roll call for Saturday.

I will be there. Looking like things may be wrapped up before any rain.

Does anyone know any of the former Panthers that will be there to sign autographs? From the website... Pictures with the trophies is an extremely cool idea.

On-Field Photos: Commemorating the 40th Anniversary, fans will be able to get their pictures taken with the 1976 National Championship Trophy and Tony Dorsett's 1976 Heisman Trophy on the field.
Autograph Alley: Former Panthers will be on hand to sign autographs for fans.
I'll be dragging my bad hip to the game. Gots to have me a fill of the BADDEST CAT IN THE LAND!!! PITT IS IT!!!!
I will be there and hope to make an inning or two of the Pitt v. Miami baseball game.
kids have soccer games. I used to ridicule you parents who prioritized your kids over pitt, now I am one of you..

good news is it's over by 11:45(ish) so I should still make it, sad news is, i'll be kind of sober. Sobriety and pitt spring games are two things that don't mix well..
here is an idea drink heavily at your kids soccer event.

Is there a hill? When my daughter was in U12 soccer, there was a grandfather of one of the girls that would bring a folding chair and a thermos-sit far away on top of this hill, not sure what was in it, but he was clearly hammered at the end of the game.

No, I won't be there. I'm a REAL PITT FAN, who has only been to the spring game once, 1988 at Pitt Stadium.