Spanier's last stand

Didn't realize Ditka's niece was on the prosecution team. (By the way, I wonder what the BWI narrative on that angle is.) She's as ferocious in the courtroom as Mike was as a player and coach. Spanier is toast..
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for years the joebots and nitters claimed no wrong was done on behalf of PSU. Somehow 250 million later, and two gulity pleas as to child endangerment, now come the latest hair splitting. Neither PSU administrator admitted to covering up anything. really? Can you give me a reason why they didn't contact anyone outside the loop with this information? Paterno was AD when settlements concerning his coach were done under sealed orders. Think he wasn't told as AD and or coach of this?

After years of sealed settlements, insuring the behavior of Sandusky never really saw the light of day for years, it blew up and the consequences are guilty pleas, fines and legal fees. We will never know the depths of the corruption of the entities all involved with the University and related parties. I suspect when certain parties are given carte blanch to act without consequence for four decades, human nature suggest some really bad things happened.
for years the joebots and nitters claimed no wrong was done on behalf of PSU. Somehow 250 million later, and two gulity pleas as to child endangerment, now come the latest hair splitting. Neither PSU administrator admitted to covering up anything. really? Can you give me a reason why they didn't contact anyone outside the loop with this information? Paterno was AD when settlements concerning his coach were done under sealed orders. Think he wasn't told as AD and or coach of this?

After years of sealed settlements, insuring the behavior of Sandusky never really saw the light of day for years, it blew up and the consequences are guilty pleas, fines and legal fees. We will never know the depths of the corruption of the entities all involved with the University and related parties. I suspect when certain parties are given carte blanch to act without consequence for four decades, human nature suggest some really bad things happened.
So well said .......JoePa is NO treasure of anything in Pa. , the man is a fraud.

H2 PITT !!!
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Reminds me of the Arrogance of Martha Stewart and could do himself in if the jury views him that way! This is Penn State turning in on Penn State itself, and it will be an interesting spectacle to see how all that Success had little to no Honor???

As Nittany Lions turn into calling each other Nittany Liars?

The other development is the timing of the Sandusky's Last Appeal happening at the same time. The Penn State Way is without question a Disgrace Today!

Graham has a Great Defense Team and every Constitutional Right to Defend himself. The Children Victim had none since no one would listen nor protect them over Decades. I can see Spanier may actually testify depending as the Schultz & Curry Cross Examination goes, and would not discount it.

We shall see?
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I just see spanier as a snake that won't accept his guilt and want to go to trial.
I actually hope he does and curley, shultz and mc creary take the stand.
If that happens I bet the gloves come off.
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I just see spanier as a snake that won't accept his guilt and want to go to trial.
I actually hope he does and curley, shultz and mc creary take the stand.
If that happens I bet the gloves come off.

His smugness is going to make it hard for the jury to like him. Get an extra large bucket of popcorn. This is going to get interesting.
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His smugness is going to make it hard for the jury to like him. Get an extra large bucket of popcorn. This is going to get interesting.
Penn State is looking for ways to save money now to pay for all the fines, expenses and costs it has incurred someone will recommend the Penn State Big Blue Band be replaced by president emeritus, university professor, and professor of human development and family studies, sociology, demography, and family; and community medicine with tenure if he is found Not Guilty........

I Have Penn State Tenure:


Spanier Can Replace Either Below:

Aye, Aye As Re-Assigned!
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"HOF Coach, post: 1842432, member: 4576"]
We can't play Pitt anymore so we can make more Money now same Scenario of Nittany Lions turning On Nittany Liars?

Let's hope that does not confuse a Jury of their Peers above?

One Dead, Two Guilty, One To Go With Truth Set By Freeh!

Talk about a Tale of Transformation Of Information Under Cross Examination!


A Penn State 1963 Graduate Grand Experiment!

Still About The Money!
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I am sorry, but PSU really disgusts me and and it makes me beyond disgusted that SMU got the death penalty and PSU gets shortened sanctions. How dare you buy Eric Dickerson a Corvett, but you, PSU, can have the most vile, decades long and disgusting cover up of any American institution in history and well you have made amends in 1.5 years!!

They all knew, period, and my gut tells me most in high places in "Happy Valley" knew and just looked at Jerry as their "crazy uncle" that you want to keep your kids away from. Just let the underprivileged 2nd mile kids go to the Alamo Bowl and visit the showers and work out facilities and his emeritus status office two doors down from Good Ole JoePa. Along with numerous PSU connected individuals with financial interests tied into the 2nd Mile. Mark Madden is probably right that a child sex ring was run through that disgusting 2nd Mile!!

Sorry for the rant but that place, along with Baylor, should have their FB programs closed down for 5 years


Paterno: "Trust me, Graham. We don't have to call the police or the Child Protection Agency on Jerry.

Who around here is going to blame you or me? Just lay low and this will blow over again, just like it has done every other time that Jerry raped the boys in the past.

Nothing is more important than Penn State Football and don't ever forget that!"

Spanier: "Yes, sir."
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for years the joebots and nitters claimed no wrong was done on behalf of PSU. Somehow 250 million later, and two gulity pleas as to child endangerment, now come the latest hair splitting. Neither PSU administrator admitted to covering up anything. really? Can you give me a reason why they didn't contact anyone outside the loop with this information? Paterno was AD when settlements concerning his coach were done under sealed orders. Think he wasn't told as AD and or coach of this?

After years of sealed settlements, insuring the behavior of Sandusky never really saw the light of day for years, it blew up and the consequences are guilty pleas, fines and legal fees. We will never know the depths of the corruption of the entities all involved with the University and related parties. I suspect when certain parties are given carte blanch to act without consequence for four decades, human nature suggest some really bad things happened.
Someone, someday, will likely get greedy and will spill the beans with a tell-all book.