The NCAA needs to step in on behalf of the student athlete


Jul 5, 2001
This is getting out of control.....the NCAA has completely lost control as a governing body and either needs to take action or dissolve as a governing body. It's one thing if schools want to aggregate in order to negotiate a TV contract. In that case, let them negotiates as they see fit BUT they cannot expect student athletes to succumb to this grind. It is unfair. An adult who travels for sales (for a living) is probably going to log less miles then the Penn State volleyball, fencing, field hockey, etc. How is the NCAA protecting its student athletes. I hope the NCAA i sued because of their lack of action.
There is a point where this has become a definite drawback to the Olympic sports. Here's a good example I heard a former athlete give.

Women's B1G soccer usually plays Thursday evening and Sunday, early afternoon. Away schedule typically involves leaving Wednesday, flying commercial. Get in late and go straight to your room. Thursday has some study time, treatments and of course, the game. Typically, Friday is another travel day. Depends on how close the next school is but it's not unusual to have a 400 mile bus ride. Saturday is practice. Some time for class work. Treatments. Then Sunday is a game followed by flying a commercial flight home, getting in late. Then, back to classes on Monday. That's probably pretty typical of a P5 team in most conferences. And you do all of the puddle jumpers and connections that a normal commuter would have so it's not like you just hop on the team plane and fly direct.

Depending on your conference, this is going to get messy and expensive for some of the schools. Will definitely hurt some of the Olympic programs because I imagine these athletes will consider how this impacts their academics.
This is getting out of control.....the NCAA has completely lost control as a governing body and either needs to take action or dissolve as a governing body. It's one thing if schools want to aggregate in order to negotiate a TV contract. In that case, let them negotiates as they see fit BUT they cannot expect student athletes to succumb to this grind. It is unfair. An adult who travels for sales (for a living) is probably going to log less miles then the Penn State volleyball, fencing, field hockey, etc. How is the NCAA protecting its student athletes. I hope the NCAA i sued because of their lack of action.
Welcome to the world of capitalism.
The athletes wanted NIL and they got it.
They also got everything else that goes along with it.
The big conferences run CFB & CBB now. WAY too much $$$ involved between those big conferences and their TV/media partners for them to allow the NCAA to get in the way of the huge revenue streams.

The NCAA is a virtual puppet regime of the big conferences that exists to give the appearance that there is an intent to exert some common control and balance for competitive purposes. But when it comes to regulation and enforcement, the NCAA knows to do little or nothing. Just get out of the way. Especially when any of the cash cows are involved.

So there is no common governance or authority in big time CFB & CBB. The big conferences and their commissioners are the ones calling the shots. It is chaos and anarchy in many cases. Really going to be hard - if not impossible - to rein things in at this point. There is no appearance of any desire among the power conferences to share or cooperate. It’s all about insatiable greed and power.
they need to create regional conferences for non revenue (olympic sports). zero reason for this conference affiliation to exist outside of football and mens' hoops.
I'm okay if they band together so they can negotiate TV doesn't necessarily mean they have to play each other. If it is evolved properly, the BIG can have all those members and play regional schedules with a championship game. This (as it appears now) is never going to work.
I'm okay if they band together so they can negotiate TV doesn't necessarily mean they have to play each other. If it is evolved properly, the BIG can have all those members and play regional schedules with a championship game. This (as it appears now) is never going to work.
I think what he means is that it is ridiculous for the non revenue sports in the Big Ten. Their lacrosse and gymnastic players having to fly from New Jersey to Washington State for games (matches?) that nobody knows or cares are happening. It was always already just as stupid for BC to play Miami, Syracuse to have to go to Wake Forest, etc. so we were already in the ridiculous state with this. So there should be geographically regional leagues outside of the current (ridiculous) conference structure so these teams could travel minimally to play each other.
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I think what he means is that it is ridiculous for the non revenue sports in the Big Ten. Their lacrosse and gymnastic players having to fly from New Jersey to Washington State for games (matches?) that nobody knows or cares are happening. It was always already just as stupid for BC to play Miami, Syracuse to have to go to Wake Forest, etc. so we were already in the ridiculous state with this. So there should be geographically regional leagues outside of the current (ridiculous) conference structure so these teams could travel minimally to play each other.
I went to a pitt v. Wake forest baseball game this year, they actually won on a friday night, the one i was at. of course the next game, i think Wake beat us by 20. regardless, a guy i was with chit chatted with a wake player in the bathroom (yeah, that sounds weird) and he asked them if they flew up here. nope, took a bus, kid said it was an absolute miserable ride..

and this is wake forest baseball who i think won it, or was in the finals. just stupid for these non revenue sports teams to play these games all because the football teams are in a conference..
Which is why football needs to break off, do their thing, and allow the older model conference setup to remain in place somehow for the Olympic sports. I have no idea how that can be done, however, if the old conferences don't even exist anymore.
I think the old/current conferences would still exist under such a format. Instead, they’d all just discontinue sponsoring football and a separate entity would preside over that. I’d also imagine that a lot more realignment/shuffling happen as schools revert to regional conferences, and I’m sure a few new ones would also pop up as a result.
Welcome to the world of capitalism.
The athletes wanted NIL and they got it.
They also got everything else that goes along with it.
This was going to happen with or without NIL, things have been heading this way ever since the initial ACC raid on the Big East.

The NCAA proved they were worthless when the gave Penn State a slap on the wrist, then basically a "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card for covering up decades of children being raped in the football locker room and for doing nothing in the massive academic scandal at UNC.
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I'm okay if they band together so they can negotiate TV doesn't necessarily mean they have to play each other. If it is evolved properly, the BIG can have all those members and play regional schedules with a championship game. This (as it appears now) is never going to work.
I'm curious to know if anyone in a leadership position, either in the conferences or universities, has an idea what the end game is here and how this is supposed to work. For now, its just consolidating power and grabbing the TV money. I guess they will sort the rest out later.
This was going to happen with or without NIL, things have been heading this way ever since the initial ACC raid on the Big East.

