PODCAST: Still talking about Dixon? And is there some January magic coming?

On the Monday podcast: How long are we going to talk about Jamie Dixon? And is Pat Narduzzi setting up some more January magic?

Pitt should make Oregon State Buyout Barnes Contract and make Barnes Pay the Difference in letting TCU pay less to Pitt's Buyout from TCU. Barnes was a Bum for his tenure at Pitt.

Misusing Pitt Money to pay his old Cronies Boss's Consultant that was Stalling's choice was a Conflict In Interests and Poor Incompetent Malpractice Athletic Judgment sticking Pitt the Bill for his inabilities to think on his own for a guy paid over $800,000.

Anyone being paid $800,000 and needs to Pay for Consultants to attract and find a Basketball Coach for Pitt especially when TCU wanted Dixon badly is simply unqualified to serve in that capacity with such stupidity.

There is no way to put it, Pitt sandbagged Pitt again, just like when Nordenberg brought back Pitt Resignation Pederson in 2002, Nebraska's Fired Pederson and Pitt brought Pederson back then gave him a Buyout???

When Pitt Leadership shows better judgment in spending and misspending Buyout Money while Athletic Directors too timid, unacknowledged, not knowledgeable to do their jobs and find Coaches on their own, maybe then Pitt fans will give Money to Pitt spend again?

Pitt is responsible for its own missteps and it is no longer acceptable for Pitt Leadership having such poor foresight in hiring Bums like Pederson and Barnes, they were both Pitiful!
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Pitt should make Oregon State Buyout Barnes Contract and make Barnes Pay the Difference in letting TCU pay less to Pitt's Buyout from TCU. Barnes was a Bum for his tenure at Pitt.

Misusing Pitt Money to pay his old Cronies Boss's Consultant that was Stalling's choice was a Conflict In Interests and Poor Incompetent Malpractice Athletic Judgment sticking Pitt the Bill for his inabilities to think on his own for a guy paid over $800,000.

Anyone being paid $800,000 and needs to Pay for Consultants to attract and find a Basketball Coach for Pitt especially when TCU wanted Dixon badly is simply unqualified to serve in that capacity with such stupidity.
Man. From the convoluted first sentence to the conspiracy theory to the phrase "Poor Incompetent Malpractice Athletic Judgment" to the ignorance of every school in the country using search firms...this post is just great. Really. Great stuff.
Man. From the convoluted first sentence to the conspiracy theory to the phrase "Poor Incompetent Malpractice Athletic Judgment" to the ignorance of every school in the country using search firms...this post is just great. Really. Great stuff.
Well, looks like your convoluted Brain Pain thinking that every school in the country does it, is more proof Pitt leads in that Incompetent Brain Drain thinking too, Greater Proof that Pitt Puffs in hiring such Consultants that flub it???

Well......let me give you a reminder and tell us this if you know......What Consultant Hired Jamie Dixon????

While you are thinking in convolution....remind up what Search Firm did not do its Due Diligence in consulting Mike Haywood Background that Cost Consultants and then more Legal Fee in Settlements later for Pitt?????

Good points using that word convoluted because that applies to Pitt Athletic Director's Misjudgments in Hiring the wrong, incompetent, and overpaid consultants as well as Athletic Directors compared to all programs doing it!

Defend it, Excuse it, and then tell us the Pitt Consultant that hired Jamie Dixon, and Dave Wannstedt too. Nordenberg did just fine especially when Big East was in Critical Times, Pederson was not Nordenberg's Mistake but Pearl's Nebraska too but after 2002, and Pederson's Consultant's were just as bad at NU too!

Next time just tell Pitt to call Sonny Vaccaro like what happen in 1999!

Love your Knowledge, Broadcasts, and you know more about Pitt Athletics than anyone, no shame in saying it. But Buyout Bums Consultants are not Pitt's Prouder Moments.You carry more weight in having more influence today or in the future than anyone in the Media these days, in my opinion.

Pitt hired Two Bums, Barnes & Barnes's Consultants, when they could call just Sonny for free! Maybe Pitt needs a Consultant's on protecting its Buyout Money!

On a positive note, Great Comments on recruiting again! Thank You!
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Pitt basketball will always be about Jamie Dixon to me until someone wins regularly here.

Pitt had a coach who you knew could coach with the best of them but who had recruited for a cycle or two poorly. A smart manager helps that employee get better at their skill or assists them with shifting responsibilities to enable a proven employee to succeed. Pitt took the route of naively believing Sean Miller was coming (and leaving one of the handful of blue blood programs). After that failed they scrambled hiiring a retread who has had minimal success with an easier path (yes Vandy has some recruiting restrictions but being in the SEC more than makes up for it-and it is not like Stalling used his advantages at Pitt to recruit anything that first year).

Barnes had an easy path ask Jamie why recruiting had fallen on hard times and get a list of options to correct (more money for coaches/recruiting/improvements to facilities???) and then do those you can and put together proposals for the longer term ones. Instead they hit reset and maybe MAYBE Pitt can return to where they were IF Stalling proves to be more of a program builder than most believe him to be.

The Dixon handling for my generation will likely be historic in the same way that the Jackie Sherrill handling which doomed the football to over 30 years of mediocrity.

I hope I am proven wrong but my donation and following of Pitt have dropped dramatically after that decision and I personally am excited to see Barnes leaving. Hopefully the new AD can help get Pitt back to close to where the basketball program was but I fear there will be another reboot in a few years if Stalling does not start recruting better (just one more for the dead horse-we traded in a great game coach who could not recruit for a good game coach who still has not proven he can recruit).

I hope I am proven wrong but my donation and following of Pitt have dropped dramatically after that decision and I personally am excited to see Barnes leaving. Hopefully the new AD can help get Pitt back to close to where the basketball program was but I fear there will be another reboot in a few years if Stalling does not start recruting better (just one more for the dead horse-we traded in a great game coach who could not recruit for a good game coach who still has not proven he can recruit).

