Recap of Blue-Gold Volleyball Scrimmage

A couple of well-intentioned points of feedback for the author in case they're looking to become more familiar with the sport for their writing.
  • Serves don't really challenge the block (see Babcock section early in article). It's better to say that they are challenging the passers and potentially forcing the opponents out of system, which means it's harder for them to run a patterned offense.
  • "Passes" almost exclusively refer to the receive of serve. A couple of times (see Fairbanks mention in "Best Players..." it's mentioned that the setters are putting up great passes - you're better off saying that they're putting up good sets or running a good/balanced offense (which is often a product of being in-system due to good passes in serve receive).
Genuinely not trying to knock the author or writing - want to help make sure that as Pitt Volleyball grows in prominence and attention, that the sports writers can also hone their craft. H2P

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