The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Penn State Sucks...P E N N S T sucks
This is the only correct answer
Freak out
Penn State Sucks...P E N N S T sucks
This is the only correct answer
That kind of tells how old I am!"Ladies and gentlemen, from Liverpool, England...the Beatles" - Ed Sullivan
we need to get heather to bring it back
Let it go. They’re trashwe need to get heather to bring it back
Still the One...Orleans
Year of the Cat...Al Stewart
I was more of a Wookin’ pa Nub fan, the cover by Buckwheat.Lookin for a love, First I look at the purse, whammer jammer....j Geils mix tape Fiji House.
LOL....same with the 1983 Fiesta Bowl with Pitt and Ohio State with the Lionel Ritchie song that goes "come and party, fiesta" I remember it playing.I was 10 at the time, but I loved watching the weekly "Johnny Majors Show" on WTAE. They would show highlights of the previous game and preview the upcoming game. I still remember the show before the Sugar Bowl that showed a great montage of plays from the entire season with "Year of the Cat" as the music.
Every time I hear the song, I think of this.
The year prior, the same show did something similar to preview the Sun Bowl and "Living Thing" by ELO was used.