Is Stallings really even "a good game coach? that is highly questionable, IMHO, based on what i have seen so far this season.
Barnes truly should be investigated for collusion or fraud. Using a search firm is one thing, probably makes sense for the plausible denial it facilitates in the whole dance, but his methods went beyond unethical. If nothing else, Pitt most certainly lost out on a favorable negotiating position. Stallings would have been on the open market, no other P5 prospects, and no buyout. This is a school dragging it's knuckles to hire a mere assistant coach right now, most likely to save every last cent it can, but needed to pounce immediately to pay full price and a buyout on a failed, doomed head coach?
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"Purdue_Panther, post: 1770037, member: 2204"]Pitt basketball will always be about Jamie Dixon to me until someone wins regularly here.
As I recall, and will accept any corrections.....Wake Forest's Sick Skip that Bobby Knight made fun once before an entire Basketball Coaches Convention, said Pitt will lose its BCS Bowl Bid, so Skippy said No Go Pitt!

Pitt Top Recruits at that Time stood up for Jamie Dixon and said he is why they are coming to Pitt, as Howland went back to his Dream School that later Fired Him. Nordenberg pulled the Trigger & Hired Jamie! Maybe someone else knows more on it?

Nordy then moved later on hiring Wannstedt and I remember reading it was talked about a long time between Wanny & Nordy, again, any corrections welcomed. Wanny needed time but did win 10 games for first time since 1980s.

I don't know crap about BB but Sonny Vaccaro lives and breaths it. All I know is the record and Pederson and his consultant's hire Howland and Dixon with him, and Walt Harris too, and Nordenberg and all of them rebuilt Pitt Athletics on a shoe string Budget again from 1996-2002. I credit all of them.

After 2002, Nordenberg led Pitt through its greatest crisis and picking Jamie help Pitt in its Golden BB Era and Wannstedt restored some old relationships with high School coaches again, and if Nordy felt he needed Pederson to get into the ACC Invite, so be it too, and if it cost Pitt a Buyout or 2 or 3, 4, and 5, Ok too, it solidified Pitt for the ACC Power Five Budgets.

Pitt had a coach who you knew could coach with the best of them but who had recruited for a cycle or two poorly. A smart manager helps that employee get better at their skill or assists them with shifting responsibilities to enable a proven employee to succeed.
Good comments, Barnes did OK, brought back the Pitt Scripts right away, set up good season Ticket Sales, and help select good Bowls for that time, but Pitt has to find some better AD's with better Consultant's is all I am saying. Look at how, Penn State is targeting recruiting and playing Basketball Games in Philadelphia, and that is where Jamie used to send his Players to play tougher Summer Ball. Yet, they out recruited Pitt in Philly???

Pitt took the route of naively believing Sean Miller was coming (and leaving one of the handful of blue blood programs).
Pederson help lose the Miller's as Pitt Fans and much as anyone. Pitt not giving Archie a Scholarship was Hindsight Dumb! I don't think Pitt could compete with Arizona but to lose to Dayton could have used that Jamie Dixon Buyout Money, but I leave that to others that know more, I never disliked Stallings because I don't know.

After that failed they scrambled hiiring a retread who has had minimal success with an easier path (yes Vandy has some recruiting restrictions but being in the SEC more than makes up for it-and it is not like Stalling used his advantages at Pitt to recruit anything that first year).
Agree again, what I disliked, is the how Buyouts did happen with some poor advice by a Former Barnes's Boss Consultant and it was not me, but the Local Pitt Media and National Media did question how and why it happen, that way.

Barnes in that Stallings Debut PC, was shocked and shaking at that Conference. That was not a Conspiracy Theory just poor dumb Athletic Management even the Media could see? Here Pitt just dumped an Athletic Director that Boosters refuse to give due to his arrogance. And Barnes trying to increase Donations uses his good Old Boy Crony Network with Pitt Money after Pitt witnessed such poor Management in football Coaching Buyouts, Lying, and Musical Coaching Chairs, being the laughing stock of Consultant's that could not do even a correct Background Check from 2010 to 2012?

Barnes had an easy path ask Jamie why recruiting had fallen on hard times and get a list of options to correct (more money for coaches/recruiting/improvements to facilities???) and then do those you can and put together proposals for the longer term ones. Instead they hit reset and maybe MAYBE Pitt can return to where they were IF Stalling proves to be more of a program builder than most believe him to be.
I think it is why Barnes is gone too! He either saw he made a grave mistake by the Media Mocking him, and some Pitt boosters too, and resigned or his UNC's Consultant got him a new gig up in Oregon State??? Either way, now Jamie and Barney are gone?

The Dixon handling for my generation will likely be historic in the same way that the Jackie Sherrill handling which doomed the football to over 30 years of mediocrity.
Well, it began with bad misjudgement by New AD's. Bozo Bozik was eventually fired. Barnes did not let the Barn Door hit him in his fanny, just resigned. Hopefully, Pitt's New AD will be smarter and know the history of Pitt AD's mistakes to avoid?

I hope I am proven wrong but my donation and following of Pitt have dropped dramatically after that decision and I personally am excited to see Barnes leaving.
Why give if the AD's & Misused & Mismanaged Consultants AD's Friends will misspend the Buyout Money, and then put in their Pockets and are gone? And then say, Pitt won't support Pitt? Funny, under "Cas" it was always Pitt came first and never him or his pockets. We raised money because it was well spent until Bozik was appointed more trouble came as many of us went away.

Hopefully the new AD can help get Pitt back to close to where the basketball program was but I fear there will be another reboot in a few years if Stalling does not start recruting better (just one more for the dead horse-we traded in a great game coach who could not recruit for a good game coach who still has not proven he can recruit).
Hope begins with the Right People in the Right Jobs that want to be at Pitt, just like Clemson did it! I can easily Defend Pitt Athletic Prowess All The Time, but I cannot explain the Poor Athletic Mismanagement whether it be 1939, 1964, 1990, and 2010 that lacked foresight, and hired People more worried about their own Pockets, not Pitt and left as soon as they got more elsewhere!
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Barnes truly should be investigated for collusion or fraud. Using a search firm is one thing, probably makes sense for the plausible denial it facilitates in the whole dance, but his methods went beyond unethical. If nothing else, Pitt most certainly lost out on a favorable negotiating position. Stallings would have been on the open market, no other P5 prospects, and no buyout. This is a school dragging it's knuckles to hire a mere assistant coach right now, most likely to save every last cent it can, but needed to pounce immediately on a failed, doomed head coach?
Well stated, Pitt hired a Chancellor O'Connor in 1990s, that made his Academic Bones at North Carolina as now known to have some Academic Athletic Problems of their own, and not just a few years but over Decades. The Same Consultant Alumnus is based and hired by Barnes. Either way, good to see Barnes go away, after "Peterson Poison" and "Barnes Buyout Bad Bargain" with their "Think ME Tank Consultants" Pitt should have the experience based on the Mistakes made under Both of them. Up to Stallings to prove Barnes Right now, without Barnes.

