Sort of OT: Dumbest play call in history of sports


Head Coach
Gold Member
Feb 1, 2006
nothing dumber on the biggest stage. lynch walks in from the half yard line with 3 more attempts.

Pitt cannot top that.
Nothing even about p****** away a Championship will never see anything like that in this lifetime
Pay off gate-he got paid off by Belicheck. Promised him NE job after he retires.

I cant believe Carroll ever won a super bowl. Even before that all time worst call, his play calling sucked. Wilson was killing NE and he never ran him until late.

I would fire him. Honestly. A guy who wins a SB and throws the second should be canned for one call.
The dumbest bunch of jerks in sports= Seahawks. Lost tons of momentum (and field position) when the td was scored to put them up 24-14, by acting like a jacka@@. OC after the game "i was only there so I dont get fined"
what did seattle that guy do after the td to get the penalty on the kick off?
Kentucky let off the hook for worst last play ever for Laettner
nly one good thing came out of that atrocity...

Richard Sherman git it slammed back down his assclown throat. Calling out Revis on the sideline after Revis got picked by a player then a ref. I guess he doesn't like people calling Revis the best. Big mouth punk.
I texted a friend this message: WORST - CALL - EVER!!
To which he replied, "No, it was worse than that."
Originally posted by noelr:

Kentucky let off the hook for worst last play ever for Laettner
The Laettner play isn't close to this. Yeah, UK could have guarded the inbounder, and Jermaine Dixon could have not overplayed Scotty Reynolds too. Those things happen. This was stupidity of a previously unreached level.
Re: nly one good thing came out of that atrocity...

Wbrpanther, Sherman is a total classless ass.

Play with integrity.
At least not putting your biggest guy on the inbounder to prevent the perfect pass was a decision that can be defended, though I will always believe it was dumb. What happened tonight is inexcusable.
Originally posted by wbrpanther:
At least not putting your biggest guy on the inbounder to prevent the perfect pass was a decision that can be defended, though I will always believe it was dumb. What happened tonight is inexcusable.
carroll's explanation was especially inexcusable; you didn't have the goal-line unit out there? you had 2 timeouts. you have marshawn freaking lynch out there, there had to be a run you could have called with the personnel out there. or, use the damn timeout and get the right people on the field. i don't see how they didn't have the right people out there when the previous play lynch dragged about 4 patriots to the 1. the personnel out there worked pretty good on that run. there's no law saying you have to bunch up in goal-line formation down at the 1 either, pete.
This post was edited on 2/1 10:49 PM by deepelemblues
Marshawn Lynch is known for his vision and ability to gain 4 yards against 8-9 man fronts. Pete Carroll definitely sh*t the bed tonight and called that pass play. Like you said Deepelemblues, he had 2 freaking timeouts. Your receiver made a spectacular play to put you in a position to win the biggest game of your career and you don't have the common sense to call a timeout if you need a personnel change? Nah, that was bull. Pete Carroll's all about make that splash move or call and tonight he got burnt by it -- plain and simple. Go with what got you there and you win.
Originally posted by passedout:

Marshawn Lynch is known for his vision and ability to gain 4 yards against 8-9 man fronts. Pete Carroll definitely sh*t the bed tonight and called that pass play. Like you said Deepelemblues, he had 2 freaking timeouts. Your receiver made a spectacular play to put you in a position to win the biggest game of your career and you don't have the common sense to call a timeout if you need a personnel change? Nah, that was bull. Pete Carroll's all about make that splash move or call and tonight he got burnt by it -- plain and simple. Go with what got you there and you win.
They didn't have 2 timeouts, they had one. If they burn the timeout, they really lose the option to run, as the clock would have run way down if he had been stopped. If you're going to pass there, you can't call a play that requires a pass into all of that traffic. Too many bad things can happen, a tip, a bobble, a slip, and the ball ends up in the wrong hands. If you want to pass, you call a fade, or you roll Wilson out, and if it's not there, throw it away.
Exactly - if you are going to pass in that situation, crazy as it may be, at least make it a safe play. Reminds me of Kurt Warner's pass at the end of the half against the Steelers - went from at least a sure 3 to pick 6 the other way.
Who actually called the play? Do we know? Was it the head coach? The offensive coordinator? Wilson?

Was this ever discussed after the game. I went to bed.
His explanation made perfect sense. His QB's execution was poor as was the receiver's.

For those posters above who said they had 2 timeouts left, they didn't have 2 timeouts left and were only going to be able to stop the clock one time. Throwing there against man to man coverage and then running the last two plays was correct. If they run there and don't make it they have to blow their last timeout. Then they are faced with 2 downs where they have no choice but to throw the ball. Actually, IMO, it took some forsight to figure this out correctly. Maybe that's why they appeared to let the clock run down on the play. Probably waiting on the O coordinator to figure out what he needed to do to preserve the 2 running plays that were sure to come on 3rd and 4th down.

You can argue about the route they chose to throw if you want but give the NE db a whole lot of credit for making an exceptional move on the ball. And give Seattle a little credit for figuring out that 2nd down was the passing down.

This post was edited on 2/2 9:29 AM by npl1127
It took the heat off "the genius" Belichick, who didn't call a timeout after Lynch's run. If they hold Seattle, they win anyhow, if they don't, I'd rather have 50 seconds left than 20, especially when all I need is a FG and I have Tom Brady. That was the second stupidest thing I have seen in a long time.
It doesn't matter who made the call. Carroll is responsible.

A possibility is Seattle expected NE to call timeout, so they (the Seahawks) would have time to plan their strategy for the next 3 downs. When NE didn't call TO, Seattle got confused, saw the clock running down, and made a poor decision.

Wilson's throw was off target. The receiver didn't see a defender in position to make a play on the ball, so he got knocked out of the way like a rag doll. Even if he catches the ball, his momentum was taking him away from the end zone, and the ensuing tackle likely would have meant he ended up short.

A fade to the corner, or a Wilson rollout, would have been acceptable options.
Great reads here with the strategies from many posters.....but you put that ball in the enzone right then right there
End of story
And that rb could have taken in or bounced it outside.... Bet here is it is a touch

Petey ****ed up

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