The stars

Cap pitt

Jul 20, 2014
Quit counting the stars sometimes they mean nothing, look at James Conner was recruited as a 3 star his play far exceeded all of the 5 star RBs recruited that year, who wouldn't take 11 of those 3 stars on both sides of the ball
Re: You May Be Right, But Stars Will Be Counted Anyway, LINK! is just like the NFL Draft. Football season is now over, and the only way to keep it in the Headlines is for College Recruiting Ranking sand all the debate it causes to make Headlines in February until Spring Ball in March and April and then the NFL Draft and how many of those 1 to 5 Stars are headed to the NFL and what Rounds???

Then June and July breathers and football withdraw junkie treatments by posting and conversing until comes August Summer Camps and then the count down on the Great Anticipation of the first game of the seasons in High School, College and Pro Ball......and before you know in a blink of eye the season is over and once again the Star Talk and Counts start all over again right after the Super Bowl and then in all seasons long again.

There are people that make a living on this aspect of Recruiting and that is the American Way!

If Pitt was ranked 10th and Penn State was below there will still be talk about the Stars, and I know I would still following regardless!


There, Out In The Talent Of Darkness
A Recruit Is Running
Following Gods Of Coaches
Following His Ratings
God Be My Witness
I Never Shall Yield
Till Teams Come Race To Race
Till Recruits Enroll With Grace

They Knows His Way On The Visits
Mine Is The Way Of The Rivals
Those Who Follow The Path Of These Star Recruits
Shall Have Their Reward
And If They Fall As Lucifer Fell
No One Remembers The Forgotten Stars
Going Up Flames And Cut By The Sword

Stars, In Your Multitudes
Scarce To Be Counted
Filling The Darkness
Until Football Order And Light
Rivals Are The Sentinels
Silent And Sure Every Night
Keeping Watch In The Rivals Night

Keeping Watch In The Rivals Night
Coaches Know Your Place In The Stadium

Recruiters Hold Their Course And Their Aim
And Each In Your Football Season
Returns And Returns
And Is Always The Same
And If You Fall As Lucifer Fell
You Fall In Forgotten Flames!

And So It Must Be

For So It Is Written
On The Doorway To CFB Champs Paradise
That Those Who Falter And Those Who Fall
Must Pay The Price

Lord Let Our Coaches Find Them
That I May Star Them
Safe On The Roster
Recruiting Never Rest
Till Then, This I Swear
This I Swear By The Stars!

This post was edited on 2/3 7:08 PM by CaptainSidneyReilly
You clearly don't get it. Alabama recruits five star athletes and they are always good. Similarly, Troy rarely recruits five star athletes and they are always bad. Therefore, the star ratings are an impeccable system for forecasting how well players will do in college. It's science.


This post was edited on 2/3 4:55 PM by Dr. von Yinzer
For every under the radar player like Conner (who prove they can be special), there are at least 2 heralded (4 & 5 star) prospects who deliver In college at the high level they were expected to.

Are there talented 3 and even 2 star recruits who will prove they can play with 4 & 5 star players? I believe there are. But let's not kid ourselves. There is a reason the schools that usually win the national championship are filled with mostly 4 and 5 star players.

Sometimes a really talented player may receive fewer stars because he is a bit smaller or he plays at a high school level that is perceived less competitive or he just wasn't from one of the schools known for churning out big time players. In general though, a player receives more stars because he is bigger, runs faster, is more athletic, catches more passes, breaks more tackles, throws more accurate passes, scores more touchdowns, makes more tackles, breaks up more passes, has more sacks, etc. and projects to continue his dominance at the next level.

I think we have some recruits in this class who will prove to be special. Still, I would love to see another 10 or so 4 star players on the team. Wouldn't you?

Because of the recent coaching change and the because Narduzzi chose not go after MSUs recruits, I didn't expect to have a bunch of them this year.
But we supposedly paid top dollar for this coach and staff and so I expect them to be able to bring in a bunch of 4 star recruits next year. And I expect the staff to land most of the studs from Western PA.

This post was edited on 2/3 7:42 PM by #99HUGHgreen