Nordenberg was always a Pitt Blessing, Gallagher is learning, and Narduzzi is staying wanting to be at Pitt.

Hopefully Dr. Juhl can find an Athletic Director that wants to stay at Pitt and knows the Region and work with Chancellor Gallagher, Coach Narduzzi, and fits right in for overcoming Pitt Athletic Mismanagement History and builds upon what Nordenberg reestablished in winning again, and together overcome the mistakes of the past, flaws, and all!

Still, Pitt Is It!
Is Stallings really even "a good game coach? that is highly questionable, IMHO, based on what i have seen so far this season.
I have to be fair here, Chris knows more about Pitt than anyone I ever read or listen to on the Lair or Radio. He is very forthright in his informative opinions and Pitt can't sugar coat everything.

Stalling's took over a Senior Laden Team even Jamie had trouble coaching and Jamie did go after some a Tall NBA Center from New Zealand and created a great Team around him, until he left for the NBA sooner than expected. The injuries only compounded Stalling's Challenges.

Pitt is now rebuilding Football and Basketball in a Power Conference and just in its 5th year doing it with 2 Chancellors, 2 Coaches In Football & Basketball, and 3 Athletic Directors. All require New Challenges, New Directions, and Upgrading to Compete Better than ever.

The ground to build a Foundation is still much solid than ever. Chris is right why cry about Split Buyouts, the future has never been more bright, and this is where our opinions speak out, but Pitt needs more support than ever. The right people being hired is part of that growing process and that is still on Pitt too!

TCU AD's said it once just like Clemson AD a few days ago, It begins with the Chancellor's Vision and then finding the right people to execute that Vision and build support for it.
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What's frustrating is that, let's face it, the fate of football was significantly compromised to throw in behind basketball. The standards for success are very high due to the Steelers, as well as having 3 programs within 3-4 hour drives each that go completely all in for football, plus the sheer scope of the game (so many scholarships, so many players to manage). So it's understandable from that standpoint. Deeds, not words, over the years seem evident there's only so far they feel they can go with football and cut off investment at a middling level, accordingly. I think they're missing out, I think it's such a football mad region that there's room for another winner to capitalize on the largess...but, eh, they have their own opinion.

There equally undoubtedly seems an opinion that winning basketball could have a unique niche here all is own, with no NBA. I agree...maybe not as nuts here as football, but Pgh and WPA crave WINNERS. The Penguins are proof. Hockey is an incredibly marginal sport. So few ever actually play it, especially on ice. It doesn't have marching bands and cheerleaders (that I know of anyway...if so, apologies). People have a hard time following the game (or the puck, even). It's not embraced by the major networks. Yet because it's pegged to be "major league" and the Pens commit to winning (and finish the job occasionally), they are rewarded with zealous fans.

NCAA basketball is at least as "major league" as NHL hockey, esp at tournament time (the freaking president weighs in on predictions). So it makes great sense for Pitt to decide to throw in behind basketball.
And we did, somewhat, for awhile with Dixon. Paid him more, then more, then more again. But didn't keep up in other areas. Assistants. Juice for recruiting. Relaxed attitudes to extracurricular activities. Stakes and investments continue to rise at other schools as the NCAA tournament became MARCH MADNESS. Our stake had to grow with it just to keep pace, and it did not. Now where are we left? Back to the dregs of the Willard years, except with a big newer arena that'll be empty. Nice going.
"TheNoise88, post: 1770160, member: 49087"]What's frustrating is that, let's face it, the fate of football was significantly compromised to throw in behind basketball.
Yep, it was a calculated way for Pederson to build success and move on ASAP to he beloved Nebraska that now rejects him as a Traitor not an Innovator. Nordy brought Wannstedt to rebuild Football and he was doing it until fired by Pederson that lied about it publicly. Now Pitt Basketball is hurting now and tougher to come back in the ACC?

The standards for success are very high due to the Steelers, as well as having 3 programs within 3-4 hour drives each that go completely all in for football, plus the sheer scope of the game (so many scholarships, so many players to manage).
Spot on, and those 3 Programs have way more Resources to build Recruiting with a base of support Pitt can just make happen with such competition within the city and Football Facilities Off Campus.

So it's understandable from that standpoint. Deeds, not words, over the years seem evident there's only so far they feel they can go with football and cut off investment at a middling level, accordingly. I think they're missing out, I think it's such a football mad region that there's room for another winner to capitalize on the largess...but, eh, they have their own opinion.
I agree, CFB is growing in Interest over NFL. Stanford does not have Dummies there, they know they have to compete against USC in USC 90,000 Stadium, but Stanford said, 50,000 Loud in well designed Modern Stadium is just as louder than 89,000 Stanford Stadium that only had 48,000 Fans. They made sure the New Stadium was designed for Corporate Boosters that pay way big bucks for Luxury Suites as well. They average below Pitt in most years.

There equally undoubtedly seems an opinion that winning basketball could have a unique niche here all is own, with no NBA. I agree...maybe not as nuts here as football, but Pgh and WPA crave WINNERS.

The Penguins are proof. Hockey is an incredibly marginal sport. So few ever actually play it, especially on ice. It doesn't have marching bands and cheerleaders (that I know of anyway...if so, apologies). People have a hard time following the game (or the puck, even). It's not embraced by the major networks. Yet because it's pegged to be "major league" and the Pens commit to winning (and finish the job occasionally), they are rewarded with zealous fans.
One thing to remember, apparently the Penguins Management know how to hire the right Consultants unlike Pitt's Athletic Directors have mistakenly did on more than one occasion? At the same time, the Steeler's have better Management than Cleveland and Cincy and only have to compete with Baltimore for Divisions and Titles versus 3 Programs neat Pitt? The Pirates won't spend!

