Rival reactions to Pitt suspensions


All Conference
Gold Member
Jul 20, 2001
New Castle
About once a week I check out the PSU and WVU boards for any recruiting news, especially involving those Pitt is recruiting. Well, I happened to come upon posts regarding the Pitt suspensions. Unsurprisingly, the typical reactions of rival fans didn't disappoint me. The hatred of the fanbases is over-the-top because those fans are the ones that post in those cases. All message boards are similar, and have the extreme fans. Yet, I have to laugh at the hypocrisy when they make reference to the 'culture problem' that Pitt has, not realizing the amount of criminal charges and discipline that their programs have had, without mentioning the negative publicity in their recent past. Reading the post about 'Pitt suspensions' on the BWI board made me laugh as they refer to the idiocy of the Pitt fans on here, yet post untelligently and irrationally themselves. I used to respectfully answer some of the 'misconceptions' and 'untruths' there, but don't anymore after I was personally demeaned. A fellow co-worker once told me, 'you can't rationalize with irrational people' and 'if you're full of hate, you can't think straight'. LOL. Narduzzi handled the problem, it is yet to be determined if it will have any negative effects on the season or the program. My guess is that the team will be resilient and overcome any adversity.
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Sounds like this place and every other message board.
Yep, there are extremists on every board, yet each feels that their board is more sane and intelligent than the rest. It begs the question when reading some posts, does one actually read their post before posting? I wouldn't want to assign my name to some of those opinions and assertions that are made, realizing the old cliche about those that live in glass houses.
They're obsessed with us. They will do anything or go any distance to make us look bad. So be it.