Practice #10...


All American
Sep 29, 2002
Nice interview with James Conner after today's practice. I like a player who is humble during preparation but a monster from snap to whistle.

I thought I heard James say that there would be less pulling linemen in the new offense... Interesting, and also a bit puzzling since we have two guards who seem to have good ability to pull...

Nice to hear Coach Duzz mention Elijah Zeise as doing well at WR.


Go Pitt.

You nailed it on Myron Cope. If I had the power I would award you the coveted "Cope-A-Nut."

Here's a paragraph from an article by E.J. Borghetti upon Myron's death in 2008:

"Older Pitt fans may recall Cope's drive-time commentaries on WTAE Radio. He did a series of commentaries upon John Majors' arrival at Pitt lauding the new coach's enthusiasm and aggressiveness. With the William Tell Overture (the "Lone Ranger" theme), playing in the background, he would describe the exploits of "Major Majors" and his efforts to rally the troops and drum up support for his Panthers program."Hiiii-Hooo Maaajooors!

If anyone is interested, here's a link to the article: Link to Myron Cope Article

Go Pitt.
I liked even better seeing all those plays Maddox was making in practice from the Pitt Livewire YouTube piece on secondary coach Hill. I can't help but think we have another future NFL player at CB developing based on what I am seeing and hearing.

I am now to the point of believing we might not have a another year one regression on offense with a new staff. They seem to be really motivating the players to learn the offense and be ready for game one. A far cry from any new staff here since Wlat was a rookie coach.