Terrible performance by those 2 guys in Atlanta last night

Sean Miller Fan

Lair Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2001
Absolutely no excuse for Tim Weah to punch a dude and leave his team playing a man down. There's VAR now so you can't get away with that. Was Jester in town with some reservations in Buckhead with some IG models or something that he had to get to? That's the only thing that makes sense.

And Berhalter, my God. You are up a goal vs Panama. Playing a man down or not, you absolutely need to get out of there with a point.

This country deserves far better than what we saw in Atlanta last night.
VAR cost them the game IMO, if it was 10 years ago without it, that 1st goal counts and there's no red card and they aren't stuck defending a 72-minute power play
VAR cost them the game IMO, if it was 10 years ago without it, that 1st goal counts and there's no red card and they aren't stuck defending a 72-minute power play

VAR was correct though. I dont like how VAR disallows goals if someone left big toe is 2 cm offsides especially if the player scores with his head.
VAR was correct though. I dont like how VAR disallows goals if someone left big toe is 2 cm offsides especially if the player scores with his head.
I've watched soccer for years and until VAR I thought I knew what offsides actually is? is it like a TD in football where any part of your body breaks the plane? Can other players who never touch the ball during that play be offsides? Or your whole body needs to be offsides? Meanwhile in soccer the ball is inbounds even if touching the sideline.
Absolutely no excuse for Tim Weah to punch a dude and leave his team playing a man down. There's VAR now so you can't get away with that. Was Jester in town with some reservations in Buckhead with some IG models or something that he had to get to? That's the only thing that makes sense.

And Berhalter, my God. You are up a goal vs Panama. Playing a man down or not, you absolutely need to get out of there with a point.

This country deserves far better than what we saw in Atlanta last night.
What’s your handicap?
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VAR was correct though. I dont like how VAR disallows goals if someone left big toe is 2 cm offsides especially if the player scores with his head.
See it in hockey too. Offsides meant "offsides" like having an advantage, not some minutiae rule interpretation to the nth degree. Really hurting both sports. It was designed to stop bad calls. Not parse goals into no goals based on an inch (technicality). I don't know how you put the genie back into that bottle.
See it in hockey too. Offsides meant "offsides" like having an advantage, not some minutiae rule interpretation to the nth degree. Really hurting both sports. It was designed to stop bad calls. Not parse goals into no goals based on an inch (technicality). I don't know how you put the genie back into that bottle.

The goal they disallowed last night was not offides by an inch. It was actually the kind of thing that video review is supposed to fix. It was a clear and obvious error by the linesman.
See it in hockey too. Offsides meant "offsides" like having an advantage, not some minutiae rule interpretation to the nth degree. Really hurting both sports. It was designed to stop bad calls. Not parse goals into no goals based on an inch (technicality). I don't know how you put the genie back into that bottle.

At least there's more goals in hockey. Soccer you see some absolute wonder goals, crowd going crazy. But VAR comes in and says the goal doesnt count because literally a player's nose was in front of the last defender even though the player scored with his foot. On the Brazil goal this week, it was impossible to tell. Literally maybe 1 or 2 cm offsides. I think the rule needs changed to a body length. You have to be 1 full body length past the last defender.
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I dont think they will advance past the knockout round. Uruguay is tough, and Panama will outscore Bolivia...we needed more goals in that first game vs Bolivia.

Berhalter gone.
I dont think they will advance past the knockout round. Uruguay is tough, and Panama will outscore Bolivia...we needed more goals in that first game vs Bolivia.

Berhalter gone.

Yea. They are done. Probably for the best though because it gets Berhalter fired and hopefully sued for gross negligence.
Yea. They are done. Probably for the best though because it gets Berhalter fired and hopefully sued for gross negligence.
Shame on the people who hired last night’s loser in Georgia. They didn’t see this coming? Not very smart people. Clueless and pathetic. Hopefully they get it right this time. Here’s a chance for a mulligan.
At least there's more goals in hockey. Soccer you see some absolute wonder goals, crowd going crazy. But VAR comes in and says the goal doesnt count because literally a player's nose was in front of the last defender even though the player scored with his foot. On the Brazil goal this week, it was impossible to tell. Literally maybe 1 or 2 cm offsides. I think the rule needs changed to a body length. You have to be 1 full body length past the last defender.
That's the thing, soccer doesn't need less goals, it doesn't need more goals disallowed.
I think that was his point.
I was thinking about VAR and wondering? How often does VAR overturn an offside flag and award a goal that was waived off compared to waiving off a goal after determining offside with VAR? I feel like one consequence of VAR and "getting it right" is less goals scored overall? I'm sure somebody could study that. But yeah, now that soccer is reaching a peak of popularity in the USA, less goals is the last outcome they need.
How often does VAR overturn an offside flag and award a goal that was waived off compared to waiving off a goal after determining offside with VAR?

