Marshall Faulk is a complete tool bag though. My buddy, our kids and I were at Seau's resturant in San Diego, his kid, who was 12, had a Marshall Faulk st louis Rams jersey on (this was about 7 years ago), and we saw Faulk sitting down eating with another guy. His kid wanted to go over to get his autograph, and his dad kept saying no, he is eating that is rude, so his son waiting patiently, a couple times going to the bathroom to try to show off the shirt to Faulk.
Anyways, waited for him to be finished, Faulk got up and my buddy and his son went over was very nice, said they are from St. Louis and loved him, and could he sign his son's shirt. Marshall said he wasnt allowed to, but to write his agent, pay for shipping for the shirt to be returned and he would consider signing it. Needless to say they didnt do that. I would never ask a player for an autograph, but geez if a kid wanted one of their hero, you would have to say yes I would think.