Someone please explain to me the mentality of Pitt fans and posters. This applies to both football and basketball. No matter what they do there is always people -not one person-with negatives. On a cardiac hill poll almost half of posters/voters said Pitt will lost both Louisville and duke? Where is the faith ? As a fan you should always believe in your team and that it will succeed. Not we can't recruit this kid, he can't coach, we suck, etc. And please don't give me the "keeping it real " or " it's a poster board " or I'm a homer, or yinzer" excuses. That's old and lame and doesn't excuse all the negative posts. A lot of you are alumnus, which I am not but have been a Pitt fan all my life, and you still have no faith. FYI no faith equals no support. Two things I have always said is 1. if it's that bad and you feel that way about the team, coach, etc, then stop posting on the board and stop being a (so called) fan. No one is forcing you. Dixon is not going anywhere unless he decides to so maybe if your unhappy with him then you should leave.2. And this will kill many of you. But fan is short for fanatic. So as much as we talk about PSU, sorry folks but they got it right. No matter how absurd or skewered, or wrong their view may be they still support their team-religiously. Hence why some call it a cult. What happened there is one of the worse things you could ever do in life, and they should have received the death penalty, yet their fans stayed, supported and defended them. Many Pitt fans and posters will not do the same for a lot less. I know I'm not a crowd favorite here and will not receive may responses( I know this from past posts I have made with no response), and very few positive ones. but guess what I will be watching todays game and win or lose will still be a TRUE fan tomorrow. I've been riding this bus for years through the good, bad and ugly not jumping on and off the band wagon. So someone please explain the mentality. Because in my book being a sports fan is just like family you might not always like them but you show always love them. If you cant do that or always have something negative to say then leave them alone.