The NCAA proved they were worthless when the gave Penn State a slap on the wrist, then basically a "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card for covering up decades of children being raped in the football locker room and for doing nothing in the massive academic scandal at UNC.
NIL was just an example of where things are headed.
Don’t think for a minute that the Alabamas, Texas’s, Georgias and Notre Dames of the world aren’t paying attention to the threats of FSU and their venture capital alliance proposal.
If it means making 50 cents a year more in the future they will do what ever it takes to land that extra buck. College (semi-pro) Football just proved it.
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I'm curious to know if anyone in a leadership position, either in the conferences or universities, has an idea what the end game is here and how this is supposed to work. For now, its just consolidating power and grabbing the TV money. I guess they will sort the rest out later.
They don't, it's every conference for themselves which will turn into every team for themselves in a few years.
they need to create regional conferences for non revenue (olympic sports). zero reason for this conference affiliation to exist outside of football and mens' hoops.
You should rarely have to get on a plane for one of those sports. Pitt baseball can play Slippery Rock, Robert Morris, Ohio State, WVU, Penn State and Duquesne. End of the year have a massive tournament for the championship where you travel and maybe have a few in season road trips on weekends.

Its insane that a USC volleyball player is flying to Maryland to play a game in front of a hundred parents on a Wednesday night.
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You should rarely have to get on a plane for one of those sports. Pitt baseball can play Slippery Rock, Robert Morris, Ohio State, WVU, Penn State and Duquesne. End of the year have a massive tournament for the championship where you travel and maybe have a few in season road trips on weekends.

Its insane that a USC volleyball player is flying to Maryland to play a game in front of a hundred parents on a Wednesday night.
i agree. maybe in a decade, the remaining 2 or 3 super conferences will be so big that they'll have regional pods or sub divisions where they'll just be mini conferences within a bigger conference and the non revenue teams will just play each other and fill out the remaining schedule with non conference local programs..
What if the Saudis made an offer to buy PITT football like the wat FSU is planning to structure their athletic department arrangement?
What if the Saudis made an offer to buy PITT football like the wat FSU is planning to structure their athletic department arrangement?
unlimited funding but no alcohol at the tailgates and women have to cover their faces at all times..

i say no thanks.
This was going to happen with or without NIL, things have been heading this way ever since the initial ACC raid on the Big East.

The NCAA proved they were worthless when the gave Penn State a slap on the wrist, then basically a "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card for covering up decades of children being raped in the football locker room and for doing nothing in the massive academic scandal at UNC.
Other than SMU, nobody has ever been significantly punished for anything.
What if the Saudis made an offer to buy PITT football like the wat FSU is planning to structure their athletic department arrangement?
Like those English soccer fans, I'd have a real moral dilemma on my hands. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see them involved if it were possible.
Other than SMU, nobody has ever been significantly punished for anything.
feel like Miami got hit pretty good in mid 90s. Not saying it wasnt deserved but that hurt them a bit. of course they obviously bounced back and had a mini dynasty in the early 2000s so your point remains valid..
You could argue that the NCAA should have stepped up years ago. It's not just getting out of hand now, but this has been in motion for decades and decades.

I do believe there is a decision from the US Supreme Court from 1980s that limited the NCAA's power over football.
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I'm okay if they band together so they can negotiate TV doesn't necessarily mean they have to play each other. If it is evolved properly, the BIG can have all those members and play regional schedules with a championship game. This (as it appears now) is never going to work.
There is no point in banding together to negotiate TV rights if you are not playing each other on the field. The tv networks are paying for the games that draw 4 million plus viewers and that only happens when the big brands play each other.

This will get solved when football completely breaks away and conferences are not selling there lowered tiered rights.

The NCAA was never designed to govern conference affiliation.
Which is why football needs to break off, do their thing, and allow the older model conference setup to remain in place somehow for the Olympic sports. I have no idea how that can be done, however, if the old conferences don't even exist anymore.
This exactly what should have happened, likely way back with the ACC destroyed the Big East (and Pitt basketball with it). It is especially too late now. (The true) BE is long gone. The PAC is gone. The ACC will soon be as well. The Big Ten, SEC are huge, unwieldy and geographically ridiculous. The Big 12 is simply comical in all the garbage rejects it has (and yes I absolutely know that the Big 12 will soon be our own garbage, rejected football program’s only chance to survive).

These school presidents then and now have certainly proven themselves to be hypocritical turd balls for sure. Next time they praise their more subversive students for hitting the streets and causing riots, I mean peaceful protests, give it the raise eyebrow emoji it deserves. 🤨. Yeah that’ll show ‘em
USC got the book thrown at them for the heinous crime of Reggie Bush getting some cash and gifts from an agent before he graduated.
Hardly “book thrown”. Their biggest problem was losing their minds for at least a decade and hiring a series of terrible amateurish ADs (textbook cases against hiring a “Pitt guy” for anything in the future). Which led to hiring bad coaches.

At least USC was trying to assuage their hard luck fanboy students for its bad football by bringing in smoking hot daughters of dried out sitcom stars for those guys to ogle, but they even let themselves get burned on THAT.
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The NCAA consists of volunteer members from schools. The highest authority in the NCA is the Board of Governors consists of leaders from the schools. In other words, the NCAA has only the independent authority given to it by member schools. Any criticism thrown toward the NCAA on this issue is wasted. It should instead be directed toward the schools.
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