There are posts regarding the players’ performance on Saturday so I thought this would be off the field related to Saturday.
Did anyone get a chance to meet and talk to the new AD? Your impression of her?
Kudos to those that made the trip on Saturday. It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze to keep it from getting too hot. I saw in the parking lot a couple of Virginia license plates as well as a South Carolina license plate. I recall JHud in the roll call was coming in from Lititz. For those that made the trip of at least a couple hours one way, well done!
I could have sworn I saw Bill Fralic tailgaiting in the parking lot before the game was over as I left with less than three minutes remaining. Anyone else confirm that Fralic was in attendance? That’s great that he’s still around and supporting the program. Great to see Fitz and Palko on the sideline as well. I saw Sam Clancy's picture in the PPG and other than Boyd and Sheard, what other former players were there?
Why wasn’t the large scoreboard turned on? Bit of a damper on the day.
I asked on my way out at the information desk if they had any Pitt pocket schedules. He said all he had was the handout they gave out which had the schedule on one side. I use a pocket schedule a good bit for reference. I know they’ll be mailed out with the season tickets, but nice to have for reference till then.
Felt good to get a football fix.
Did anyone get a chance to meet and talk to the new AD? Your impression of her?
Kudos to those that made the trip on Saturday. It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze to keep it from getting too hot. I saw in the parking lot a couple of Virginia license plates as well as a South Carolina license plate. I recall JHud in the roll call was coming in from Lititz. For those that made the trip of at least a couple hours one way, well done!
I could have sworn I saw Bill Fralic tailgaiting in the parking lot before the game was over as I left with less than three minutes remaining. Anyone else confirm that Fralic was in attendance? That’s great that he’s still around and supporting the program. Great to see Fitz and Palko on the sideline as well. I saw Sam Clancy's picture in the PPG and other than Boyd and Sheard, what other former players were there?
Why wasn’t the large scoreboard turned on? Bit of a damper on the day.
I asked on my way out at the information desk if they had any Pitt pocket schedules. He said all he had was the handout they gave out which had the schedule on one side. I use a pocket schedule a good bit for reference. I know they’ll be mailed out with the season tickets, but nice to have for reference till then.
Felt good to get a football fix.