Its sad really. Twenty years ago, his personality was good for the game. But he never says anything worth listening to anymore, and when I bother to listen, I usually disagree and get annoyed.
Nothing is worse though than his endless pimping of coaches. "He's a great coach but an even better person." How many times have you heard him say that about a countless number of coaches.
No one is more responsible for putting coaches on a pedestal than him. You would've thought that after Sandusky's fall, a guy who was so exhalted in the community that people were scared to death to report him, that he would've toned it down a bit. But no, continues to rant on in lengthy defenses of coaches who get exposed, from Knight to Paterno to Pitino. You can always count on Dickie V to immediately defend any coach who gets nailed and listen to him claim their innocence and sing their praises.