The 3-2-1 Column: Bouncing back, running the ball and more

What does on track entail though? Before NC State, what were we on track to do? Beat Clemson? Beat Miami? Beat VT? Beat ND? VT looked like it was a coin-flip but maybe moving towards them before the NC State game. The rest looked like losses even before NC State. They look like losses after NC State. Nothing much has changed in terms of track.

In terms of the defense bouncing back, I think the defense is fine. People just got fooled by the Lville performance. Not every QB was going to panic and runs into the waiting arms of our tackles the second the pocket moved at all. And Lville had receivers open all game that day. It was my big fear after the game and said as much in the post-game observation thread. Somebody on the schedule was going to eventually complete those passes.