Thon(g) Season - what do you say?


Sep 11, 2013
Perfectly timed after a big victory, two Thon girls ring my doorbell asking for donations. Is that even legal? But what I was wondering was what some of you ask? And what exactly are the financials for that organization? How much goes to actual cancer? How is it tied in with that black diamond fund?
They go door to door? I thought they only stood in intersections with buckets? I ignore them and make my charitable contributions to efforts that stay here in western pa, like the Children's Hospital free care fund or a local food bank. I think their efforts are based on good intentions but there are plenty of good causes to support here in our area.
I say kudos to those girls.

Of the many criticisms I have of Penn State, Thon is not one of them. Well, except for the pediatric cancer narrative. The money goes to the Four Diamonds Foundation, which directs most of it to the medical center endowment. There is some amount that goes directly to families of cancer patients, but not much. The Four Diamonds Form 990 is available online if you're really interested, and the Sarah Ganim did a good article on this for the Harrisburg Patriot.

That said, the kids who collect the funds show amazing dedication and organization, and I applaud their efforts. Give them a few bucks and wish them luck. They don't deserve to be harassed.
I'd agree that most of the students probably have good intentions. But numerous posts have appeared here in recent years with fine print documentation noting that PSU pockets most of the money. Naturally, local media never, ever question this, however.
Re: I say kudos to those girls.

That's what I do. Give them a dollar and move on. A bit, but not to much. If they are liked I was in college, they have no clue of the details and do it because they feel it is a worthy cause.
Having people soliciting in traffic at busy intersections is dangerous and should be illegal. Whether it's Thon or firemen with boots it's just a bad idea to put pedestrians into the traffic flow and distract drivers.
Re: I say kudos to those girls.

DO NOT ever give this "Thon" bs a dime!

Instead, donate to the charity directly!

Why give Pedophile U a reason to pat themselves on their backs??
I use it as a reminder to give to Children's Hospital. Much better use of funds and the charity uses it for research and the children instead of some of the ways that goes into PSUs bottom-line.
Re: Dedication Of Free Time For Charity Is To Be Admired!

How the money raised is spent is the responsibility and accountability of those in charge and that is on others.

It is cold, icy, and hard to walk and drive out there in many places, Yet, they collecting money and giving from others to Thon, and give them some credit.


This post was edited on 2/1 10:08 AM by CaptainSidneyReilly
I hope you keep donating to Children's Hospital. Hate on PSU football all

you want. But, don't spread false info on a charity set up for pediatric cancer care & research.

I linked the Four Diamond Funds Impact/Financials for 2013-2014 for your review.

Four Diamonds Impact/Financials
It agitates me greatly

I worked in social services for 15 years helping children who were in some pretty bad situations.
I have donated my time and served on the board for the YMCA and a half dozen other organizations that help children. Along with that me and my wife have given more than our share of our limited income to these organizations.

I walk past the canners and need to restrain myself from delunging them when they do the "so you don't want to help the kids?" snark ...
The numbers of page 9 are definitely very eye opening. The vast majority of the funds going to PSU endowments and less than $3 million of the $28 million in use of funds actually go to patient care and family support (which is what every canner says is the purpose of the funds).

The contributions to the medical industry seem very minute. If THON provided the money to well renowned medical research institutes in the area of pediatric cancer research instead of PSU endowments, it would be supported better. Again, its the reason why I give to Children's Hospital (#23 center for pediatric cancer research).

I research the charities I give to and look for what the administration fee is taken as a percentage of the funds and where the money ultimately goes to the mission stated (and whether that is well used as compared to other locations for those funds). Donating the majority of the money to PSU endowments isnt one of them. If 95% were going to support the families of cancer patients in the rural areas of PA like in State College and other places in Central PA, then that would be a different story and would fully open up my wallet. Sadly, that is not the case.
This post was edited on 1/31 6:01 PM by pittengineer75
why support an organization that is hours away from Pittsburgh!!!

is anyone in Hershey fundraising for Children's hospital, which is infinitely better than them? Have your donations stay local and give to children's:

stay local!
Re: why support an organization that is hours away from Pittsburgh!!!

My daughter chaired a fundraising effort that brought in thousands of dollars for Children's Hospital, and my family did support it in several ways.

Would you feel the same way if the students were collecting for Haitian earthquake victims or Syrian refugees? Not every charitable dollar has to stay at home. I'm talking about a couple of bucks -- a trip to Starbucks -- and it's to recognize the students' efforts. I get your point, but this is de minimus.
Never had them bang on my door. But, I don't contribute.I ignore them wandering among cars in busy intersections. Hershey Med is very much a local referral hospital. I'm not too inclined to direct my contributions to a charity focused primarily on a small section of central PA when I don't live there and similar charities and better facilities with better reputations serve my area. I'm not sure why they are pursuing donors outside their impact area other than to continue the endless PSU self congratulations effort.
At the same time I find it difficult to criticize the individual young people trying to help others .

This post was edited on 1/31 9:32 PM by JED_72
lol ..confused ..I make two civil posts that try to correct misinformation without being uncivil or disrespectful and they both get deleted from this thread .... and that is being open minded ...hmnn ..again 'Penn State' does not get the endowments..the Four Diamonds Cancer Research gets the money and's not a local charity..all kids with cancer benefit from new research ..but I'm guessing this post won't ever see the light of day on this board either oh well

This post was edited on 2/1 12:11 AM by 07mantle
Re: why support an organization that is hours away from Pittsburgh!!!

Slick, with you 100%

Charity starts at home, the nitwits soliciting in PITTsburgh are the nitwits that hate PITT, even thought they live and will work in PITTsburgh.

Ask yourself this.....Why would I drive to nitwitville to shovel someone's sidewalk when my neighbor down the street needs theirs shoveled.
The kids don't know it's mostly a fundraiser for PSU's med school, so no reason to give them a hard time. That's a little much. And complaining about danger at intersections is disingenuous and catty.

But seeing how smug many PSU folks are about THON is a little much considering the lack of effort involved. They are so tone deaf that they loudly declare moral high ground after dropping change into a bucket or canning one day a year. Meanwhile folks in healthcare and research quietly sacrifice cushy careers and bigger paychecks so they can treat and cure diseases over the course of their whole professional life rather than just one day a year.

This post was edited on 2/1 12:36 PM by rpost3
I agree with you completely.
It's bad enough they are soliciting for a charity outside the area but running thru traffic is bad and should be banned for safety reasons. The Firemen had a truck blocking one of the lanes in a 4 way intersection while they collected for MD. If an emergency vehicle had to get thru it would've been delayed
Let them ALL go to malls or entrances to supermarkets - plenty of walking traffic there.
sPitt wishes they could get as many people to show up to watch their high school football team play in Heinz Field on saturdays ...........THON is a great event what does sPitt do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sPitt is a joke .....hell sPitt fans want Dixon fired because he is having a down year its freaking sPitt who wants to coach at sPitt no one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by richterstud:

sPitt wishes they could get as many people to show up to watch their high school football team play in Heinz Field on saturdays ...........THON is a great event what does sPitt do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sPitt is a joke .....hell sPitt fans want Dixon fired because he is having a down year its freaking sPitt who wants to coach at sPitt no one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes because that is all in life that matters. How many people attend a friggin football game. You are pathetic.