PSU's JS scandal costs up to $220m.............

so it sounds like they are using all of the money that the state gives them in aid, to use and not from some separate source, aka PA taxpayers.. if true, im ok with this..
As I thought might happen, some of the money Penn State has to pay in fines is going right back to Penn State. Maybe it should go to the real state schools that are trying to avoid shutting down.
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As I thought might happen, some of the money Penn State has to pay in fines is going right back to Penn State. Maybe it should go to the real state schools that are trying to avoid shutting down.
DITTO!!!!! HTP/Forever!!!!
This analysis is limited to Direct Costs as Fines, Settlements, and Verdicts, and does not include Defense Costs that are all measurable.

However, there are Indirect Costs & Expenses too not accounted for by PENNLIVE.

For example, there has been big changes at PSU Athletics and University. Spanier was paid $600,000 per year but Barron is over a million and even said publicly why he took the job. Curley as AD was paid $300,000 and Todd ( Barnes Former Boss & Now Consultant) Turner's Client Sandy Barbour now gets over $700,000. Finally, PSU was paying Joe Paterno just over $500,000 but allow him many Outside Business Contracts Income and was in Business with prior Trustees. Obrien was paid fra more along with his Assistants. Now Franklin is over $4.5 Million and so are his Staffers paid way more than Paterno's Assistant Staffers.

Also, The Penn State Administration & Athletics are now Salary comeptitive with all of CFB unlike under Spabier, Paterno, and Curley as mentioned above. The Trustees have had to approve many New and Higher Contracts, President Barron, AD Barbour, Franklin & Staff, all added even more New Positions and Staffers.

Moreover, Such as First Time New Director of Ethics & First Time Athletic Integrity Officer & with Staffs and new Compliance Positions, Huge Increases Salaries all doubled and tripled.

Additionally, There was the Freeh $8 Million Report and subsequent follow ups, cost of putting in the NCAA 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms under a PSU Paid NCAA On Campus Monitor and Fees to Mitchell Law Firm, costs to create, oversee and maintain New Computer Orientations Courses and Seminars for every Employee, Student, and Contract Employees. PSU have Computer Programs that now do a background check making sure you don't have a child Sexual violation record so they will refuse the money.

Furthermore, the Buyouts for Spanier, Paterno, Schultz, and Curley, the addition of New Staffers for all Athletic Programs, the continued Representation Costs of Lawyers defending Penn State, Penn State Trustees and Staffers against the Paterno Lawsuit, PS4RS lawsuits, Bagwell, and multiple Alumni Former Players Lawsuits since filed and Discovery costs are still climbing.

In addition, the hidden built in costs in Attorney Fees. The Cost to Defend against The PS Lawmakers Lawsuits on Consent Decree Settlements with NCAA. Costs of initial no Fee on Admission Applications being given free to keep attracting New Students.

Add in also the losses of Income that were removed under 2 Years of NCAA 7 3 years Big Ten Sanctions. Such as the Costs of taking a Loan to cover the Football Program Operations under Sanctions right after the Scandal. Along with losses the Big Ten Bowl Money was not shared with PSU for3 years, losses of Attendance that went from 100,000+ to 95,000 from the Scandals First Few Years and still not near 106,000 anymore. Calculate the initial drop in Alumni Annual Giving, Insurance Coverage Increases Costs across the Board, PMA Insurance-PSU Lawsuit costs and pending dispute who will cover Spanier, Curley, and Spaniers Trials Defense Costs, Jay Paterno Lawsuit that was dismissed by Courts plus Court Sosts of just filing and responding to such Lawsuits, costs of Child Protection Center & Staffing itself.

Pitt is doing Penn State a favor playing twice at Beaver now, that game will attract 110,000 fans. Only OSU & Michigan usually do that now.

All these costs are continuing with contention of payment claims and other claims pending until resolved in the courts.

The Penn State Scandal is by no means over either and it far more than a mere a $250 Million that continues to grow as PS4RS & The Paterno Lawsuits want The Statue back up and proving the March to 409 Wins has costs Penn State Reputation, Shame, and Name Fame losses that incalculable and will never be restored except in the minds of few Franco, PS4RS Trustees and Cult Dolts.

