" whose Consultant's take care of themselves, better than helping Pitt choose Coaches and then ask Pitt Boosters and Alumni for more money while they misspend it on their Bad Consultant's as seen over the years?
You are one of the Best Posters on the Lair and I respect you very much, but you have to be tired like me, saying that above, "HOPEFULLY, NEXT HIRE IS EVEN BETTER"! Is it too much to ask to find one to quote you too.... "With A Better Consultant's Relationship" and add my own quote...."With Smarter Consultants Judgments" like TCU's Athletic Director's and his Consultants?
Finally, the same points to Chris Peak, that knows even far more. There is no one that knows more about "Pitt Athletics Operations" Today with Future Insight and later finds out the details on the hiring's than Peak. This includes knowing more than the Local Pittsburgh Media that is a not just a Compliment but a "Fact"! He should Copyright and Trademark....."Peaks Into Pitt!"
Why many times I tell Lair Posters go to Premium Board if they truly want to cover and learn about Pitt Athletics in FB & BB.
Chris Peak's Posts on the Premium Board are superb as well as Peak's Podcasts! Chris and a number of Premium & Free Posters like you are Pitt's Info for Today & Tomorrow, and I am and belong to Yesterday!
I know all about Consultant growth but Pitt needs to find better ones if they want Pitt Alumni to grow and Booster's Back Winning because the Coaches & AD's need to stay at Pitt. Barnes is gone just after 20 months and did some good things, but did not stick around, so be it.
"Hopefully".....like you just said, me, and many said that before. Pitt has found a Football Coach now find an Athletic Director with better Consultant's that stick around too!
Pederson's Poison & Consultant's were not endeared by Pitt Boosters that could have gave more, but why give money down such holes? Barnes came in reversing many Pederson's Poison Policies that increased support for Pitt, until his handling of Dion Buyout and Stalling's selection, by a good old boy Turner that has had terrible judgements as an AD and as a Consultant, but Barnes is long gone.
Hopefully.....well said again but in what years again?