Slight Changing of the Subject: Pinstripe Bowl Ticket Sale Update

UPitt '89

Board of Trustee
Gold Member
Mar 14, 2002
From Pitt. This means we've sold 6,600+ of our 7,000 allotment in 10 days. That's not far behind last year's pace.

Estimated pace (based on tweets)

Monday: 3500
Tuesday: 875
Wednesday: 875
Thursday: 350
Friday: 350
Monday: 300
Tuesday: 300

Sales will continue to drop off but not enough that we can't sell 400 more tickets.

Pitt also got more seats in the upper levels to cater to fans who were wanting cheaper seats. So this should help.

At this point, I'd estimate we will be sold out by Friday and ask for additional seats, of which we maybe sell 500 up until Gameday. Plus another 2000-3000 who didnt buy through Pitt.
Maybe his "request for authorization" to post was held in limbo, like mine, on another Pitt board. Not that I'm bitter at all. Glad to be here. :D
I keep seeing the releases regarding the new, cheaper tickets being made available. Where are these new tix located? Are they down near the home plate end of the field?