This UNC game is disgusting

At the very least should’ve been replayed.

The phantom holding call the play before was bad. But for that to be the call on the field only after a conference and then to not review it... shit like that just compromises the integrity of the game. They did the same thing at the end of Duke/UNC last season, too.
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Lol, holding on that?!?!?!?!

This officials absolutely make me sick. They're like the cronies in Mississippi Burning or something. Crooked hicks.
There is no way that was a legal formation on that Carolina two point play. All three receivers lined up to the right were off the line of scrimmage, plus Maye and the running back in the backfield, means they only had six guy on the line of scrimmage.
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There is no way that was a legal formation on that Carolina two point play. All three receivers lined up to the right were off the line of scrimmage, plus Maye and the running back in the backfield, means they only had six guy on the line of scrimmage.

Sorry - I was too busy paying attention the the right guard who ran all the way to the concession stand.
Not mention the illegal man downfield on the 2 pt play. Like, legit does the ACC hire refs right out UNC? Is there some sort of officiating certificate program at UNC that feed the ACC?
Sorry - I was too busy paying attention the the right guard who ran all the way to the concession stand.

Yeah, I agree, but that should have never even mattered. I mean before the snap Wes Durham even commented on the odd formation that they lined up in. Yeah, it was odd. Because they had three receivers three or more yards off the ball on one side, in a formation with a quarterback and a running back in the backfield. It looked odd because it was so obviously illegal that no one ever lines up like that.

This wasn't a guy who was supposed to be on the line being a half a step off or something like that. They had five guys three yards or more behind the line.
It would have been tough to think of on the spot, but I thought Duke should have wrapped Walker up at the end of regulation and pulled him forward until the clock ran out. It looked questionable if UNC should have even had that timeout, because it was unclear if a guy was tackled out of bounds earlier on that drive.