This was basically a despicable act, plain and simple. But I really blame these off duty officers just as much. Athletes and cops together is always gonna end bad, those two groups have bigger egos than the rest of the world combined. I just think cops should be held to a higher standard than a) being at nightclubs, apparently ordering, fighting over, whatever, bottles of champagne. b) starting and/or breaking up fights. It'd be one thing if he said hey, police, break it up. But no, being big, bad, police officers, they thought they'd just join in on the ruckus.
That's just how I feel about the cops' roles. In no way do I think Shady, T.J., Brinkley, whoever was involved should just be let off the hook. There is still no excuse for what they did either. I just know this is already turning into, "Well Shady broke a cop's skull." Really it was just Shady, the other guys, and the cops all acting like punks. Shady will get in trouble, and deserves to be punished severely if true. But it shouldn't be any worse for him than if the off-duty cop was a janitor. Sends a bad message both ways.