Pitt has all 3 Problems, bad Athletic Director's Consultant Hiring, Tougher Football Programs Management Competition Challengers, and won't or can't spend like LSU giving 3 Millions for OC Canada?

NCAA basketball is at least as "major league" as NHL hockey, esp at tournament time (the freaking president weighs in on predictions). So it makes great sense for Pitt to decide to throw in behind basketball.
Fine....if true then find Athletic Directors that can retain better and smarter Consultants and won't leave when they bleed red due to hiring them then leave again?

And we did, somewhat, for awhile with Dixon. Paid him more, then more, then more again. But didn't keep up in other areas. Assistants. Juice for recruiting. Relaxed attitudes to extracurricular activities. Stakes and investments continue to rise at other schools as the NCAA tournament became MARCH MADNESS. Our stake had to grow with it just to keep pace, and it did not. Now where are we left? Back to the dregs of the Willard years, except with a big newer arena that'll be empty. Nice going.
Did you mean the "Wilderness Years", LOL!

What is bad about that is was Pederson's Pitt Basketball Plan that kept Pitt Football in the "Wilderness Years" too on the south and North Shores away from Oakland? and talk about Hiring even "Poorer Project Manager Consultant's" built a Basketball Leaky Dome over Budget? Yet, Syracuse and other could find the right Consultant's instead of Pitt Hiring Athletic Directors Budget Busters Buyout Buddies?

Ok, we know the problems, why keep complaining about the past, just hire the right Athletic Director now that knows the better College Consultant's that other Universities can seem to find and hire, without Pitt being embarrassed later by them and then watch them out Pitt Money in their pockets and sticking Pitt with the Buyout Bills?

Pitt needs to find the right people to hire the right Consultant's to hire the right People that rebuild Pitt BB, challenges and all! Pat & Staff have been doing it!

A Consultant needs to help his Client not himself, did not happen so far at Pitt and now Barnes is gone too?

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Pitt basketball will always be about Jamie Dixon to me until someone wins regularly here.

Pitt had a coach who you knew could coach with the best of them but who had recruited for a cycle or two poorly. A smart manager helps that employee get better at their skill or assists them with shifting responsibilities to enable a proven employee to succeed. Pitt took the route of naively believing Sean Miller was coming (and leaving one of the handful of blue blood programs). After that failed they scrambled hiiring a retread who has had minimal success with an easier path (yes Vandy has some recruiting restrictions but being in the SEC more than makes up for it-and it is not like Stalling used his advantages at Pitt to recruit anything that first year).

Barnes had an easy path ask Jamie why recruiting had fallen on hard times and get a list of options to correct (more money for coaches/recruiting/improvements to facilities???) and then do those you can and put together proposals for the longer term ones. Instead they hit reset and maybe MAYBE Pitt can return to where they were IF Stalling proves to be more of a program builder than most believe him to be.

The Dixon handling for my generation will likely be historic in the same way that the Jackie Sherrill handling which doomed the football to over 30 years of mediocrity.

I hope I am proven wrong but my donation and following of Pitt have dropped dramatically after that decision and I personally am excited to see Barnes leaving. Hopefully the new AD can help get Pitt back to close to where the basketball program was but I fear there will be another reboot in a few years if Stalling does not start recruting better (just one more for the dead horse-we traded in a great game coach who could not recruit for a good game coach who still has not proven he can recruit).

Dixon is the reason we only have 3.5 - 4 players worthy of playing in the ACC.
Well, looks like your convoluted Brain Pain thinking that every school in the country does it, is more proof Pitt leads in that Incompetent Brain Drain thinking too, Greater Proof that Pitt Puffs in hiring such Consultants that flub it???

Well......let me give you a reminder and tell us this if you know......What Consultant Hired Jamie Dixon????

While you are thinking in convolution....remind up what Search Firm did not do its Due Diligence in consulting Mike Haywood Background that Cost Consultants and then more Legal Fee in Settlements later for Pitt?????

Good points using that word convoluted because that applies to Pitt Athletic Director's Misjudgments in Hiring the wrong, incompetent, and overpaid consultants as well as Athletic Directors compared to all programs doing it!

Defend it, Excuse it, and then tell us the Pitt Consultant that hired Jamie Dixon, and Dave Wannstedt too. Nordenberg did just fine especially when Big East was in Critical Times, Pederson was not Nordenberg's Mistake but Pearl's Nebraska too but after 2002, and Pederson's Consultant's were just as bad at NU too!

Next time just tell Pitt to call Sonny Vaccaro like what happen in 1999!

Love your Knowledge, Broadcasts, and you know more about Pitt Athletics than anyone, no shame in saying it. But Buyout Bums Consultants are not Pitt's Prouder Moments.You carry more weight in having more influence today or in the future than anyone in the Media these days, in my opinion.

Pitt hired Two Bums, Barnes & Barnes's Consultants, when they could call just Sonny for free! Maybe Pitt needs a Consultant's on protecting its Buyout Money!

On a positive note, Great Comments on recruiting again! Thank You!

Captain, all schools use consultants when hiring coaches [much like most businesses use head hunters and employment agencies when making hires]. It provides both the candidates and the schools some cover when checking interest and negotiating prior to an offer. It also provides some level of covertness and provides some additional legal cover. While a consultant was not used to directly hire Dixon, Pitt did pay consultants during that search--as you may recall--Dixon was not the first choice by the administration at the time. There are a limited number of consultants that play in this space. People hire people most often based upon relationships that have earned trust over the years. That any AD would hire a consultant to which they had a relationship or some history is far from surprising. In fact, it would be surprising for a school to hire some consultant with whom they had no prior relationship. It is not the end of the world that Barnes has moved on...hopefully the next hire is even better [but be sure, consultants will be involved]. Hail to Pitt!
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Captain, all schools use consultants when hiring coaches [much like most businesses use head hunters and employment agencies when making hires]. It provides both the candidates and the schools some cover when checking interest and negotiating prior to an offer. It also provides some level of covertness and provides some additional legal cover. While a consultant was not used to directly hire Dixon, Pitt did pay consultants during that search--as you may recall--Dixon was not the first choice by the administration at the time. There are a limited number of consultants that play in this space. People hire people most often based upon relationships that have earned trust over the years. That any AD would hire a consultant to which they had a relationship or some history is far from surprising. In fact, it would be surprising for a school to hire some consultant with whom they had no prior relationship. It is not the end of the world that Barnes has moved on...hopefully the next hire is even better [but be sure, consultants will be involved]. Hail to Pitt!
The arrangement with Barnes, the firm and Vanderbilt was ca-ca.