VAR basically never awards a goal that was called offsides on the field, because that isn't how it works. And in fact that isn't how it could ever work. If the linesman raises his flag and the ref blows the whistle the play is over. Defenders stop defending. Goalies relax. You can't then say well, the play wasn't actually offsides so even though the whistle blew three seconds before the guy took the shot we are going to count the goal anyway. That would be the equivalent of the ref in a football game blowing the whistle because he thinks a guy is down, so everyone stops playing, but the running back keeps going and runs into the end zone, and then the refs looking at the replay and seeing that he wasn't down and they shouldn't have blown the whistle, and them deciding that they will give the team a touchdown. You've never seen that happen either. And you never will. Because if you start doing that, the whistle blowing will become meaningless. And no one wants that.

But if you actually watch soccer, they prevent that from happening because if the offside is close they instruct the linesman to not put the flag up right away, to wait and let the attack play out. Because then if someone scores a goal that shouldn't be allowed you can easily take the goal off the board, but it absolutely cannot work the other way around.
Shame on the people who hired last night’s loser in Georgia. They didn’t see this coming? Not very smart people. Clueless and pathetic. Hopefully they get it right this time. Here’s a chance for a mulligan.

Do you trust the US to hire someone better this time? Look at the guy he replaced. A complete disaster. So maybe we should hire that guy again?
VAR basically never awards a goal that was called offsides on the field, because that isn't how it works. And in fact that isn't how it could ever work. If the linesman raises his flag and the ref blows the whistle the play is over. Defenders stop defending. Goalies relax. You can't then say well, the play wasn't actually offsides so even though the whistle blew three seconds before the guy took the shot we are going to count the goal anyway. That would be the equivalent of the ref in a football game blowing the whistle because he thinks a guy is down, so everyone stops playing, but the running back keeps going and runs into the end zone, and then the refs looking at the replay and seeing that he wasn't down and they shouldn't have blown the whistle, and them deciding that they will give the team a touchdown. You've never seen that happen either. And you never will. Because if you start doing that, the whistle blowing will become meaningless. And no one wants that.

But if you actually watch soccer, they prevent that from happening because if the offside is close they instruct the linesman to not put the flag up right away, to wait and let the attack play out. Because then if someone scores a goal that shouldn't be allowed you can easily take the goal off the board, but it absolutely cannot work the other way around.
I ACTUALLY WATCH IT, and yes, I know they let a play go to see what happens and raise the flag later. On the other hand it could be a one timer shot, or a really bang bang play and they raise the flag immediately as the ball goes in and then waive it off.

Basically, I see your point, so I guess the presence of VAR is likely to invalidate goals and never create goals, so are there less goals scored since VAR began? If so, that's not a good thing in a sport where there is so little scoring.
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I ACTUALLY WATCH IT, and yes, I know they let a play go to see what happens and raise the flag later. On the other hand it could be a one timer shot, or a really bang bang play and they raise the flag immediately as the ball goes in and then waive it off.

Basically, I see your point, so I guess the presence of VAR is likely to invalidate goals and never create goals, so are there less goals scored since VAR began? If so, that's not a good thing in a sport where there is so little scoring.

If you ACTUALLY WATCH IT then why did you need to ask the question?

How on earth would VAR ever "create" goals? VAR neither "creates" or "destroys" goals. It's designed to help ensure that things that are not goals are not called goals. It is not, and couldn't ever, be designed to give goals when goals don't exist.
Some of this is ridiculous. That Denmak goal was disallowed because the first 2 or 3 inches of the player's shoe was ahead of the last defender. Nobody wants goals disallowed for that
Some of this is ridiculous. That Denmak goal was disallowed because the first 2 or 3 inches of the player's shoe was ahead of the last defender. Nobody wants goals disallowed for that

That's the rule. If you don't want people who are only inches offsides to be called offsides then you need to change the rule.

Other than some Americans, most of the rest of the world doesn't seem to think it's a problem.

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