Cincinnati Moeller is up 14-7 over Indianapolis Cathedral at the half off of two Thomas MacVittie touchdown passes of 58 and 7 yards. Been a mixed bag from MacVittie thus far though. I don't have exact stats, but would guess him about 40% completions on 15-18 throws. Has missed some throws by a wide margin. Even the 7-yard TD was quite a bit behind the WR, who made a great play to catch it. What has been very impressive, though, is when MacVittie takes off and runs. He has that long stride and chews up yardage so quick… he's reeled off a couple big runs and looks elusive. His early struggles completing passes looked to rattle him some in the second quarter and he had a couple near turnovers. If he can right it at the half, though, his team has a 7-point lead and plenty of weapons at his disposal.