Cost Pitt egregiously.

Gallagher should also be notice for letting it happen under his watch. This is the top or 2nd highest paid / highest profile employee. One of major faces of the university. If you're gonna have these sports, you can't freaking half ass it!
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"PITTLAW, post: 1771964, member: 338"]Captain, all schools use consultants when hiring coaches [much like most businesses use head hunters and employment agencies when making hires]. It provides both the candidates and the schools some cover when checking interest and negotiating prior to an offer. It also provides some level of covertness and provides some additional legal cover.
I know this, but Pitt hired some bad ones too is my point and it has been cited in the Media Links but not going there! Do you agree Pitt using Pitt Money from AD's botch some of those Consultant Hiring's? I am talking about what Boosters are saying and not Giving because of Pitt Mismanagement Misgivings and that is due to Pederson's and his poor Consultant's before and not just at Pitt. Now BB Boosters were not happy with how Barnes brought in Stallings with another "Consultant Friend" and now left Pitt after not handling Dixon's Buyout and Stalling's hiring and that is on a Media Link above.

While a consultant was not used to directly hire Dixon, Pitt did pay consultants during that search--as you may recall--Dixon was not the first choice by the administration at the time.
Big Deal in the end it was the Recruits that ask for Dixon and Consultants had little to do with it, unless others can prove otherwise and I am open if you can prove otherwise, i followed that closely. Same with Wannstedt, that was a Nordenberg-Wannstedt Relationship more than any Consultants. Baierl told me that himself. I bought my Cars from him and we talked often back then when he serviced them. So, i don't need to be lectured on Consultants when Nordy made his judgments.

There are a limited number of consultants that play in this space. People hire people most often based upon relationships that have earned trust over the years.
I know this and again my point Pederson hired some very bad ones not just at Pitt but at Nebraska and he had terrible judgment in doing it, or do you want to tell me I am wrong?

Please tell me if the Pederson's Consultant's on Haywood Hiring for 9 Nine Days and later settled in Out of Court Settlement was covered by any Consultant's Malpractice Contract for not doing a proper Background Check? It was a big waste of Pitt Money and you know it. Any thoughts there or did you think that was a good use of Pitt Money, with Pederson's poor Judgment, or the Consultant's stupidity? You can choose all or any 3? Add in "Toad" Graham's Consultants and Pederson's Judgement Consultant's to your view too! Although I put that on Graham in my view, but no problem if others differ. Like Chris said, just opinions.

That any AD would hire a consultant to which they had a relationship or some history is far from surprising.
No kidding, but Pitt finds the one that had relationships with Stallings and Barnes. Yet, it was the TCU AD that had a relationship with Jamie Dixon and did not need a Consultant much like Nordenberg-Wannstedt I do know about. Maybe they both still had one, if you know the name happy to learn it from you, if you don't, so be it.

Yet, Barnes and his Former Boss Turner made sure TCU got a "Softer Buyout" while Stallings was a Turner Hire 19 years ago, and was going to be fired, and Pitt's Barnes looked like a jerk before the Media or do you think that was unfair or just poor judgement? Just like Pederson's Consultants on Callahan, Haywood, and Graham.

Tell me and the Lair Posters .....Did Barry Alvarez as Wisky AD's serve as a Pederson's Consultant's and was he paid in Six Figures by recommending Chryst or did Pitt pay another Consultant on that too? What Consultant was paid for that by Pitt???? Do you think we can get the Name & Info from you or anyone on the Lair that set it up?

I think Alvarez a NU Alum, bailed out Pederson a NU Alum on that one not any Consultant whatsoever, if so poor spending again, when Alvarez was getting Chryst his First Head Coach Job to learn on Pitt's Dime and went 19-20?

In fact, it would be surprising for a school to hire some consultant with whom they had no prior relationship.
No that is not what I am conveying or saying at all. What I am saying and now asking do you think Pitt AD's did such a great job in hiring their Consultants? I found it surprising how badly Pitt Money was spent on some of them is my point above and under Pederson & Barnes! Great Stuff NOT!

It is not the end of the world that Barnes has moved on...hopefully the next hire is even better [but be sure, consultants will be involved]. Hail to Pitt!
How many times have I heard that here and said it myself? "HOPEFULLY THE "NEXT HIRE IS EVEN BETTER" What about saying instead..."HOPEFULLY, THE NEXT ATHLETIC DIRECTOR HIRE WILL HAVE BETTER CONSULTANTS HIRE TOO"??? Now that Barnes is gone! As is Pederson, Callahan, Wannstedt, Haywood, Graham, Chryst, Dixon, and now Barnes with his Turner Consultants "Hopefully"!

Consultant's are suppose to help their Clients increase their Judgments, Pitt seems to find the "Athletic Directors" whose Consultant's take care of themselves, better than helping Pitt choose Coaches and then ask Pitt Boosters and Alumni for more money while they misspend it on their Bad Consultant's as seen over the years?

You are one of the Best Posters on the Lair and I respect you very much, but you have to be tired like me, saying that above, "HOPEFULLY, NEXT HIRE IS EVEN BETTER"! Is it too much to ask to find one to quote you too.... "With A Better Consultant's Relationship" and add my own quote...."With Smarter Consultants Judgments" like TCU's Athletic Director's and his Consultants?

Finally, the same points to Chris Peak, that knows even far more. There is no one that knows more about "Pitt Athletics Operations" Today with Future Insight and later finds out the details on the hiring's than Peak. This includes knowing more than the Local Pittsburgh Media that is a not just a Compliment but a "Fact"! He should Copyright and Trademark....."Peaks Into Pitt!"

Why many times I tell Lair Posters go to Premium Board if they truly want to cover and learn about Pitt Athletics in FB & BB.

