Thoughts on LOI event


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2001
I have attended almost all the events, starting with the first one with Walt at the Field House, cookies and beverages were great. Worst by far was year we lost Pinky and Mr. Rita's late in the game and the fact the Big East was going in the crapper. Have always been excited about these events for different reasons. With Graham, after the Haymaker episode anyone would have seemed like Bear Bryant. That said it is always a bit of a downer to lose recruits. Especially when this and the previous staffs adjust their recruiting based on someones commitment to coming here. I especially have a problem with someone changing their mind so close to signing day. That said my excitement is not tempered for this staff and more importantly the school administration. I think for the first time in a long time we may not be fighting with both hands tied behind our backs. I will be interested to see how they recruit moving forward, though small and with the defections they did address some of their needs. HTP