These PS4RS Trustees behind the Civil Lawsuits against Penn State and NCAA are costing their own Alma Mater even more money in pursuit...."We Must Save Joe Paterno Legacy" are a continuing as well. It only goes to show in hindsight, I was right when I posted on BWI in 1998 Joe should retire and got banned for saying it. I did not even know the Penn State Scandal was happening, just Joe was not following all the Compliance Rules and Spanier, Curley, and Schultz were covering up for PSU Players arrests that ESPN finally reported on as well, and the NCAA Enforcement (Now All Replaced) Officials ignored it?

As Stated many times by me and I won't back down saying it because it is true, Joe was indeed a Great Game Day Coach that built a Strong Sustainable Program.

Nonetheless, like Jackie Sherriill wrote in book, will not know when and how to retire, and it will end up hurting Joe. In the end Jackie was right more on Joe, than what Joe said about Jackie way back in 1980s off the record? They made up in the end and Jackie and Jay Paterno both agree on NCAA Unfairness.

In hindsight, Jackie was more right and it was Joe Paterno Name being associated with The Worst College Football Scandal In History not Jackie! This is really over Billion Dollars in Paterno Football Errors Legacy Costs!
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Does this take into account the influx of
As I thought might happen, some of the money Penn State has to pay in fines is going right back to Penn State. Maybe it should go to the real state schools that are trying to avoid shutting down.
Don't forget that they also put out the distress signal that they were subject to a witch hunt, and their zealots produced major additional donations (for football of course).

And the Thon thing was kicked into hyper gear after the scandal ... it seemingly happens every month now (maybe just my perception!). Either way their moonies are out pestering intersections with their cans constantly since the scandal went down. Normally I'd say, hey, that's great ... but as Paco showed with his exposure of the documentation a couple years back, almost all of that Thon money goes right back to PSU, not the needy. This isn't particularly a well kept secret yet the canners (and obedient media that pimp the story every time) don't seem perturbed.
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Hilarious - $12M of the $48M NCAA fine went right back to....PSU. :rolleyes:
"Revenge Of The Noise, post: 1866100, member: 50457"]Does this take into account the influx of Don't forget that they also put out the distress signal that they were subject to a witch hunt, and their zealots produced major additional donations (for football of course). And the Thon thing was kicked into hyper gear after the scandal ... it seemingly happens every month now (maybe just my perception!). Either way their moonies are out pestering intersections with their cans constantly since the scandal went down. Normally I'd say, hey, that's great ... but as Paco showed with his exposure of the documentation a couple years back, almost all of that Thon money goes right back to PSU, not the needy. This isn't particularly a well kept secret yet the canners (and obedient media that pimp the story every time) don't seem perturbed.
They were and still are in distress and just maintaining the New Reforms, Systems, Employees, and other Costs In Dispute, along with Losses were ever added up and published properly, many Penn State Alumni would see fighting for Joe's Legacy is costing Penn State far more in money and reputations that cannot come back in face of Children Victims 1976 Under Oath depositions, PMA-Insurance Revelations Joe was told, and DOE Clery Act & Title IX Violations Findings, and Curley-Schutz Testimony Under Oath confirming The Freeh Report Penn State 400 Employees Names Under Sealed being more accurate than The Paterno Report Misinformation and Doubtful Circumstantial Conclusions.

Penn State Income from football was often first and second in the Big Ten but now down to third. It is not what it used to be but still bringing in Money. What remains to be seen is how they will account for all the costs not seen and reported Publicly.

However, now seen factually another setback like Albert Lord brought upon himself and Penn State. If the PS4RS Trustees continue like Albert Lord did in not caring about children Victims, this alone has brought more shame to Penn State Name, and Children Advocate Groups and Lawyers can file Lawsuits against Penn State should they choose to have the PSU 400 Whistle-Blowing Employee's name rveal so they can be compensated for telling the truth about intimidation that happen under Spanier, Curley, Schultz and Paterno too.

The few 8 PS4RS Trustees against the Full Board, are now liable as well as being Trustees and costing Penn state even more in their attempts in claiming they want all the truth out and trying to revive a Football Coach Legacy best Buried in Hindsight! Digging it all up just will cause more Odors even they can't ignore, and will be upset in what they will find, and then admit like Lord, come to regret they did it?

The Children Protection Against Abuse and their Advocates, Lawyers, and Pro-Lawmakers Against Children Abuse are not just standing by but recording all of it, the Media is waiting for all Unsealed Documents without Redactions, and Revelations on what Penn State Paid to Buyout the Culprits Responsible, just brings it all back on Penn State and the Paterno's will regret leading that Pack whether by Civil Lawsuits now discredited, or more to come out shaming Joe.

