So...basically exactly how it was before that caused them to stop making the games for legal itI liked the college basketball too. Maybe just use generic players with similar ratings and let gamers modify the roster names and attributes as seen fit
No that isn't exactly how it was. If i had a nickel for every wise axx on panther lair world hunger wouldn't exist. On the old one they use the player who it was supposed to represents number. The player's height weight and all. I'm saying use comparably measured ratings. Also dont use the number or likeness. Also, don't be so quick to dive in with unwarranted criticism if you don't understand.....Bud.So...basically exactly how it was before that caused them to stop making the games for legal it
They would have to randomize every aspect of each player to avoid another lawsuit. Height, weight, hair, handedness, number, speed, etc. In addition they still might get into trouble in the very near future if they promote or allow the editing and roster within the game itself, as tech companies are coming under increased scrutiny for created content on their platform.No that isn't exactly how it was. If i had a nickel for every wise axx on panther lair world hunger wouldn't exist. On the old one they use the player who it was supposed to represents number. The player's height weight and all. I'm saying use comparably measured ratings. Also dont use the number or likeness. Also, don't be so quick to dive in with unwarranted criticism if you don't understand.....Bud.
I think it will happen sometime in the possibly not so distant future. There’s no reason to not allow kids to receive compensation for their own likenesses. More than that, is that really so important to the NCAA that they’re willing to turn down more money from someone like EA who would be paying them for their license?
I mean, it's not EA that is holding back making the game. EA would gladly pay the players, they don't care who they have to pay just what they have to pay.I don’t think with the talk of rule changes especially EA or any big company like 2K or whoever else for that matter would even consider a totally generic game anymore. At this point a company like EA might as well wait and see if future rule changes allow for a realistic collegiate sports video game to be made.
I think it will happen sometime in the possibly not so distant future. There’s no reason to not allow kids to receive compensation for their own likenesses. More than that, is that really so important to the NCAA that they’re willing to turn down more money from someone like EA who would be paying them for their license?
That’s exactly it. I’m just saying that right now, why make a generic game when it’s possible they will be allowed to make a real game in a few years? It is a very real possibility the NCAA will change that part of the rules.I mean, it's not EA that is holding back making the game. EA would gladly pay the players, they don't care who they have to pay just what they have to pay.
It's 100% the NCAA that is preventing it from happening because they want to have the exclusive right to earn from college football and player likeness. The NCAA doesn't get paid for the inclusion of the schools, the schools and conferences negotiated their own paycheck for their inclusions in the game.
If the NCAA didn't exist the game would be made in a heartbeat. If the NCAA allowed the players to negotiate for their own inclusion, the game would be made in a heartbeat. If it was up to the schools whether or not their players could be paid for their inclusion, the game would be made in a heartbeat.
EA pays ungodly sums of money to license the NFL, FIFA, NHL, and recently UEFA. The primary marketing for their games is realism and they aren't afraid to pay for it, but the NCAA just won't let them. This is 100% an NCAA issue and should be completely laid at their feet.
I completely agree, just pointing out that it will most likely be years before this can happen. The NCAA will defend any erosion of their control, and unfortunately got a win the most recent major battle when it was determined that amateurism was a key factor in the league's success. Something that will be taken into account in lawsuits going forward.That’s exactly it. I’m just saying that right now, why make a generic game when it’s possible they will be allowed to make a real game in a few years? It is a very real possibility the NCAA will change that part of the rules.
And yes the schools and conferences get paid for their inclusions, but is the NCAA also not getting paid for the NCAA logos plastered all over the game? Everyone would make more money, but like you said that would include the players which the NCAA has always been against.