Some Final Volleyball Stats From OCS


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2005
OK....the out of conference portion of the volleyball schedule is over. The NCAA volleyball stat page is up to date through yesterday. I need to add a caveat. There are 346 universities that play division 1 volleyball. The NCAA does not separate out the stats by conference and they only provide a top 50 statistic for each team or individual athlete. How did Pitt do? Here are the highlights.

Here are some team stats..
  • 10 losses....30 sets in a row won....ranked #1 by the AVCA.
  • Putting up a remarkable average of 19.43 pts/set
  • My favorite stat....Pitt has won by an average score of 25 -16 for each of the 30 sets they have played. That 9 point difference is obscene.
  • Aces/set...#5 in the country
  • Assists/set....#7 in the country
  • Hitting %....#1 in the country
  • Opposition Hitting %....#6 in the country (which means they are holding the opposition to the 6th lowest % in the country)
Here are some individual stats..
  • Aces/set....Babcock #20 and Gomez tied for #43 in the country
  • Assists/set....Fairbanks #6 in the country
  • Hitting %....Stafford #34 in the country. She is the only OH in the country in the top 50....all others are middle blockers as expected.
  • Kills/set....Stafford #7 and Babcock #22 in the country
  • Pts/set....Babcock #5 and Stafford #11 in the country. They have combined for almost 11 pts/set or nearly 60% of Pitt's point production each and every set.
The season is officially 1/3 we'll see if they can continue this domination through the conference schedule. That's all.
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  • Hitting %....Stafford #34 in the country. She is the only OH in the country in the top 50....all others are middle blockers as expected.
That particular stat is outrageous. She was pretty damn good last year and she is significantly better this year.
  • Hitting %....Stafford #34 in the country. She is the only OH in the country in the top 50....all others are middle blockers as expected.
That particular stat is outrageous. She was pretty damn good last year and she is significantly better this year.
Considering the level of recruit our pins were, this kind of improvement shows just how good of a teacher of the game Fisher is.