The PS4RS Trustees and Group will exclaim one day, sorry we did not know, and they will come to realize they unleashed the Vile Horrific Odors that the Penn state Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms had to clean up due to 409 Legacies of Winning Shame not Success With Honor in any Shower?

They are all on a Tight Rope without a Net and will have far more Regrets!
Well in all fairness, it went to seminars and training of PSU employees. It takes mucho effort to train PSU to call police when if they see an adult molesting a child!
To be fair, also went to all other Counties DPW for training. The Money for Penn State Employees & Students will continue to bleed red Ink for every year forward too. It is another 409 Legacy Burden Costs on Penn State!

All Knowledgeable Defense Lawyers will now tell anyone the Penn State Football Scandal has changed the Defense Of All Child Abuse Cases forever. Few will even are take them. It is almost impossible to be found Not Guilty based on New Laws and Failures of not Reporting it.

I don't make things up on the Lair just ask any Criminal Defense Lawyer that have taken similar CLE License Seminars or University and High School Legal Solicitors Compliance Counselors, Insurance Risk Management, all are required by the Supreme Court and Lawyers that handle this specialty. They will tell you the Truth too, if they know you.

Pleading is the Best and only way now. Just being accused and demanding going to a Jury once could delay such cases for over Decade, but that is over now.

The PAOAG Child Predator Unit unlike not being given this case under Corbett, but under AG Kane & now AG Shapiro are in overdrive. All Criminal Defense Lawyers & Convicts that get out will tell you the only real old Inmates still in jail over 50 and 60 are Multiple Convicted Pedophiles.

A few Gang Motor Cycle Drug Gang Leaders, MI13's, Crystal Meth Drug Kingpins, Law Enforcement Murders are a few Lifers and some of them can get out when their Brain's become Marbles, but not Multiple Convicted Pedophiles.

The Catholic Church Dioceses & the Penn State Football Scandal caused by PSU Graduate, Coach, Alumnus and covered up by Curley & Schultz Guilty Pleas and Convicted on Sandusky and Spanier have changed that aspect of Child Molestation Abuse Cases forever within the Commonwealth. If you know or knew and did not Report it, you are subject to the New Laws too, that go back for Decades.

After a Guilty Plea or conviction you are subject for a Lifetime of having your name put on the as Child Abuse Convicted Felon no matter where you move too.

Don't cry for the Attorneys and Insurance Risk Managers a whole New Business as been added to Advise & Supervise the University Compliance & Children Protection Laws an Systems. Everyone must study and learn what happen during the Penn State Football Scandal and now learn how to write, pass and implement policies and procedures to comply with all Laws, Compliance's and NCAA Rules now.

Unfortunately, all created and invented at Penn State but Pitt Cured Polio and did it with saving children not exploiting for Football 409 Legacy Wins.
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let those jackasses pay to more,let the shit fly in dairyland.
Funny you brought up Animal Defecation Odors near Beaver Stadium although not intended. One Big Reason why Beaver Stadium Enclosed Facilities New Renovations Plans now becoming Shovel Ready Realities is due to the Manure Odors that come upon some PSU Barn Farms & Fields Of Manure during Hot Days in September. This will help to keep those Odors out as one walks or looks out from Stadium Exits Ramps.

PSU Fans laugh at Pitt using Heinz Field but that sweet blowing air from the rivers and fountains is far more fresher and do not need a Stadium Surrounded Enclosure!
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The rangers had a homecoming Down in dairyland
When Penn |State Honors Sarah Ganim, Sally Jenkins, Berstein, Louis Freeh, Vicky Triponey, Dr. Joyner, President Erickson, Marsh Creek, and Trustee Frazier with all 400 PSU Employees with the Penn State Administers, Alumni, NCAA Monitors, and the Children Victims that helped put in the Penn state 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms then you will know Penn state has changed and chose a Brighter Future for the Better, then keep sinking into the depths of despair on a Past No Longer Worth trying to save Publicly or in History.

I am surprised Sue Paterno has not invited many of them to Dinner to heal wounds, she did not know either, and she should welcome the People that changed PSU for the better for protections of children it go a long way of restoring faith in the Paterno again, and Joe admitted he made mistakes and should have done more in hindsight, honesty is always the best policy when others get hurt on one being silent, not a Paterno report in Dispute now nor Lawsuits that will drag all names downward again.