Chris Peak's Posts on the Premium Board are superb as well as Peak's Podcasts! Chris and a number of Premium & Free Posters like you are Pitt's Info for Today & Tomorrow, and I am and belong to Yesterday!

I know all about Consultant growth but Pitt needs to find better ones if they want Pitt Alumni to grow and Booster's Back Winning because the Coaches & AD's need to stay at Pitt. Barnes is gone just after 20 months and did some good things, but did not stick around, so be it.

"Hopefully" you just said, me, and many said that before. Pitt has found a Football Coach now find an Athletic Director with better Consultant's that stick around too!

Pederson's Poison & Consultant's were not endeared by Pitt Boosters that could have gave more, but why give money down such holes? Barnes came in reversing many Pederson's Poison Policies that increased support for Pitt, until his handling of Dion Buyout and Stalling's selection, by a good old boy Turner that has had terrible judgements as an AD and as a Consultant, but Barnes is long gone.

Hopefully.....well said again but in what years again?
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"TheNoise88, post: 1771983, member: 49087"]The arrangement with Barnes, the firm and Vanderbilt was ca-ca.
Exactly, and if one goes on the Basketball Boards (I have been there Just 3 Times all year but did a quick checking) one can see the chaos and divisions among Pitt's serious BB Fans. Some claim Stallings was left with not much Talent diue to Dixon's Fault, then I see Vandy at 8-10 and maybe he did not leave Vandy's New Coach with much Talent either? So, maybe more time is needed but Barnes is gone?

I have no clue on Stalling's Coaching Prowess, all I know there are more claims and questions by Posters, Media and Fans of Stalling's "X's & O's" Bravado claimed by Barnes's Turner Consultants that are now more "OH'S" as Barnes's "EXITS"!

Cost Pitt egregiously.
Yet, TCU Athletic Director's Consultants to grab Dixon's one of its own "TCU Alumnus" is working out just fine and especially when one see the Dixon's 4 Star Recruits from Houston and other places. At the same time Barnes's Turner Consultant's set it up and Pitt took less Dixon's Buyout Money and and brought in a Coach most Media Mocked and Barnes looked in shock and awe and now gone?

Gallagher should also be notice for letting it happen under his watch. This is the top or 2nd highest paid / highest profile employee. One of major faces of the university. If you're gonna have these sports, you can't freaking half ass it!
Agree with you again, Gallagher has to realize that "Pederson's Poison" all those years hiring and retaining very bad Consultant's that made Pitt pay for is mistakes and Buyouts still permeates Pitt's Alumni Boosters that no longer contribute to Pitt due to Pederson.

Gallagher got Kudo's when Pederson was finally fired with loud cheers as announced at 7PM before the BB Game, that is proof Pederson's Consultant's Sucked as far as iI am concern and many Pitt Boosters, Posters, and Fans agree with it.

Barnes was hired later and came in bringing back the "No Brainer Pitt Script" did a great job on Season Ticket sales, and Bowls, but he blew away his previous Goodwill with his "Barnes's TCU's Dixon Buyout Bargain To TCU" based on Turner's Consultant's interests in finding "Pitt Barnes's Consultant Turner's Stalling's" another job before being Fired!

This was not a "Conspiracy Theory" it just more convoluted "Pitt Remnants of Bad Athletic Management & Consultant Misjudgements" and Reinforced the "Perception of Pitt's Previous Pederson's Poison" again and The Fans saw through it and Media put Barnes on the Hot Seat that day and now Scott left after just 20 months?

You are so correct and like you say, what Gallagher & Juhl have to understand Pitt must Hire An athletic director like they hired Pat Narduzzi that understands the region and not another Nebraskan or West Coast Promotion seeker. TCU went after Dixon that helped them get into the Big East that led to the Big-12 and doing just fine.

While Pitt hires someone that has stalled Pitt BB and the AD that did it left Pitt? Now Coach Narduzzi & Stallings need Pitt Booster Money to keep rebuilding Pitt BB & FB, and like you say, picking the right Athletic Director is now more important than ever.....and so better be their Consultants!!!!!

Pitt Boosters, Alumni, & Fans have Pederson Poison & Barnes's Bargain Basement Athletic Directors & Consultant's Fatigue.

As you say, this is the time for Pitt Leadership to get it right like they did with Narduzzi even without an Athletic Director?

Bigger Money Must Bring Better Athletic Management That Makes Pitt It It, Not Athletic Director's & Consultant's Personal Pockets Of Poor Judgment For Pitt!
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"PITTLAW, post: 1771964, member: 338"]Captain, all schools use consultants when hiring coaches [much like most businesses use head hunters and employment agencies when making hires]. It provides both the candidates and the schools some cover when checking interest and negotiating prior to an offer. It also provides some level of covertness and provides some additional legal cover.
I know this, but Pitt hired some bad ones too is my point and it has been cited in the Media Links but not going there! Do you agree Pitt using Pitt Money from AD's botch some of those Consultant Hiring's? I am talking about what Boosters are saying and not Giving because of Pitt Mismanagement Misgivings and that is due to Pederson's and his poor Consultant's before and not just at Pitt. Now BB Boosters were not happy with how Barnes brought in Stallings with another "Consultant Friend" and now left Pitt after not handling Dixon's Buyout and Stalling's hiring and that is on a Media Link above.

While a consultant was not used to directly hire Dixon, Pitt did pay consultants during that search--as you may recall--Dixon was not the first choice by the administration at the time.
Big Deal in the end it was the Recruits that ask for Dixon and Consultants had little to do with it, unless others can prove otherwise and I am open if you can prove otherwise, i followed that closely. Same with Wannstedt, that was a Nordenberg-Wannstedt Relationship more than any Consultants. Baierl told me that himself. I bought my Cars from him and we talked often back then when he serviced them. So, i don't need to be lectured on Consultants when Nordy made his judgments.

There are a limited number of consultants that play in this space. People hire people most often based upon relationships that have earned trust over the years.
I know this and again my point Pederson hired some very bad ones not just at Pitt but at Nebraska and he had terrible judgment in doing it, or do you want to tell me I am wrong?

