Some highlights to enjoy and liked, with some confirmations what is happening, and using both to determine new ways to make CFB more profitable to take on new trends and technology. This is what Stanford did in reducing the Stadium and catering to the Sponsors and Boosters, with an eye on coming Technologies and interests with Silicon Valley expanding more into Entertainment. Why some of the toughest Universities Academic Programs to get into are Film Schools with long waiting lists. Pitt with CMU can combine resources to meet the future of Studios, Entertainment, Sports, and develop more curriculum's in this sphere of expansion easier than others as well. Henry Hillman was big fan of Silicon Valley Innovations and Investments and the Non-Profits his Will & Testament funded will be spending 90% of its money in Pittsburgh.
How Building Future Donors:
"Yes, I’m very pleased. We also know that the 25,000 number, I believe I’ve used the analogy, is a marathon, not a sprint.....,but it’s also are we retaining and keeping the donors and ticket holders that we have happy,....and people getting on board."
Pitt finding and hiring the right people to help Pitt's AD Heather Job & Narduzzi Rebuilding Program just like what is happening at VT.
Confirms Less Attendance Trends But More Donors Trends:
Season tickets are down approximately 2,000. Maybe a little bit more than that. Which is about an 8 or 9 percent drops, which we never want to drop. However, our Hokie Club and annual fund is up 65 percent.
Keep in mind, VT won the Coastal Division??? Smaller not bigger Stadiums but cater to Sponsors and Boosters while increasing younger alumni, fans, donors and viewers at lower costs!
VT Second Highest Attendance in ACC behind FSU but dealing with Season Ticket Losses too, this is a trend in all sports Stadiums won't be growing:
"We were right at 36,000....Because even though on a 60,000-seat stadium -- it might be 42 -- by the time you take out the students, the visiting, the band, the recruits, your staff, etc., it’s around 40-42,000, if we’re packing the place in season tickets..................Again, you never want to lose season tickets ever, but in this case, our annual fund giving on the Hokie Club went from $9.9 [million] to $16.3 [million] on our scholarship funding, so that’s a net of $6 million plus. And if we’re down, let’s say 2,000 season tickets at roughly $300 a pop, what’s the math on that, $600,000?..........We were around $700,000 in the red, and Jim [Weaver] was so good at balancing the budget. I want to say that’s the first time we didn’t hit it in around a decade, so we had some reserves built up to cover that."
Now you know why Penn State is reducing Beaver Stadium to 103,000? Attendance cost increasing as Stadium Season Tickets decreasing, just like many CFB Programs. Programs winning bigger do increase for a while, but it about finding that right balance in between while growing donors always. Stanford with just 7,000 Students planning is being noted and they fund many Minor Sports as they keep winning the Directors Cup more than bigger Universities!
Confirms Pederson Poison on Musical chairs Coaching coming and going:
"But for that last year, with football coaches transitioning in and out, some of our severance payments and other things, because we did pay two football staffs for the three or four months there while some were cycling out and some were coming in. You had a couple of former basketball coaches in Seth Greenberg and James Johnson that were on the payroll too. Are they off?I believe they all are. Yes. I know they all are. I know that one. Yes, just finished this spring. Seth and James both this spring, and I think [former women’s basketball coach] Dennis Wolff is about finished as well."
Confirms the previous Pederson Poisoning of Pitt Football Program with transitioning staffing on his Musical Chairs coaching with horrible consultants just like what Barnes' Bozo Buyout Fiasco did to Pitt BB and now left for his beloved OreGONE to be with Mother?
Confirms ACC working hard to play catch up:
"The ACC told us a year or two ago that, “Hey, we’re going to be down. Do y’all want to take it all now or do you want us to hold some back so it doesn’t hit you guys as hard and it can be flat through all those years?”........And absolutely we want to close that gap on the SEC and Big Ten in particular. And the channel, whatever format this takes, is certainly one way to put a dent in that. And therein lies the reason the channel is being done in the first place."
So, much for SVPanther's feckless arguments ESPN won't work to make ACCN?
ACCN Information is hard to come by
"Yeah, and we get a little more information than the general public. And it’s just, I believe a few things. One, I know ESPN is interested in generating revenue. People are talking about what they’re dropping and losing in subscribers, but the thing they’ve got to realize is this channel with the ACC is a revenue generator. So if you’re in business that’s cutting costs, which they seem to be, and you want to generate revenue, you’re not going to back off the projects that create revenue. So we feel good about that. Also, even though television is changing and skinny bundles an over-the-top television, I don’t know what TV is necessarily going to look like in two years, but I still believe that sports programming and content has value, because people consume it live, right?"
Why posted Thread Link Subject in December 2016 & January on ESPN problems after coming back from a month in Silicon Valley. Educational knowledgeable Lair Posters responded quite well.
Pitt growing Communication & Information Departments & CMU too:
"And part of this deal is that every school needs to have this minimum capability. And you’re getting into technology I don’t know the name of -- this many cameras, this much -- and they give you a laundry list. And we’re working on figuring out where to put that studio and the fiber optics and all those things. And it could be an expense in the neighborhood of $5-7 million most likely. But hopefully the money you put into that, each of the schools, that it is returned through some general revenue and other things and in a very short term you pay it off. That’s the thought process. So every SEC school had to do it, and just to get up to broadcast quality and to handle a number of events. The other expense will be personnel and people in front of the camera, behind the camera, all of that."
Pitt & CMU & Point Park has been producing Sports and Communication Professional for Decades and can do this easily and talent will be needed with new job opportunities and studio required anyhow by the ACC!