If they invited Johnny Majors, Kirk Ferentz, Jackie Sherrill, Lloyd Carr, Barry Switzer, Pete Carroll, and many other Coaches that once fought and beat Joe and Joe beat them, to dinner they should do it for the children Victim's and their Parents as way to apologize just like they did with Coaches!

It would really mend and heal old wounds and talk about the silence many never knew and that is the best way to at least have many think better of the Paterno Name, not the way of Franco, PS4RS Trustees with Lawsuits and blaming everyone and everything else!
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The Penn State Scandal is by no means over either and it far more than a mere a $250 Million that continues to grow as PS4RS & The Paterno Lawsuits want The Statue back up and proving the March to 409 Wins has costs Penn State Reputation, Shame, and Name Fame losses that incalculable and will never be restored except in the minds of few Franco, PS4RS Trustees and Cult Dolts.

These PS4RS Trustees behind the Civil Lawsuits against Penn State and NCAA are costing their own Alma Mater even more money in pursuit...."We Must Save Joe Paterno Legacy" are a continuing as well. It only goes to show in hindsight, I was right when I posted on BWI in 1998 Joe should retire and got banned for saying it. I did not even know the Penn State Scandal was happening, just Joe was not following all the Compliance Rules and Spanier, Curley, and Schultz were covering up for PSU Players arrests that ESPN finally reported on as well, and the NCAA Enforcement (Now All Replaced) Officials ignored it?

As Stated many times by me and I won't back down saying it because it is true, Joe was indeed a Great Game Day Coach that built a Strong Sustainable Program.

Nonetheless, like Jackie Sherriill wrote in book, will not know when and how to retire, and it will end up hurting Joe. In the end Jackie was right more on Joe, than what Joe said about Jackie way back in 1980s off the record? They made up in the end and Jackie and Jay Paterno both agree on NCAA Unfairness.

In hindsight, Jackie was more right and it was Joe Paterno Name being associated with The Worst College Football Scandal In History not Jackie! This is really over Billion Dollars in Paterno Football Errors Legacy Costs!

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New Netflix Penn State Scandal:
Sara Ganim Executive Producer:
Scene One:
Penn State Coaches Fired: All Right, Big Mouth, That Did It.
Penn State Football Players Beating Up Students
Mcqueary: Wait A Minute. It Was My Entire Fault.
Paterno: Butt Out!
Spanier: Get Him!
Curley & Schultz Indicted!
Multi On Jay: On Your Feet, Dago. You Got More Coming.
Spanier: You Can’t Fire Us & I Won’t Tell Anything!
Paterno: I’ll Retire In A Year & I Don’t Know Anything
Spanier To Trustees: Now You Did It See Student Riots:
Fighting, Riots, Burning Buildings, Trucks, Cars, Players In Fighting & Fleeing.

Trustees: Change Direction Hire Louis Freeh
Sound of Music Playing:
See Investigators Descending on Happy Valley With Band Leading
FBI Director Louie Freeh With Investigators March In First Group
DOJ Title IX DOE Clery Act Investigators March Right Behind!
NCAA Sanctions Monitor John Mitchell Marching In
NCAA Oversight Sargent Staffer shouts Right Left Right!
NCAA Monitors Right 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms Mark Time In Front.

John Mitchell: NCAA Sanctions Monitors ... ...Halt.
John Mitchel: NCAA Monitors Left Turn.
Louis Freeh Salutes
DOE & DOJ Investigators At Attention
John Mitchell To Trustee Frazier: Sir. NCAA Enforcement Monitors Reporting For Duty.
PSU Trustee Frazier: Glad To Have You With Us Please Clean Up 409

Scene Three:
President Erickson: Dr. Joyner, Get These Players Into Formation On The Double.
Dr. Joyner To Coach O'Brien: Nittany Lions Formation On The Double.
PSU Players: Aww.....Damn It, We Didn’t Do Anything.
Coach O’Brien: Let's Go! Come On, Move It. On The Double.
NCAA Monitor John Mitchell: God Save The NCAA.
Coach O’Brien: NCAA Save Us All.

Joe Passes
Sandusky Conviction
NCAA sanctions Reduced
Curley Pleas
Schultz Pleas
Spanier Conviction

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