Tom Savage


Head Coach
Nov 5, 2003
Kind of feel sorry for him. Man, you think the local guys are idiot reporters. Check out cbssports. Talk about hype. He starts with first teamers against other first teamers and goes 9/11 and had a td drive in his one quarter of work. He was then "yanked" (never heard that term for a starter in preseason game one, hahaha) after the first quarter and Watson strikes first in QB battle and Watson draws first blood in Texans QB battle ( goes a respectable 15/25 against the second and third teamers (not to mention losing a game which was tied when he entered) ... hillarious hype.

Understandably, knucklehead nfl fans always want the 1st round pick to be a superstar and ultimately Watson may end up being an NFL stud, but geez the hype gets ridiculous.
Kind of feel sorry for him. Man, you think the local guys are idiot reporters. Check out cbssports. Talk about hype. He starts with first teamers against other first teamers and goes 9/11 and had a td drive in his one quarter of work. He was then "yanked" (never heard that term for a starter in preseason game one, hahaha) after the first quarter and Watson strikes first in QB battle and Watson draws first blood in Texans QB battle ( goes a respectable 15/25 against the second and third teamers (not to mention losing a game which was tied when he entered) ... hillarious hype.

Understandably, knucklehead nfl fans always want the 1st round pick to be a superstar and ultimately Watson may end up being an NFL stud, but geez the hype gets ridiculous.
he could play perfect and Watson will still start over him soon enough. pressure is too great nowadays in the NFL with a first round QB.. the days of asking them to sit for a few years is way gone. You rarely see them sitting a year to learn anymore, especially if that team doesn't have an experienced veteran.
Savage is going to have to play extremely well to keep Watson on the bench.

I hope Savage can start the entire season and the Texans win nine games. That would mean Bill O'Brien would be the first NFL coach to win nine games in each of his first four seasons with four different QBs who were average to mediocre. Not an easy thing to do in that sport, but hey some weren't all that impressed with the job he did at PSU or in the NFL to date.
Everything ive been reading has him as the clear starter.

I know that they have Waston "on deck," but I hope Tom plays well enough to land a realistic chance to be the guy somewhere.
A lot working against him for sure. 1st rounder gets big guaranteed money and an owner wants to see return on that as early as possible. Media sense excitement (more papers bought/web clicks) by that 1st rounder story. The NFL, beyond the usual search for a new star QB to hype in promotions, is still dealing with the Kaepernick thing, so especially would like to see a new minority QB star right away (particularly over the stereotypical big white guy QB ... etc. Etc. Deck seems stacked for sure and perhaps his ability will be the LAST thing that will matter (until pedal hits medal in games)
Who cares......... give me 10 wins a year for PITT and when our guys leave for the NFL they can be great or bums. (Plus the dude was a mercenary here)
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Who cares......... give me 10 wins a year for PITT and when our guys leave for the NFL they can be great or bums. (Plus the dude was a mercenary here)
Who? apparently you as here you are commenting..
A lot working against him for sure. 1st rounder gets big guaranteed money and an owner wants to see return on that as early as possible. Media sense excitement (more papers bought/web clicks) by that 1st rounder story. The NFL, beyond the usual search for a new star QB to hype in promotions, is still dealing with the Kaepernick thing, so especially would like to see a new minority QB star right away (particularly over the stereotypical big white guy QB ... etc. Etc. Deck seems stacked for sure and perhaps his ability will be the LAST thing that will matter (until pedal hits medal in games)
Savage will start until he gets hurt.
Savage will start until he gets hurt.
Are you suggesting the conspiracy that the left tackle will miss a few early blocks to accelerate a knockout?

Just joking. Savage lack of mobility does make it likely he could get creamed often and go down at anytime, and that will make it palatable on all sides to get Watson in there legitimately.

But if he doesn't ... it will be interesting if / when they lose. First game, O'Brien will definitely get the question in the presser..."any thoughts on Watson getting PT next week coach?". Two losses, some wiseass columnist will declare it "Watson time". More than that, if somehow Savage is still starting, look out. Media will be drooling all over it. Heck these will happen even if they're WINNING but Savage is merely competent in the games. "Houston has been surviving but imagine how dominant they might be with Watson at the helm". After all every town has a version of Ron Cook.