"medixman, post: 1636357, member: 28301"]I really think if Franklin had a choice of victories he'd take the one over OSU instead of Pitt!I bet if you asked the Great Darduzzi he'd tell you he would of rather beat NC instead of Osu.
Does it matter, it won't change a ting unless Pitt beats VT, Miami and Duke and someone beats UNC? However, even if PSU wins the rest of their Games, they can't win BiG TEN EAST tied with OSU due to Pitt Loss? Reality over Bets!
Yes Captain Psu sucks academically they should shut it down.
Well, I never said that "ever," and you saying it is wrong. it is a great University that lack control over Athletic Integrity for 40 years, not Academic Integrity!
My son once got pepper sprayed in a riot after PSU made the Sweet 16 and I know his IQ isn't low.Poor judgment not a low IQ was the culprit!!
Well, I commend your son for going to and graduating from Penn State, and I leave that matter why he was in an riot and sprayed up to you and him.
Of course his dad wasn't a Saint at Cal State of Pa,so poor parenting might of been the blame too!
I have read your posts, predictions, and they speak volumes of your character and that is a tribute to you, your parents, his grandparents, CALU, and your son and Penn State too? No one ever suggested otherwise at anytime and I admire reading your insightful posts many times and will disagree with where I see the need, but this post was not one them.
However, Some at PSU do go crazy and you know it, and Joe knew that too, often trying to calm them down. If as you claim that is poor parenting, the Penn Statet for some reason has more of those students since they rioted more than any school i know of in Pennsylvania in winning, losing and even not playing, now even Penn State is ashamed of that and don't make me Link multiple Articles in Multiple Years to prove it? You know it!
Still, what dumb people do when drunk is not who they are most of the time, but WE ARE.....seems to do force them to that kind of thinking and drinking, why, i don't know and neither do you?
Now tell me what you know on PITT-VT, PSU-PU & WVU-OKSU Games and CALU Game too?