Please tell me if the Pederson's Consultant's on Haywood Hiring for 9 Nine Days and later settled in Out of Court Settlement was covered by any Consultant's Malpractice Contract for not doing a proper Background Check? It was a big waste of Pitt Money and you know it. Any thoughts there or did you think that was a good use of Pitt Money, with Pederson's poor Judgment, or the Consultant's stupidity? You can choose all or any 3? Add in "Toad" Graham's Consultants and Pederson's Judgement Consultant's to your view too! Although I put that on Graham in my view, but no problem if others differ. Like Chris said, just opinions.

That any AD would hire a consultant to which they had a relationship or some history is far from surprising.
No kidding, but Pitt finds the one that had relationships with Stallings and Barnes. Yet, it was the TCU AD that had a relationship with Jamie Dixon and did not need a Consultant much like Nordenberg-Wannstedt I do know about. Maybe they both still had one, if you know the name happy to learn it from you, if you don't, so be it.

Yet, Barnes and his Former Boss Turner made sure TCU got a "Softer Buyout" while Stallings was a Turner Hire 19 years ago, and was going to be fired, and Pitt's Barnes looked like a jerk before the Media or do you think that was unfair or just poor judgement? Just like Pederson's Consultants on Callahan, Haywood, and Graham.

Tell me and the Lair Posters .....Did Barry Alvarez as Wisky AD's serve as a Pederson's Consultant's and was he paid in Six Figures by recommending Chryst or did Pitt pay another Consultant on that too? What Consultant was paid for that by Pitt???? Do you think we can get the Name & Info from you or anyone on the Lair that set it up?

I think Alvarez a NU Alum, bailed out Pederson a NU Alum on that one not any Consultant whatsoever, if so poor spending again, when Alvarez was getting Chryst his First Head Coach Job to learn on Pitt's Dime and went 19-20?

In fact, it would be surprising for a school to hire some consultant with whom they had no prior relationship.
No that is not what I am conveying or saying at all. What I am saying and now asking do you think Pitt AD's did such a great job in hiring their Consultants? I found it surprising how badly Pitt Money was spent on some of them is my point above and under Pederson & Barnes! Great Stuff NOT!

It is not the end of the world that Barnes has moved on...hopefully the next hire is even better [but be sure, consultants will be involved]. Hail to Pitt!
How many times have I heard that here and said it myself? "HOPEFULLY THE "NEXT HIRE IS EVEN BETTER" What about saying instead..."HOPEFULLY, THE NEXT ATHLETIC DIRECTOR HIRE WILL HAVE BETTER CONSULTANTS HIRE TOO"??? Now that Barnes is gone! As is Pederson, Callahan, Wannstedt, Haywood, Graham, Chryst, Dixon, and now Barnes with his Turner Consultants "Hopefully"!

Consultant's are suppose to help their Clients increase their Judgments, Pitt seems to find the "Athletic Directors" whose Consultant's take care of themselves, better than helping Pitt choose Coaches and then ask Pitt Boosters and Alumni for more money while they misspend it on their Bad Consultant's as seen over the years?

You are one of the Best Posters on the Lair and I respect you very much, but you have to be tired like me, saying that above, "HOPEFULLY, NEXT HIRE IS EVEN BETTER"! Is it too much to ask to find one to quote you too.... "With A Better Consultant's Relationship" and add my own quote...."With Smarter Consultants Judgments" like TCU's Athletic Director's and his Consultants?

Finally, the same points to Chris Peak, that knows even far more. There is no one that knows more about "Pitt Athletics Operations" Today with Future Insight and later finds out the details on the hiring's than Peak. This includes knowing more than the Local Pittsburgh Media that is a not just a Compliment but a "Fact"! He should Copyright and Trademark....."Peaks Into Pitt!"

Why many times I tell Lair Posters go to Premium Board if they truly want to cover and learn about Pitt Athletics in FB & BB.

Chris Peak's Posts on the Premium Board are superb as well as Peak's Podcasts! Chris and a number of Premium & Free Posters like you are Pitt's Info for Today & Tomorrow, and I am and belong to Yesterday!

I know all about Consultant growth but Pitt needs to find better ones if they want Pitt Alumni to grow and Booster's Back Winning because the Coaches & AD's need to stay at Pitt. Barnes is gone just after 20 months and did some good things, but did not stick around, so be it.

"Hopefully" you just said, me, and many said that before. Pitt has found a Football Coach now find an Athletic Director with better Consultant's that stick around too!

Pederson's Poison & Consultant's were not endeared by Pitt Boosters that could have gave more, but why give money down such holes? Barnes came in reversing many Pederson's Poison Policies that increased support for Pitt, until his handling of Dion Buyout and Stalling's selection, by a good old boy Turner that has had terrible judgements as an AD and as a Consultant, but Barnes is long gone.

Hopefully.....well said again but in what years again?

Search firms only help identify and vet candidates for the schools...ultimately the decision of fit and to make an offer to a particular coach and hire fall on the AD, Chancellor and Athletic Committee for the Board of Trustees at most schools. Collegiate Sports Associates, the firm Turner heads up has placed some pretty good hires recently. CSA got Buzz Williams from Marquette to VaTech and Rick Barnes from Texas to Tennessee. Search firms cannot work miracles. If certain coaches have no interest in going to a certain school [say Sean Miller to Pitt]...they are not magicians and cannot make it happen. By the way, I think saying the Stallings hire is good, bad or indifferent is way premature. Everyone knew going into this season, that despite having a senior dominated team that the team had severe flaws--regardless of who was coaching. The flaws have become quite apparent as league play began. Look down at Duke...most would stipulate that they have a good coach. What's the problem there this season? Hail to Pitt!
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"PITTLAW, post: 1774228, member: 338"]Search firms only help identify and vet candidates for the schools...ultimately the decision of fit and to make an offer to a particular coach and hire fall on the AD, Chancellor and Athletic Committee for the Board of Trustees at most schools.
You know I respect you and we can agree to disagree so long as we don't disconnect, since learning and mutual exchanges are important, and you address it so well. You outlined a Process, Procedure and Approvals, but actually selection is more convoluted than just the process outline. Especially when adding Consultants and of course Candidates own Lawyers-Agents and Decisions that complicate selections as well.

