First stop Camp Hill for Prison Testing and Orientation and then stay there or transfer to Hunlock Creek Retreat SCI or Somerset SCI for few more weeks, then House Ankle Arrests and then Half Way House, unless Judges changes the sentences that can happen anytime!
This is partly accurate but most County Prison are places where many come and go and many request a move to SCI's! We shall see what they plan to do, being Local helps Family Visits!No. They will never hit the state prison system. These are "County Sentences." They will be served at the local county jail. The decision of when parole will be granted is entirely up to the sentencing judge. He may elect to release them at his discretion, even before the minimum sentence is served.
These are "County Sentences." They will be served at the local county what? No "country club" flavors available in Dauphin County like in the state system or federal system.: Might do them some good to spend some time with the lads from 17th and Market streets in Harrisburg.No. They will never hit the state prison system. These are "County Sentences." They will be served at the local county jail. The decision of when parole will be granted is entirely up to the sentencing judge. He may elect to release them at his discretion, even before the minimum sentence is served.
Frankly I'm shocked.First stop Camp Hill for Prison Testing and Orientation and then stay there or transfer to Hunlock Creek Retreat SCI or Somerset SCI for few more weeks, then House Ankle Arrests and then Half Way House, unless Judges changes the sentences that can happen anytime!
Except one lesson they've learned is that they'll be even tighter on keeping a lid on the activities. The biggest sin to them in the Sandusky case is that that Ganim (traitor) learned of it and exposed the situation.Frankly I'm shocked.
When the settlements were paid and a judge threw out most of the charges on I thought this was over.
Problem has always been the "football first and only culture". Absolutely nothing done to correct it. The issues at Ped State will continue.
"mbe 34, post: 1910859, member: 1738"]
Frankly I'm shocked. When the settlements were paid and a judge threw out most of the charges on I thought this was over.
Good Men and Women like Sara Ganim Stood Up Under 5 Years of Attacks of Cult Dolt's now turning on Penn State itself and in total confusion Whom is to Blame??? This is after the sentencing comes about five and a half years after Sandusky, convictions and exposure the Protection of Penn State Football Culture of Silences for 409 and The Second Mile Corrupted Charity?
The Jail Time Sentence sends a clear message, protect children at all times and not Football 409 wins anytime not worth the shaming of Penn State University name by those seeking fame and fortune off the University with ingratitude being the blackest of sins.
Ganim, Thompson, Frazier, Peetz, Erickson, Joyner, Freeh, Delany, Emmert, Triponey, Shapiro, with the Late Judge Hoover and Judge John Boccabella all stood up and placed the direct blame where it was always at for over 14-17 years, and another 50 proven in Civil Insurance Lawsuits rulings, on the Football culture created at Penn State as the Department of Education Clery Act Title IX Findings of Facts & Fines with now the Criminal Court Under Oath proven sentences!
The same can be said of MarshCreek, Crusie66, DemoLion, CDM, MichMittLion that tried to explain why changes were required on BWI and were often attacked by Cult Dolt's only in shock and eating crow today that used to stalk and attack anyone telling them truth about what happen at Penn State.
Problem has always been the "football first and only culture". Absolutely nothing done to correct it. The issues at Ped State will continue.
The NCAA Sanctions and Freeh Recommendations did put in Penn State Football 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms Policies that apply to all even the Trustees. The Trustees are protecting the 400 Penn State Employees Confidential Names that led to these Revelations of Illegalities and Non-Compliance of Educational Athletic Integrity ending the Intimidation of leadership that failed Penn State. No one Man or Woman or Coach will ever such Powers again over Shaming the Penn State Name leaving the Penn State Football Era with a Legacy of Ashes ever again.
Actually, it was the Cult Dolt's Postings and Attacks stalking that continues to change Penn State Leadership ignoring them and standing by what they had to do to prevent Headlines as seen in Media Today. They are the problem now going away as Spanier, Schultz, and Curley on July 15th, and no one wants them back and each year will die out as Penn State Is Better Today without the Paterno Era Errors!
The Media, Movies, Documentaries, Books, will be louder, stronger, and coming forth as soon Sealed Documents get fully released. In the end, the Echoes of Ignorance of Cult Dolt's Stalking and Screaming will be drown out by the full truths. Just look what Patriot News was tweeting during and after the sentencing, they stood up again to Cult Dolts as well and praise the Penn State Football now that it has been reformed.
Old Nittany Liars Cult Dolts Declawed Today!
Can't Change The Facts Now Cult Dolts Eating Crow!
Cult Dolts Legacy Of The Penn State Way Today!!!
LionLicker Leading The Crow Eating!
Thank you, but I take no pleasure in reporting honestly and has accurately on what all know by now, this was indeed a tragedy for Penn State and Pennsylvania, same at Baylor and Texas, and MSU and Michigan.Capt, you're the best !
Look at the bright side. Had Joe not died he would have seen the NCAA give him his wins back. Him dying in shame with his legacy destroyed was a perfect end for that scumbag. No month long prison sentence could hurt him more than that.Sadly, Joe would have gone too. What a tradgedy
No one is sadder today and upset for Penn State than the LionLurkers who finally accepted reality of their postings being wrong in his own words on BWI.Sadly, Joe would have gone too. What a tradgedy
He might have been awarded money. Actually seeing it is a different matter.No one is sadder today and upset for Penn State than the LionLurkers who finally accepted reality of their postings being wrong in his own words on BWI.
However, I have hope in them all since even with their lack of social contact while lurking sometimes causes loneliness or apathy among Lionlurkers. They are one by one accepting a Better Penn State caused by the Noble Trustees that fired the other Bleedership of the University.
They now adore Erickson-Joyner Head Coaching Selection King Franklin as they should since he was approved by Penn State First Athletic Integrity Officer! As required by the NCAA-Big-10 Sanctions to put in Freeh Legal Recommendations to make Penn State Better!
The BWI Lurkers on the Lair use many names, including browsers, read-only participants, non-public participants, legitimate peripheral participants, and are vicarious learners. It is the Mission of the Few to Share To Learn and make them better Posters as well, even on BWI and all of Rivals.
After all, these far few Lost Little Brothers have been chasing Pitt Football Records since 1869 and still upset they have not passed Pitt, and even are smaller compare to Michigan, Nebraska, and Ohio State as well.
Heck, it took Joe Paterno years to win his First National Championship without Athletic Integrity, Silence on Ref Guman's Son playing for him, Decades to catch up to Pitt in wins, and died with Legacy of Ashes!
No Bama, Pitt, Michigan, Ohio State, OU, MSU, USC, or any CFB Coach ever Shamed Pitt Name the way did Paterno's Penn State Grand Experiment Way and that included hiring Sandusky and Curley too!
In a strange way, by the way, Paterno by hiring McQueary made Mike a Millionaire and his Lawyers too. Mike may well buy that Joe's Statue and put it on his New Mansion property. This may well be why Penn State is hiding it in silence!
Mike McQueary became aware that this was a Penn State Problem and told Paterno and in the End, is the Beneficiary of being hired as a Coach two years later, was Fired as well, then rewarded as a Whistle-Blower and being Honest Under Oath in his Trial and subjected to Cross-Examination, and the Jury & Judge Awarded him Lump sums and Attorney Fees!He might have been awarded money. Actually seeing it is a different matter.