You outline a very good Overall but often details fall to Athletic Directors & their Consultants by setting up the Candidates Influences as well as you mention above. I am not going through how Pederson in my opinion handled some well, but also had more misses at Pitt & NU to be fair. I'll leave it at that too.

Same with Barnes I am not upset with Stalling's and I don't know quite frankly he needs more than a few months to be judged, and I don't care much about BB. However, I was upset with the Barnes Consultant's Process, not more nor less, I think they flubbed the Process, in my opinion and hurt Booster's Contributions. Again, and just my own opinion, like Chris Peak points out fairly. Chris may know far more too but has to keep confidentiality and good graces of Pitt. He does a Top Job for Pitt Fans.

Collegiate Sports Associates, the firm Turner heads up has placed some pretty good hires recently.
Non-Sequential as far as I am concern. The subject is how Pitt Athletic Director Consultant's both Pederson and Barnes have done for Pitt? Not what they have done recently. My Ultimate Point is Barnes should have been more knowledgeable and sensitive of how badly Pederson hurt Pitt Contributors and Donations, by misusing Money on Consultant's that flubbed Haywood & Graham hiringn costing Pitt and then it was Alvarez that can used Pitt Problems to get Chryst his first Head Coaching job, Boosters should not and do not reward misspending money on Consultant's that flubbed their advice?

I can accept that from your Judgment on Turner doing so well recently, but the subject Barnes and Him did not do the same for PITT, as seen in the Sports Media Confrontations when announced, Boosters Questions, Fan Reactions, and Pitt taking less of a Buyout when TCU badly wanted Dixon, and Vandy was letting go Stalling's anyhow, and now the losing has begun at Pitt....and Barnes & Turner are LONG GONE? Boosters don't give money for that kind of Consultations and and that is vital for Pitt when trying to rebuild FB or BB Programs?

CSA got Buzz Williams from Marquette to VaTech and Rick Barnes from Texas to Tennessee. Search firms cannot work miracles. If certain coaches have no interest in going to a certain school [say Sean Miller to Pitt]...they are not magicians and cannot make it happen.
Agree, but Pitt Misjudgements is what we are talking about, whether it includes the Trustees, Chancellors, Athletic Directors and Consultants! Pederson did good in 1996 as well as expected with Walt and later Howard.

However, Nordenberg with Interim AD's did better than Pederson in choosing Wannstedt and Dixon with Unnamed Consultants. Nevertheless, Pederson's did poorly at NU, and upon his return to Pitt was even worst and Pitt Fan's Cheers were glad when he was gone.

Gallagher & Juhl's and their Unnamed Consultants did great with Narduzzi that admitted he would not be at Pitt if Pederson was still here? Barnes was greeted warmly by Boosters and responded his first year too with many good changes in policies that Pederson's refused to adopt.

Still, when it came to an important change in Dixon going to TCU for less a Buyout, and Vandy dumping Stalling's on Pitt that was going to go anyhow, the negative Media Coverage alone was evidence Turner did not do the job for Barnes or Pitt, and Barnes left Pitt as Pitt is stuck with Stallings?

TCU's Athletic Director, President did just find who was their Consultant?
and Barnes not much better, but both are gone now.

By the way, I think saying the Stallings hire is good, bad or indifferent is way premature.
Totally agree, but Barnes is still gone is not a premature fact too???

I am not saying that, I am saying Turner did a poor job on Dixon Buyout losing Money for Pitt and TCU did a far better job than Turner ever did, and Turner with Barnes not waiting for Stalling's to be let go, put Pitt in a worse position when Stalling's had no place to go, and Branes & turner jumped the gun, or just spent more Pitt Money, and pissed off Boosters and now both are GONE???

Pitt Chancellor & Trustees, that allow to happen was bad as Nordenberg giving Pederson's a Buyout 2 months before Nordy retired from Pitt? This is why Pitt has trouble attracting boosters Money from such Bone-Head Consultants and Athletic Directors and Pitt Higher Ups should not escape their mistakes too. Blame Pitt Athletic Decision Makers for it, and why Boosters stay away after welcoming and giving more Pitt more when Barnes arrived, but now not so happy/ fans gone too, attendance down? Barnes not here but Turner's Pocket is full! Was Turner working for TCU, did not do match for Pitt so far in any case???

Everyone knew going into this season, that despite having a senior dominated team that the team had severe flaws--regardless of who was coaching.
Agree, and admit, I really did not care since know little on BB. I quite agree and pointed out even Vandy's new Coach is struggling too.

But in any case:
1. Pederson & his Consutants flubbed Pitt Football Hires from 2010 to 2012, and Nordy's Buyout for Pederson was another waste of Pitt Money that did not need to happen! Boosters saw it another example of a waste of Pitt Money why give any to Pitt if they act that?

2. Barnes & his Consultants flubbed Dixon's Buyout and bringing in Stalling's that was about to be let go. This was another waste of Pitt Money on a Consultant that engineer it with Barnes oweing him for his first Hire and the Media knew it, and Fans and Boosters too, making Pitt look stupid again.

3. Boosters, alumni, & fans have a right to stay away from giving to Pitt, when Pitt gives so much Pitt Money away like that, and then asked why not support Pitt? TCU did a far better job and now has a New Renovated Stadium on Campus too, and far better Athletic Directors and now TCU Alumnus doing quite well as their BB Coach? While Pitt is stall on Stallings with no Barnes or Turner even here now???

The flaws have become quite apparent as league play began. Look down at Duke...most would stipulate that they have a good coach. What's the problem there this season? Hail to Pitt!
Did Duke hire Turner too????

Point is.......Pitt fans Just care about Pitt, and Booster's Money Twice Burned....also Thrice Shy to give again! Especially no Stadium on Campus and Leaky "Pete'" both when it Rains and Gone With The Wins?

Time for Pitt Higher Ups to Get Right when selecting an Athletic Director from a place that knows the Region better than he or she knows Consultant's that are Good for others, and them, but Bums for Pitt!

If PITT IS IT Then PROVE IT! By better Decision Makers in any Process you outline above.

Pitt-Post-SCRIPT: BTW Good Post Thank You! We both want the same thing a better Pitt in FB & BB!
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